Pakistan is Investor-Friendly for only
Mega Projects. It is NOT YET ready for
Expatriate Pioneers & Entrepreneurs
Almost daily we read
statements of President Musharraf and
PM Shaukat Aziz about the government policies
of deregulation, liberalization and transparency,
which have made Pakistan an attractive
and lucrative destination for foreign
investors and entrepreneurs.
The present government has successfully
embarked on hitherto neglected but badly
needed infrastructure-building projects
such as national highways, roads, bridges,
dams, canals, hotels etc. President Musharraf's
policies have attracted major foreign
investment for these mega projects without
which Pakistan cannot embark on the road
to success in the 21st century.
Unfortunately these mega projects do not
produce long-term jobs in the highly populated
and major industrial cities of Pakistan.
Even in the USA it is only the small and
medium sized pioneering companies started
by entrepreneurs that contribute to job
growth or create new jobs. Today's Pakistan
is NOT friendly to Expatriate Pioneers
& Entrepreneurs. Only a few simple
steps and policy changes can reverse the
situation and turn the tap on.