In the Service of the Commmunity
2006 |
What a Waste of the Most Valuable Pakistan
the Television has gone Global and its
power to influence policies, people and
culture is steadily mounting. The impact
of the Television is so profound that
there is nothing to compare with it. In
the West, it is millions per minute adverts.
Yet, can you imagine the pace (or lack
of) of Pakistani soap opera dramas on
ARY, Geo, PTV. Minutes go by and the same
face close-up remains on the screen. Sometime
the close-up is so close that you can
either count the pimples on the face or
hair in the nostrils. They show a person
walking into the room so slowly that if
you leave the show and come back half-an-hour
later the scene does not change. There
is very little use of sound. Most of the
time, the close-up faces are looking upwards
or with bursting eyes.
Why do you want to heap frustration, depression
and hopelessness on a nation that is striving
to come out of poverty and misery with
dramas 24 hours of the day that show nothing
but sobbing and crying instead of some
light-hearted humor or dramas like they
used to be in the past – Ankahi,
Aangan Tehra, Taal Matol and Tanhayian?
By: Pervaiz Lodhie
(email: plodhie@ledtronics.com)
See Old Archives of these
Public Services Messages on http://www.pakistanlink.com/ledtronics.html
Comments, Suggestions
or Constructive Input is welcome.
Please email : plodhie@ledtronics.com
Pervaiz Lodhie, President and CEO Ledtronics,
231058 Kashiwa Court, Torrance, CA 90505
Tel. : (800) 579-4875
Fax : (310) 534-1424
American Leadership Center
PAL-C's commitment to building awareness
and educating Members of Congress
on issues important to Pakistani
Americans have made it a reputable
and recognized name on Capitol Hill
with an office right next door to
the Heritage Foundation. Without
the continued support of the community
to such an important cause, PAL-C
will not be able to reach its ultimate
potential – a loss that will
affect each and every Pakistani
American today and in the future.
aisha@pal-c.org Contact PAL-C Executive
Director Aisha Chapra 202-675-2004
www.PAL-C.org |
Akhtar M. Faruqui
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