Jacksonville Journal Courier
2024 – Looking Ahead
From the year that was, to the year to be
By Azher Quader
President, CBC
Chicago, IL
The Year that Was
A new year is upon us with all its new challenges and new opportunities. Each year we have witnessed with increasing concern and disappointment the dysfunction that exists at the highest levels of our political system, when it comes to solving the troubling conflicts that face us both domestically and internationally.
Whether it is the issues of the migrants, or gun violence or student debt or climate catastrophes or even the workings of our congress, nothing seems to work for the interests of the people these days beyond obsessive party politics. On the international scene we fare no better. We have either launched preemptive wars without sufficient cause, leaving terrible trails of death and destruction behind, or involved ourselves in proxy wars where our open racial bias and prejudice in support of warring sides is shamelessly on display for the world to see.
What happened to that “shining city on a hill” that used to be a beacon of hope for millions of oppressed and helpless people around the globe that we once used to be?
Intoxicated by the power of our deadly weaponry, we have destroyed entire countries in our senseless rage for revenge and left their people homeless and terrorized. As our sanctuary cities here at home with big hearts but not so big budgets, struggle to take care of the planeloads of asylum seekers arriving at their doors, our politicians seem to have little problem in doling out billions to Ukraine, where the war has no end in sight and to Israel, where they are executing a genocidal war on their Palestinian neighbors in Gaza.
For most of 2023 this is the America we have lived in ---- conflicted, partisan, angry, violent and vengeful. It is an America that is increasingly self-indulgent, self-serving, self-promoting. At the same time, we are more fearful and insecure, we have more hunger and homelessness, there are more sick and suffering and amidst all this if you can believe it, we are in search of a peace that remains elusive and a dream for a better life that appears to be slipping away from the reality of millions.
For the Muslim community to witness the brutal ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza which started in 2023 is a second wake-up call after the rude awakening of 9/11 they faced some twenty-two years ago when they were suddenly propelled from the shadows of anonymity to the harsh scrutiny and suspicion of a political system looking for scapegoats and a media finding an opportunity to increase profits through sensationalism and dishonest journalism. There are widespread demands from both Muslims and non-Muslims for cessation of hostilities and a change of policies regarding the unconditional support for Israel. To date there is no evidence of any change, and the killings continue.
Over 24,000 Palestinians have perished including over 10,000 children while the world looks on. And the counting has not ended.
With the coming of 2024 an important election year, for American Muslims the waters have rarely been so muddied, and the choices been more confusing for decisions to be made. There appear to be no easy paths. Just roadblocks and dead ends wherever they look.
Looking Ahead
Regardless of the changing circumstances of any time, our real concern should be what creates significant “influence” in order for the fullest realization of a just and peaceful society. A society where the interests of the people are addressed, not the demands of the elite and the ultra-rich minority.
Clearly it is time to take a deep breath and ponder on the way forward. No matter the level of cynicism in the political process that we may harbor, the first step is never to lose hope, however steep the climb is, however dark and long the tunnel may be.
Allama Iqbal, a visionary, who witnessed a similar tragic event with the fortunes of the Ottomans after WWI gave this message of hope, which is worth recalling.
“Agar Usmaniyon Par Koh-E-Gham Toota To Kya Gham Hai
Ke Khoon-E-Sad Hazar Anjum Se Hoti Hai Sahar Paida”
If a mountain of grief collapsed upon the Ottomans, then why lament? For the dawn arises from the blood of hundred thousand stars
The Qur’an in its part provides this message of hope as well.
“With difficulty comes ease.”
As Sharh 94:6
Next, we need a powerful vision which can answer the question “why” and inspire people to change their lives in response to that why. This vision is a product of one’s beliefs which when strong enough can make change possible. This comes from knowledge, from review of facts, from reflection, finally from commitment which makes action possible. This is an internal phenomenon, from within not external from outside.
As the Qur’an says:
“Verily, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change their own condition.”
Ar Ra’ad 13:11
Iqbal elaborated this same idea thus:
“Teri Khudi Mein Agar Inqilab Ho Paida
Ajab Nahin Hai Ke Ye Char Soo Badal Jaye”
If transformation takes place in your “self,”
It is possible that your present circumstances may change.
So, this change in our personhood, our character implies becoming trustworthy, disciplined, developing the capacity to favor the needs of others over ours, to endure adversities with patience and perseverance, to believe in the “guidance of Allah” as the only one to follow even if it contradicts our personal desires or the guidance from any other humanly inspired source or authority we are asked to follow.
