In the Service of the Commmunity
14 2007 |
Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
& American Fund for Human
Development (AFHD) Achievements Update
as of March 2007 in Pakistan's Villages
In Education specifically Enrolment NCHD
was now covering 78 districts of Palkistan.
Since the introduction of the NCHD education
program it has enrolled more than 2.9
million out of school children aged between
5-7 years. In Universal Primary Education
NCHD has achieved 90% of its target. It
has also succeeded in subduing the drop-out
rate from 50% to 18%. Meanwhile it established
over 19,000 feeder schools between August
2002 and February 2007. In the Adult Litercay
Program NCHD has established nearly 20,000
Adult Literacy Centers where over 438,000
learners have been enrolled. Cumulatively
NCHD has made 928,503 adults literate
in addition to placing 2.9 million children
in schools since 2002.
Lead Agency for Literacy: Dr.
Ajmal informed the Board that the President
of Pakistan has made NCHD the lead agency
for literacy in Pakistan. Through this
status NCHD will be the focal point for
literacy programs under the Ministry of
Education. It will create a National Literacy
Database and act as an accreditation agency
for literacy, NBFE and other education
initiatives in the country.
Health: In Phase 1, NCHD
and its National ORS Campaign completed
training of mothers in 15 districts of
the country. By the end of March 07, it
would have completed the second phase
taking the total districts to 30. This
has taken the number of women trained
in the preparation of ORS to 5.5 million.
March 2007 would also see the start of
the ORS campaign in another 15 districts,
while 20 more districts will be added
in Q4 of 2006-07. Its Primary Health Care
Extension program has phased out of 11
districts and 2 more districts are near
completion. The School Health Program
was currently being run in 16 districts.
Capacity Development Program:
The objective of the CDP was to train
district level government officials and
elected representatives such as Cantonment
Boards and Zila Monitoring Committees
in planning and budgeting. In 46 districts
of the country NCHD has trained more than
6,000 officials.
Volunteerism for Community Development:
The VCD program is operated in
47 districts of Pakistan. For the last
quarter 11 1,636 people registered as
community volunteers. This program established
43 Volunteer Medical Stations and 174
Medical Camps. These medical centers treated
114,566 patients during the quarter.
Community Technology Learning Centers:
1632 learners have graduated from the
CTLCs since its inception in September
2004. In addition to the 17 centers, 20
more will be established by the end of
April 2007.
By: Pervaiz Lodhie
(email: plodhie@ledtronics.com)
See Old Archives of these
Public Services Messages on http://www.pakistanlink.com/ledtronics.html
Comments, Suggestions
or Constructive Input is welcome.
Please email : plodhie@ledtronics.com
Pervaiz Lodhie, President and CEO Ledtronics,
231058 Kashiwa Court, Torrance, CA 90505
Tel. : (800) 579-4875
Fax : (310) 534-1424
American Leadership Center
PAL-C's commitment to building awareness
and educating Members of Congress
on issues important to Pakistani
Americans have made it a reputable
and recognized name on Capitol Hill
with an office right next door to
the Heritage Foundation. Without
the continued support of the community
to such an important cause, PAL-C
will not be able to reach its ultimate
potential – a loss that will
affect each and every Pakistani
American today and in the future.
aisha@pal-c.org Contact PAL-C Executive
Director Aisha Chapra 202-675-2004
www.PAL-C.org |
Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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