Pakistan Citizens Portal
By Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd) Westridge, Rawalpindi

The Pakistan Citizens Portal is an excellent step forward towards good governance, in fact a forerunner of E Governance and the harbinger of Naya Pakistan. I wish it all success and Godspeed.
During the 1958 Martial Law I was in charge of a Complaint Cell at the ML HQs Kharian. During a visit Gen. Sahibzada Yaqub Khan enquired of me as to what did I do, and was amusingly shocked when I told him that I was a dignified Post Master. I apprised the General that my job was to forward a complaint to the very person/department against whom the complaint was lodged and which naturally the person/department always tried to defend himself by justifying his/their action, and which response was then dutifully passed on to the complainant to his dismay! A typical manifestation of “Meer kia saday hein beemar hoay jis kay sabab – Usi uttar kay launday se dwa letey hein”. I sincerely pray it will not be the same case here at the PMDU.
Next, just like the Complaint Cell, I urge the govt. to have a “Suggestions Cell” also on the Portal where a
citizen could put forward suggestions, ideas and measures for the betterment of the country. Who knows someone could come up with something out-of-the-box which the stereotyped pundits and gurus fettered by their degrees and doctorates could never conceive of.



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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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