Motherhood a Gift, a Trust and a Privilege
By Mahasin D. Shamsid-Deen

As pro-choice Americans storm the US Supreme Court in anguish over the potential repealing of the longstanding abortion legislation Roe vs. Wade, the substance of the debate is lost in the political melee.
There is no doubt that any of the people alive haggling pro-life or pro-choice wish that their mothers had terminated their life while they were in the womb. The human being and all living things cling heavily and fight to live. A dying plant struggles to absorb water and sunlight to live. A human being near death clutches dearly to inhale and exhale their last breath. This is because life and the bringing forth of life is substantial.
The generous and meaningful cycle of our physical lives and being are explained in detail for us to understand.
O humanity! If you are in doubt about the Resurrection, then ˹know that˺ We did create you (1) from dust, then from a sperm-drop (2 ) then ˹developed you into˺ a clinging clot ˹of blood˺ (3) then a lump of flesh (4) —fully formed or unformed (5) —in order to demonstrate Our power to you. Then˺We settle whatever ˹embryo˺ We will in the womb for an appointed term, then bring you forth as infants, so that you may reach your prime. Some of you may die young, while others are left to reach the most feeble stage of life so that they may know nothing after having known much. And you see the earth lifeless, but as soon as We send down rain upon it, it begins to stir to life and swell, producing every type of pleasant plant.
(Qur’an 22:5)
Within the Qur’an, mothers are referred to with dignity and respect. The term “Ummahat Al Mu’mineen”, typically translated as “Mothers of the Believers” grew out of the Qur’anic declaration in Surah Al Ahzab, verse 6, where Allah tells us,
“ The Prophet has a stronger affinity to the believers than they do themselves. And his wives are their mothers….)
From this verse we can infer that the closest thing than our own selves (souls) would be our ‘mothers’.
Thus, motherhood is substantial. It is important and it is to be honored. Those who are mothers should recognize the privilege it is to be able to bring forth another human being. Being a mother is a benefit not only to ourselves, but to our families and society.
As we look at three mothers from the Qur’an, we can learn the value of motherhood. Prophet Ibrahim’s wife Sarah thought herself to be past the age of bearing children, but Allah bestowed this blessing upon her. Some women believe they alone are in total control of when or if they will become pregnant. However, it is a fact that birth control methods often fail. For women on the other end of the spectrum who struggle to become pregnant, this story can serve as inspiration that truly the decision to place life in our womb comes solely from Allah. So, Sarah saw her motherhood as a wonderful gift.
Then came forward his wife with a loud voice and struck her face and she said
‘an old woman barren’
They said ‘thus said your Lord. Indeed He is The All Wise, The All Knower’
(Qur’an 51: 29-30)
The story of the mother of Prophet Musa is relevant during trying times. Her son was born when the tyrannical leaders of Egypt were slaughtering the sons of those who were not polytheist. So, she was living under a state of targeted oppression, not unlike many Muslim and ethnic minorities today. Still, she brought forth the child during these trying times and put her trust in Allah. In this story, we find that Allah brings the child back to her so she can nurse him, which fulfills her maternal need and cools her worry and dread for her son’s future. His mother knew that the child in her womb was a trust given to her as his future was predetermined. As Muslims we do not kill our children for fear of poverty or hardship, because truly Allah is Ar-Razzaq – The One Who Provides.
And We inspired to the mother of Moses, "Suckle him; but when you fear for him, cast him into the river and do not fear and do not grieve. Indeed, We will return him to you and will make him [one] of the messengers."
(Qur’an 28: 7)
When we review the story of the woman from the family of Imran, we find a woman who dedicates the child she is bearing to the service of Allah. This is truly the sign of a believer who understands that all children are just a trust given to us. Often, as mothers, we forget this fact. In our desire to be good mothers and in our maternal concern, we may overstep what is truly intended for us and them. We may help bring them forth and raise children, but for a certainty – they do not belong to us, and they have rights over us. We do not know the potential of the child that we carry in our womb.
The mother of Prophet Muhammad, God’s peace and blessings be upon him, did not know her baby would be the last and greatest messenger for all of mankind. Every human being on the earth now, in the past and in the future is born solely to serve Allah. The woman of Imran recognized it was a privilege to be a mother and dedicated that child in service to Allah. This is something that all mothers can remember to embrace.
When said the wife of Imran “My Lord, indeed I vowed to you, what is in my womb, dedicated
So accept this from me. Indeed you are the All Hearing, The All Knowing”
(Qur’an 3:35)
The woman from the family of Imran, then gives birth to a girl child who grows up to be yet another mother of merit and the only woman mentioned by name in the Holy Qur’an – Maryam, the mother of Prophet Jesus, peace be upon him.