Ashura and the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussein
By Dr Aslam Abdullah

During the early period of the Prophet's mission in Makkah, Muslims fasted on Muharram 10th and then they started fasting for two days in Medina on the 10th and 9th or 11th of the month. Ashura refers to the 10th of Muharram and according to Muslim beliefs in all religious traditions this day was of great significance. The literature about the fasting on the 10th of Muharram is all over and one does not need to repeat that here.
"The curse of God, the angels, and the entire community is on those who killed al-Hussein, assisted in killing him, or accepted his killing.
Ibn Taymiya, Majmou' al-Fatawa 4 / 487
The killing of Hussein and Uthman before him is one of the great reasons for the temptations in the Muslim community and God regard their killers as the worse of people / Majmou' al-Fatawa, Ibn Taymiya
But in our recent memory, this day is remembered more for one of the greatest tragedies that occurred in the early history of Muslims. It was on this day when Imam Hussein, son of Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), offered his life together with members of his family in the fields of Kerbala in Iraq. It was on this day when an army claiming to be Muslim confronted the grandson of the Prophet and denied him even water before decimating him with his family. It is a tragic day for Muslims, nay, for all the people in the world that the 10th of Muharram has become known.
Shias observe this day as a day of great mourning reminding them of the sacrifices of Hazrat Imam Hussein and his family. Sunnis fast on these days and usually avoid participating in events organized to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.
Hazrat Imam Hussein belongs to the entire ummah and his sacrifice is for the entire ummah, not just for one section of the community. He stood for the principles of Islam and not just for the interests of one section of the community. He knew that life is sacred and a gift from Allah, yet he reached the conclusion that there come times in the life of individuals when the goals of life become more important than life itself.
The goals of life he stood for are obvious. He believed that people would not be coerced to give political allegiance to leaders they disagreed with. People had a right to dissent with rulers and leaders with dignity and honor. The resources of a nation belong to all and not to one dynasty, or aristocracy, or an elite group. Coercion and violence were weapons of despots in their campaign against truth and justice.
Thus, Imam Hussein challenged the decision of Ameer Muwaiya, the ruler of the Muslim world at the time, when he nominated his son Yezid as his successor. Imam Hussein was of the opinion that Islam was against dynastic rule and the one nominated was not qualified to lead the nation of Muslims. He was not alone in this opinion. Many of the companions in Medina and Makkah supported his view and ideas.
Against all odds of his time, Imam Hussein challenged the forces of Yezid in Kerbala realizing that those who had promised to be on his side had betrayed him. He knew he would be crushed, and his family would suffer dire consequences. He knew that he would achieve martyrdom in the battlefield. Yet he decided to offer his life, primarily to prove the point that goals of life are more important than life itself. He knew that compromise was not an option in such situations. He also realized that when the choice is clear between right and wrong, one should offer all one has in the defense of one’s ideals. It was his ijtihad based on his understanding of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Prophet and he stood by that.
It is this message that Imam Hussein offered his martyrdom for, the message that has been forgotten by one section of the community and turned upside by the other. Shias mourn on this day. If they mourn the loss of the grandson as a token of love, it should be within the limits that his grandfather set for these occasions. Because the mourning and repentance should belong to those who betrayed Imam Hussein and refused to support him even after inviting him to continue his resistance. It does not behoove to those who see in the example of Imam Hussein a manifesto for the ummah to rid itself of all sorts of depots and tyrants in every aspect of life. By and large Sunnis remain silent on his martyrdom in general not realizing that he stood for the principles that Allah introduced to the world through his grandfather.
The tenth of Muharram, thus, is a day of great significance in Muslim history and it is a day when one of the great leaders of the community, Imam Hussein, knowingly and consciously accepted martyrdom for saving the soul of Islam. It could be a day to bring Shias and Sunnis together. Because it is a day of pride when the divine cause was given priority over one's life and a day that should be viewed as the day of deliverance.
Both Sunnis and Shias can focus on the message of the Imam and work together to rid their world of all sorts of despotism that has negated the essence of the divine guidance.
(Dr Aslam Abdullah is a resident scholar at and editor-in-chief of the Muslim Observer newspaper. He is also the Indian Islamic Heritage Project director of the American Federation of Muslims of Indian origin and the interim President of the World Council of Muslims for Interfaith Relations, WCMIR.)