was not my intention that my recent messages
on Pakistan should have made one think
that Iwas against investing in Pakistan
an impression is wrong and totally unfounded.
The fact is that my messages are meant
to awaken the policy makers and implementers
in Pakistan to the truth. Placing the
cart before the horse is horrendously
costly and not the right way to woo potential
large Foreign Direct Investment into Pakistan.
Pakistan remains one of the biggest goldmines.
Unfortunately this gold is covered by
a lot of dust and dirt. If you are willing
to take the time and make the effort to
clean this you will reap huge benefits.
No doubt present government policies have
resulted in impressive economic growth
but far greater FDI increase is possible
if Pakistan's government took some bold
steps in establishing business protection
processes for all foreign investors. One
of my best decisions 9 year ago was to
establish a labor-intensive electronic
assembly line in the Karachi Export Processing
Zones. Today Ihave 200 finest employees
and growing. Ihave never had any issues
or difficulties. Ihave never had to pay
a single paisa to anyone. On the contrary
my Call Center business started in 2000
and my property in PECHS has been fraudulently
seized by my greedy Pakistani junior managing
partner. Sitting here in USA all Ican
do is follow a legal process which will
take years
Comments, Suggestions
or Constructive Input is welcome.
Please email : Pervaiz Lodhie, President and CEO Ledtronics,
Inc. 231058 Kashiwa Court, Torrance, CA 90505
Tel. : (800) 579-4875
Fax : (310) 534-1424
American Leadership Center
PAL-C's commitment to building awareness
and educating Members of Congress
on issues important to Pakistani
Americans have made it a reputable
and recognized name on Capitol Hill
with an office right next door to
the Heritage Foundation. Without
the continued support of the community
to such an important cause, PAL-C
will not be able to reach its ultimate
potential – a loss that will
affect each and every Pakistani
American today and in the future.
Email: Contact PAL-C Executive
Director Aisha Chapra 202-675-2004