The Next Four Years
By Salam Al-Marayati
Tuesday night represented a tectonic shift in the American political landscape because of Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential elections and the cavernous divisions this particular race exposed.
This presidential campaign did not create these divisions but reminded us of how changing demographics in our country have created fear and hysteria in parts of our nation, leading to unrest and a fractured society. Another indicator of this division is that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by the slightest of margins , while Donald Trump won the electoral votes which determines who is president.
We accept the results of the election because we believe in the principle of democracy and the peaceful transition of power. We have to deal with the presidency no matter who is in office and we have to engage all Americans no matter their political persuasion, their race or their creed.
We, American Muslims, will be among those who represent the conscience of the American people, based on a vision of pluralism and equality under the law.
MPAC’s engagement model is needed now more than ever. We will redouble on our principle of seeking common ground, whether with the left or the right. We will work with those who are disenfranchised and those who feel left out, with citizens and with government. We will base our relationships with all people and sectors of society on the principles of freedom, liberty and justice for all. That, in our minds and in our souls, is the truest path to unity as Americans.
At this time, our work with allies in media, Hollywood and civil society will be more critical than ever to promote the truth that can liberate people from the shackles of xenophobia. Our allies in law enforcement will be our line of defense against any threat to our community. We will continue to engage all governmental and non-governmental sectors to establish common ground and defend our democracy.
Additionally, we will deepen relationships with other people of color and marginalized communities who will be detrimentally impacted by this political upheaval. We understand the fears from those who have been subjected to racial discrimination and socio-economic inequities. We recommit our solidarity with all of you.
We are in this together. We understand that those who do not accept the changing demographics of our country feel fearful. Knowing one another - across racial, religious and political differences - is our sacred duty. It is time for dialogue and engagement. True security will be achieved when we are each other’s protector from any and all kinds of injustice and violence. Selective justice is a form of injustice. We will work with all to protect America’s houses of worship, our schools, our neighborhoods and our public gatherings.
“Endure, then, with patience (all that they who deny the truth may say] - always remembering that it is none but God who gives you the strength to endure adversity - and do not grieve over them, and neither be distressed by the false arguments which they devise: for, verily, God is with those who are conscious of Him and are doers of good!” (Qur’an 16:127-128)
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