Only when we have become sufficiently endowed with these traits can we have the clarity of vision to know the direction of our journey and become truly fearless in our ability to speak truth to power and address the corruptions and social injustices that exist in the societies we live in. Only then would we be fulfilling the Qur’anic demand of “aqeemus salath” which goes far beyond the offering of “ritual prayers” in the comforting solitude of our sacred spaces. For to “establish salath” in the language of Deen would mean the establishment of systems in society which follow the guidance of the Qur’an. This deeper understanding of “aqeemus salath” is made more apparent in Surah Hajj 22:41 where it establishes the connection between the “achievement of authority” and the “establishment of salaath”.
“Those who, if We “establish them in the land”, establish salath, and pay the zakat, and enjoin good and forbid evil, and unto Allah belongs the end of (all) affairs.”
Hajj 22:41
This more complete understanding of “aqeemus salath” has enormous implications for the way we understand our purpose in life and our role of vicegerency, beyond the limiting boundaries of feel-good spiritual practices. It opens the door for all progressive undertakings in the causes of freedom, equality, justice, and compassion for Muslims to pursue in the name of their faith. It makes them participants instead of spectators, proactive instead of reactive, living in their circles of particular “influence” instead of their circles of broad and endless “concerns”. (The Seven Habits of Effective People by Steven Covey – www.amazon.com). Absent this understanding, Islam loses its dynamism and its followers get reduced to a heap of smoldering ashes, as they have sadly become, incapable of getting ignited and becoming a trail blazing fire, that could light the way forward for all to see. Read how vividly Iqbal shines a light on our present condition through his perceptive poetic lines which he wrote almost a hundred years ago.
“Tamadan, Tasawwuf, Shariat, Kalam
Butan-E-Ajam Ke Poojari Tamam!”
In culture, mysticism, shariat and dialectical theology— They worship idols of Ajami creation.
“Woh Sufi K Tha Khidmat-E-Haq Mein Mard
Mohabbat Mein Yakta, Hamiyyat Mein Fard”
The Sufi, once foremost in serving God,
Unmatched in love and ardency of soul,
“Ajam Ke Khayalat Mein Kho Gya
Ye Salik Maqamat Mein Kho Gya”
Has got lost in the maze of Ajam’s ideas:
This traveler has lost his way in the stations of his spiritual journey
“Bujhi Ishq Ki Aag, Andhair Hai
Musalman Nahin, Raakh Ka Dhair Hai”
Gone out is the fire of love and Darkness prevails!
The Muslim is not a Muslim anymore but a mere heap of ashes
Returning back to our theme of building personal character, when finally, we have reached our satisfactory level of personal growth and capacity, can it become relevant for us to consider the role of “strategies” in the achievement of “influence”.
Here in America, there are two obvious strategies to choose from - the ballot box or the pocketbook. For using the “ballot strategy” the path will require for us to collaborate with others seeking common ground, so our combined voter weight will be greater to make a difference and have more influence. This process may require accommodation, rethinking priorities and when needed consider making compromises in order to achieve the greater good. Next is “organizing” to get the team together, to get the message out and finally get the vote mobilized and delivered.
With the “pocketbook strategy” it is a function of raising the money through fund raising campaigns from wealthy donors sympathetic to an issue or a cause. Unfortunately, in a world where the currency of influence is largely money, we cannot remain naive to its reality and its importance in buying political influence. For this strategy to be fully operational we cannot ignore also the strategies to build family and generational wealth through thoughtful engagement in business enterprises and legacy projects.
The example of the Rockefellers is often mentioned who astutely utilized life insurance and trusts in the creation of generational wealth which eventually they were able to use for charitable and political causes they had an interest in. Money has to be part of any strategy that aims for “change” to occur in America. Wealth building is not taught in our colleges, which is a shame. It has to be learnt through mentors, webinars and participation in investor groups. It includes not only earnings from employment, but also attention to investing and proper utilization of insurance, retirement funding and the use of trusts in avoiding taxation and asset protection in the building of generational wealth.
There is a lot to consider here and much to discuss and deliberate upon. The timeless guidance of the Qur’an is universal in its principles and compelling in its arguments, when properly understood and applied. It demands a life of striving and sacrifice. It requires a singular commitment to its guidance without any deviations from our personal desires. We have followed the dictates of our human intellect long enough to arrive at the troubled world we live in today. It is time to explore a better way. If it means following the guidance of the Qur’an, let us go beyond our engagement with the “five pillar Islam”, we are so often accustomed to practice, and embrace the rest of the Deen, the Qur’an teaches, in order to capture its fullest rewards and glory, it promises to provide.
Let 2024 be the year we embark upon this magnificent journey. Let this year be the year we act!
“Amal se zindagī bantī hai jannat bhī jahannam bhī
Ye ḳhākī apnī fitrat meñ na nuurī hai na naarī hai”
By deeds we make our lives, the reason for reaching heaven or hell; Within its earthly nature this human creature is neither destined to become a beacon of constructive light nor a column of destructive fire. ___Iqbal
Have a great year!