Page 4 - Pakistan Link - August 21, 2020
P. 4

P4 – PAKISTAN LINK – AUGUST 21, 2020                                                                                                                                      OPINION

Pakistan Link Muharram: A Month of Unity, Not a Month of Discord

                Advisory Board                       n By Dr Aslam Abdullah               it is a month of mourning.              serve the month of Muharram must             They can make Muharram a
                                                                                               As long as the two communities     change to revive the essence of Hijra   month dedicated to Hijra and mar-
       Dr Sohail Masood                         A Fontana, CA                                                                     and the martyrdom.                      tyrdom for justice, equality, and
                                                        ugust 20, 2020, the 1442 of       do not reconcile their approach to                                              liberty. In the first ten days of this
                    President                           the Hijra, will begin in the      relate with the beginning of the new         Shia’s should focus on the es-     month, they, along with Shias, can
                                                        Muslim world. People will         year, their differences will continue   sence of the martyrdom of Imam          remember the sacrifice and the
      Arif Zaffar Mansuri                        congratulate each other and cele-         to create further separation among      Hussein. They should replace curs-      movement to establish justice.
                                                                                          them. Every Muharram will open          ing with a genuine critique of the                             brate little concern     the old wounds, and every night will    silence and support of scholars for          There is a lot of politics in the
                      Editor                                     about the plight         escalate conflict because those who     the oppression. Cursing and cussing     Shia-Sunni conflict. Saudi Arabia,
                                                                 of Muslims in dif-       killed Imam Hussein claimed to be       do not serve any purpose except for     with the help of Salafis, describes
   Akhtar Mahmud Faruqui                                         ferent parts of the      Muslims.                                heightening tensions and increasing     Shias as a deviant and non-Islamic
                                                                 world.                                                           hostilities and open their assemblies   group. With the support of its re-                                                           Imam Hussein is more                 to Sunnis, inviting their scholars      ligious clergy, Iran denounces all
Editor Urdu Link & Bureau Chief (Pakistan)                              Those who take    representative of the legacy            and leaders to address the audience     Sunnis as part of the conspiracy and
                                                                  pride in calling them   of the Prophet than anyone              on justice and equality issues.         action against Imam Hussein. Their
         Shabbir Ghori                          Sunnis will focus on the migration of     else not because he was the                                                     prejudices, based on their tribalism,
                                                Prophet Muhammad from Makkah               grandson of the Prophet,                    On the other hand, Sunnis          politics, and ambitions to claim the
                    to Medina in 622 CE, and those who                                                should not view martyrdom in the        leadership of Islam, have promoted
          Resident Editor Urdu Link             describe them as supporters or Shia’s       but because he received               context of the clan politics of Arabs.  the hostilities.
        & Director Video Operations             of Ali will mourn the martyrdom of         the Prophet’s guidance in              Imam Hussein is more represen-
                                                Imam Hussein, the grandson of the          a manner no one else did.              tative of the legacy of the Prophet          As explained and defined by
        Anwar Khawaja                           Prophet in Karbala.                       The Prophet loved him. The              than anyone else not because he was     rulers and their salaried clergy, Is-
                                                     There is an inherent link be-         love of those loved by the             the grandson of the Prophet, but        lam and the Qur’an will never allow               tween the Hijra and the martyrdom         Prophet is part of our faith            because he received the Prophet’s       Muslim masses to come together for
                                                of the grandson of the Prophet. Yet,                                              guidance in a manner no one else        justice, equality, and liberty for all.
       Manager Sales & Advertising              the religious leaders, in cohort with          Imam Hussein’s martyrdom is a      did. The Prophet loved him. The         There is a need for an independent
                rulers, in general, have made every       sad reflection on earlier Muslim rul-   love of those loved by the Prophet is   initiative by Muslims at the grass-
                Regional Offices                  effort to promote divisions within        ers and scholars, a silence that has    part of our faith. The Sunnis need to   roots level. The religious establish-
                                                the community.                            continued to prevail even after the     recognize Imam Hussein’s struggle       ment of Shias and Sunnis will not
               YKKB                                  Hijra was to protect religious       fourteenth century. Through their       for justice and against despotism       allow this to happen. Their survival
                                                freedom, and dignity of humans for        support and quietness, the schol-       as a genuine understanding of the       depends on the conflict and hos-
                      a society that respects justice, equal-   ars legitimized tyranny, despotism,     Qur’an and not as a political ambi-     tilities. Their livelihood comes from
                Sacramento, CA                  ity, and fairness. The martyrdom          violation of the Qur’an, disrespect of  tion. They have to state that the law   hatred towards each other. Only
                                                was to eliminate despotism, the law       the Prophet’s legacy, and destruction   of primogeniture adopted by the         those who have the innocence of              of primogeniture, and fascism to          of human rights and justice. They       founder of the Ummayad dynasty          love and respect for the Qur’an, its
