Islamic centers can play a very pivotal role in promoting this much-needed understanding about Islam. Muslims also need to understand the West, and the Western values, cultures and religions, and this can happen only when both sides open their doors and hearts to each other, and the time has come to do so
Islam and Islamic Centers
By Mohammad A Chaudhry
Pittsburg, CA
Once an American columnist wrote, “No part of the world is more hopelessly and systematically and stubbornly misunderstood by us than that complex of religion, culture and geography known as Islam”. The statement is true except that Islam in essence and in spirit certainly is neither complex, nor cumbersome. In fact, its simplicity and ease-ness are its hallmarks. Its spiritual content is the same as that of Judaism and Christianity. The devotees of all the three religions turn whole-heartedly to God, and seek inspiration and guidance from Him. Their dogmatic differences may be deep and wide; but their focus on the spiritual quest is the same.
What is Islam? And does Allah (God) exclusively address the Muslims in the Qur’an are the two frequently asked questions. Muslims’ Allah is everybody’s God. He is One, and His Oneness is the lynchpin of the Islamic faith. The Qur’an defines Him as “One, Eternal, Everlasting, and absolutely Independent. He begets not and neither is He begotten”. Belief in the Oneness of God leads to the Oneness of humanity. God addresses Himself in the Qur’an as Rab-ul-Al-ameen (God of the Universe), and not of Muslims alone. He is Beneficent, Loving, Forgiving and Worthy of All Praise, and therefore, He is not violence-loving. For a Muslim, it is an unpardonable sin to think of God as One who sanctifies terror and violence on the earth in His name.
Muslims’ Allah is the same God as was of Abraham’s, Moses’, Noah’s, Jonah’s, David’s, Zackary’s and Jesus’. This God of all mankind, is uniquely Global, and is completely non-Racial. He speaks in the Qur’an to the entire human race, and not to the Muslims alone. Nowhere does God address as Ye, O Muslims, or Arabs. Even His Prophets have not addressed their followers with any kind of racial tinge. Even Christ did not speak to his followers as Ye, O Christians. He always spoke to them as human beings, regardless of their race or culture. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad never addressed his followers as Arabs, or as Muslims. In the minds of these exalted Messengers of God, such labels as Christians, Jews, and Muslims, as we know, never existed. The Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad are very clear about the Universality of God for both define human beings as a single race. “Ye O children of Adam, whenever there come to you Apostles from amongst you, rehearsing my signs unto… those who are righteous and mend their lives…on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” 7:35.
One wrong perception about Prophet Muhammad is that he repeals all the previous religions. He did not. He just reiterated what had already been revealed. He told the Meccans two simple things: One to believe in the Oneness of God, and second to strive to create a just society in which the rich and the poor, the white and the black, the weak and the strong would live together in peace and in happiness in a world in which men would not exploit women simply because they are weak and helpless, or usurp the property of the orphans because they are without protection. Is it not amazing that Allah arranges the share of the poor grow like a tree in the riches of the rich, and shifts the burden to dispense that share onto the rich. Poverty virtually should have been non-existent in the Muslim countries, and violence a story of the past, had the rulers and the Muslims followed the true spirit and essence of Islam.
No single book offers solutions to such diverse and urgent social, moral, psychological and economic problems as; how to save a failing marriage; how to operate a business with honor and dignity; how to improve a society in which all live graciously with other human beings; how to resist temptations, appetites, passions and insatiable greed, and live morally in their midst; how to raise children with family values by giving them love and warmth and how to accept their eccentricities; how to overcome impatience by recognizing it; how to put up with difficult people without losing one’s dignity; and, most importantly, how to forget and forgive and move on in life. The Qur’an offers solutions to all these.
The reason why Muslims still stand accused of and suffer from multiple social and economic inequalities and moral depravities is that they recite it, but fail to recognize their weaknesses, and defer indefinitely their correction. The Qur’an does not require people to believe it blindly. Prophet Jesus extolled the virtues of compassion and humility; Prophet Muhammad warned people of the danger of false pride and showmanship which crawl towards us as imperceptibly as an ant, and are as serious a sin as Shirk, equating someone with God.
Why Muslims pray five-times in a single day? God does not need Muslims’ prayers for He is above all needs. Prayers are a sort of vigilant reminder of God to man, a kind of safeguard against indecency and evil, and are a physical demonstration of true equality, unity and brotherhood, an expression of man’s thankfulness to God. How can a Muslim be a lover of violence, a suicidal bomber when he five times a day puts himself/herself under deposition with God as Judge, and having acknowledged the Benevolence and Mercy and the Universality of the Creator, prays with utmost humility that he/she be shown the right path, the path of those who earned His pleasure; and not the path of those on whom befell His wrath, and then in a single day he/she turns his/her face 17 times to the right and 17 times to the left, uttering the words, “May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be on you”. Can such a person then think of harming those on whom he/she had showered blessings, whether they lived on the right side or on the left, every day of the year? Realizing that Muslims might lose the essence of five-time prayers and make them a mere ritual of a series of motions, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) told them to pray as if it were their last prayer on this planet.
On the question of killing innocent people, the Islamic worldview, based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is that life is a Trust, a Gift given to humans by God, and nobody has the right to take it away. “Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves; for verily Allah hath been to you Most Merciful” 4:29. “… take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom”. 6:151. Life is a sacred trust that should be preserved and kept well. No degree of pain or suffering permits suicide, not even for political reasons. As a sublime and lofty standard, the first Caliph, Abu Bakr while addressing the army immediately after the death of Prophet Muhammad reminded the Commander, “Do not kill children, women or elderly. Allow monks to live peacefully in their monasteries. Do not cut a tree, or kill an animal except for food”. Violence often is the result of a context, not a text, and those who seek its sanctification, or those who link it to scriptures need to be watched and corrected. In Islam, killing of a person is likened to the killing of humanity.
The urgent need in this mixed-up and messed-up world of ours is for dialogue between Islam and the West. In the words of Professor John L. Esposito, “Those who contrast Islamic civilization or culture with ‘our’ modern Western culture conveniently slip into an ‘us and them’” mentality that…implies a “static, retrogressive them” and a “dynamic, progressive us;” Islam calls the diversity of cultures and humanity as a mercy of God. Dividing the world into the boxes of civilizations and labeling them as “civilized and progressive”, and “barbaric and violent”, are dangerous trends, warns the Nobel Laureate economist, Professor Amartya Sen. The West should understand Islam, not because Islam is the next great threat, but because Islam contains so many ideas and moral values that the West, for all its rampant secularism, still shares. Muslims suffer the same problems that have been long familiar to the West. Science, technology, medicine, education are shared experiences, and as such must be shared equitably for the harmony, peace and betterment of human race, says Professor John Esposito.
Islamic centers can play a very pivotal role in promoting this much-needed understanding about Islam. Muslims also need to understand the West, and the Western values, cultures and religions, and this can happen only when both sides open their doors and hearts to each other, and the time has come to do so.