It will not be wrong to say that Pakistan is afflicted with what the scholars call “The Othello Error”. This term points towards a deeper problem: it happens so when honest and good people, expected to rise and resist, even they begin to act as nervous liars. Kelly M. McMann in her new book, “Corruption as a Last Resort…” perhaps is right when she says, “Economic development specialists used to consider corruption to be a secondary issue. Now, they see it as not merely a factor in dysfunctional economies but also a potential source of extremist violence and terrorism” - Image Linkedin
Where Is Pakistan’s Linchpin? – 1
By Mohammad Ashraf Chaudhry
Pittsburg, CA

“He taunts you with bills you can’t pay, people you can’t please, habits you can’t break, failures you can’t forget, and a future you can’t face. But just like David, you can face your giant-Goliath - even if you aren’t strongest, the smartest, the best equipped, or the holiest.” - Max Lucado (Facing Your Giants).
A linchpin is perhaps the most inexpensive thing, a mere 10C stuff, a locking device inserted crosswise at the end of an axle or a shaft, with the sole purpose to keep and hold together the parts/elements that exist or function as a unit. But it is so important and instrumental in the sublime task it performs that a good writer like Seth Godin chose to write a wonderful book on it. Countries and families, too, have their linchpins.
According to him, there are two kinds of teams, two kinds of people in a playfield or in a work place or at a home, i.e., those who lead, and those who follow. But there is a third kind of people as well - the linchpins - who act as a glue, as a lubricant - people who keep things together, and keep them running efficiently, who invent solutions, who lead and perform such tasks, regardless of position and title, who connect others when they are at loggerheads; who make things happen when the most brilliant minds are clueless, who translate dreams into realities. These are the people who prevent disasters, and avert dooms because they are the one who figure out what to do when others are at their wit’s end; they are the people who lead out others when they are embroiled in panic and chaos. And the most amazing thing about such linchpin-people is that they do all this willingly and smilingly and creatively, and they do it often when there are no rule-books for guidance either. They love their work, and they put in their extra best in it. And how amazing that they turn each day into a kind of art. Alas! Pakistan could also have a good stock of them, but unfortunately Pakistan is abysmally getting deficit in the supply of such linchpin people.
The cynical Hasan Nisar may often sound bitter and negative, but what he sometimes says often makes sense. He once asked a bold question, “Why are we in such a state of chaos and disorder which almost borders on destruction?” He answered the question himself by asking many a more rhetoric question. “Are we born with one eye? Has God now begun giving Muslims a comparatively smaller brain than what He gives to the people of the West in routine? Certainly not. Our problem is centered not in the brain as much as it is couched in our digestive system. Somehow we are not able to digest three blessings of God, namely, ‘Fame’, ‘Money’ and ‘Power’. The combination of these three becomes a deadly mix for us… it is a common sight to spot a “Do takay ka shakhsh driving a two-million dollar car”. (A two-penny worth man driving a two crore car.)
“Maang-ni-wala Gada hai- sadqa mangay ya kharaj… Koi mani na mani, mero sultan sub gada” Iqbal. “The one who gets addicted to begging is a beggar; whether he gets charity or ransome… One may believe it or not, the fact is , that all the rich and the sultans are beggars”.
In the Solomon Island people do not cut a sick tree. They just get around it and begin to curse it together incessantly. In a few days, the tree dies automatically. Yes. Negative thinking is toxic, and its lethal impact is that it retards growth - spiritual as well as physical and economic. It removes the linchpin and it lets the huge whirling wheel of the country or institutions come off the axle of the nation, and lets it ruin all that had been built. Often the blame gets fixed on a few clichés; it is all due to lack of vision; loss of purpose; abuse of power; corruption, poverty; misrepresentation and interpretation of religion; lack of education and then finally due to years of military rule and clueless and rudderless leadership. But the big question often remains un-asked, “Did it happen overnight?” Was it that one fine morning in Pakistan the people woke up from their deep slumber, and found these evils, lying in waiting to enwrap them, and engulf them? The multiple evils that have afflicted the people, and that have furnished a very apt theme-subject to the politicians’ rhetoric, did not take place overnight. It is the earning of our own hands. Psychologists classify it as “laziness”. Evils never got curbed on time and in a prompt manner.
Debbie Ford in her book, “The Right Questions”, underpins another answer to such a state. “Our todays are based on the choices we made yesterday, and the ones we made three days ago, three months ago and three years ago. We don’t wind up fifty thousand dollars in debt because of one choice. We don’t put on thirty unwanted pounds as a result of a couple of poor choices, and our relationships, especially with spouses, usually don’t fall apart overnight because of one hectic argument. We are where we are because of repeated unconscious or unhealthy choices that we’ve made day after day after day that add up to the reality we find ourselves in.”
Sir, our biggest problem is that we never make good choices - be it the selection of subjects in college or the life partner; or the job; or the business; or the company of friends; or the healthy habits; even the clothes and their color; the political parties we vote for and their leaders. We have been unjust to ourselves throughout our lives in small and big matters; how can, then, the result be different? Why do we keep doing so for years and years? Partially the answer has been supplied above, our basic trait of laziness. And add to it the element of fear. One begins to supplement the other, resulting in the state we are in as a people, and as a nation.
That billions of dollars of loan that Pakistan has accrued to the World Bank and to the IMF did not accumulate in one day; that level of rampant corruption in which Pakistan is entrenched did not take place in a week; that level of violence and terrorism that has taken out the very soul of people did not visit Pakistan like a wind storm at some particular night; that institutional failure witnessed by the world in which it is a common sight to see the patients kicking and killing the doctors; the attorneys thrashing the judges in the courts; the criminals butchering the policemen; the students manhandling the teachers in the class rooms; all this did not happen in one month, or even in one year. Cholesterol does not accumulate in the arteries by eating one good hearty meal; we do not become sinners by committing one sin; nor do we become chronic liars by lying once. It is the supervision and patronage of evil ways that has let all this happen.
In short, it will not be wrong to say that Pakistan is afflicted with what the scholars call, “The Othello Error”. This term points towards a deeper problem: it happens so when honest and good people, expected to rise and resist, even they begin to act as nervous liars. Kelly M. McMann in her new book, “Corruption as a Last Resort…” perhaps is right when she says, “Economic development specialists used to consider corruption to be a secondary issue. Now, they see it as not merely a factor in dysfunctional economies but also a potential source of extremist violence and terrorism” “Petty corruption” in the form of small bribes, favors, and paid-for votes offered by the average person to get a modest loan, a job or money for food, housing or health care… ordinary people engage in corruption only as a “last resort” because they have lost alternative sources of support. When the head gets rotten, the body automatically gets paralyzed. So corruption for most of the poor, working class people has become a compulsive imperative, a last resort. In such a situation, like water, food and air, corruption too has become the basic element of survival. (Continued next week)