         San Fransisco/Bay Area, CA             create a culture that values liberty,     laid the tradition of oppression that   violated the Qur’anic principle of      eternal universal principles of jus-
                                                balance, and freedom.                     continues in the attitude of everyone   governance. They must make a dif-       tice, equality, and freedom and who                 Imam Hussein lived the legacy        who claims to lead Muslims. They        ference between the respect of a        see the divine faith above their race,
                 New York, NY                   of his grandfather when he chal-          killed the grandson of the Prophet      companion of the Prophet and re-        sect, and politics can take this initia-
                                                lenged the tyrant and established         in the battlefield of Karbala and       spect of the policies the Prophet       tive. Let us hope that we change our               the Qur’anic rule that life is sacred.    killed Islam’s spirit to create a new   lived. Muawiyas, as a companion,        paradigm of looking at this issue.
                  Houston, TX                   Still, when the objectives of life are    world based on justice and equality.    is different than Muawiya as a ruler,
                                                under threat, martyrdom becomes                                                   not upholding Islamic principles.            (Dr Aslam Abdullah is resident              essential to remind the generations            The divisive approach that Shia    The Qur’an demands that the truth       scholar at He is editor
                  Phoenix, AZ                   of the significance of justice, liberty,  and Sunnis have adopted to ob-          must precede everything else.           in chief of Muslim Observer and a
                                                and pursuit of happiness.                                                         Muawiya’s role in expanding the         trustee of American Federation of                   Among Shias, the first ten days                                              Ummayad empire was at the cost of       Muslims of Indian Origin. He gives
                Ontario, Canada                 of Muharram are crucial. They hold                                                the growth of genuine Islam.            Friday sermons at Islamic centers in
                                                assemblies and retell the stories                                                                                         California and other states)              of martyrdom of Imam Hussein,             Challenging Times for Police                                                    ing insurmountable societal prob-
                                                describe the virtues of Prophet’s         the public with no understanding of     Each one of us possesses the means      lems, thereby creating lasting peace.
    Letters to the Editor                       families, and in some cases, curse        the conditions prompting those de-      to elevate not only our own con-
                                                those who betrayed them and who           cisions.                                sciousness but the collective con-      TIMES, P24
Readers are welcome to express their opinion    usurped the right of the Prophet’s                                                sciousness of our entire country.
in these columns. Please keep your letters      cousin and son-in-law to succeed               We are now collectively experi-    With greater clarity of mind and a                            Views and
brief and to the point. Letters without full    him. They reassert that Imam Ali          encing a severe time of moral test-     broader perspective, we will then                             opinions ex-
name, complete address, and a daytime           was the right political and spiri-        ing. We have an opportunity to rise     see clearly the most positive courses                         pressed by
phone number will not be published.             tual successor of the Prophet and         to the challenge with new and better    of action to take in any given situ-                          authors and
Also, copies of letters sent to other news-     not Abu Bakr, the father-in-law of        ways of solving our myriad societal     ation. Transcendental Meditation                              contributors
papers are not encouraged. Letters can be       the Prophet. In several parts of the      flaws. Our challenge is in knowing      (TM) is a proven, effective way to                            in articles,
mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Editor at      world, the Shias also hold passion        what the most correct courses of ac-    do that.                                                      letters, opin-
the Pakistan Link Headquarters address          plays repeating the events that led       tion would be and in having the in-                                                                   ion pieces,
                                                to the martyrdom of Imam Hussein.         ner fortitude to carry out those cor-        TM is a non-religious, power-      reports, advertisements, etc
                  listed below.                      Sunnis celebrate the new year        rect courses of action. So — how can    ful brain-based technology. Exten-      appearing in Pakistan Link
Pakistan Link (ISSN 1074-0406) is pub-          by taking out processions, distrib-       we most effectively create positive     sive peer-reviewed research shows       and Urdu Link are their own.
lished weekly for $85 a year by JAZ LLC,        uting sweets, and holding confer-         change during these troubling times     that is an effective means not only to  The paper neither shares
                                                ences on Hijra. In South Asia, and        of extreme social discord?              reduce individual stress but also to    nor endorses them and thus
          DBA PL Publications, LLC.             the Caribbean, some communities                                                   effectively and efficiently reduce the  should not be held responsi-
Periodical postage paid at Anaheim, CA          hold parades with Taziya, miniature            When answers elude the mind,       high levels of collective stress caus-  ble for the views/opinions of
                                                mausoleums of Karbala, generally          those answers can be found within.                                              the writers & advertisers.
       and additional mailing offices.            made of colored paper and bamboo.
 POST MASTER: Send address changes to                For Sunnis, Muharram is the
Pakistan Link, P O Box 1238, Anaheim, CA        month of celebration, and for Shias,

                      92815                        n By Arlene J. Schar and Dr
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