Page 1 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
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Pakistan Link
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 31/13 13 Sha’ban 1442 AH Friday, March 26, 2021 US & Canada $1.00
Fazlur Rehman No Differences Abida Among 88 For news,
Asks PPP, PML-N with Bilawal, Recipients of updated round
the clock, visit
to Mend Fences Claims Maryam Civil Awards
US, Russia, China & Others Desire for Peace Shouldn’t Be Misconstrued ‘India Desires Cordial Ties
Congratulate Pakistan on with Pakistan’, Modi
March 23rd Tells Imran
Islamabad: Russia and the US on Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Na-
Monday congratulated President rendra Modi on Tuesday congratu-
Arif Alvi on the 81st Pakistan Day. lated Prime Minister Imran Khan
“Vladimir Putin, President of on Pakistan Day and said New Delhi
Russia, sent a congratulatory mes- “desires cordial relationship with the
sage on the occasion of a national people of Pakistan”.
holiday – the Pakistan Day to Dr. A. “For this, an environment
Alvi, President of Pakistan, and Mr of trust, devoid of terrorism and
Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pak- hostility, is imperative,” Modi said
istan,” Russian Embassy in Pakistan in a letter written to his Pakistani
said Monday on Twitter. counterpart. The letter was hand-
Earlier, Spokesperson of Rus- ed over to the Foreign Office by
sian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakha- the Indian High Commission.
rova said, “Russia and Pakistan “On the occasion of the Na-
maintain friendly relations, a regular tional Day of Pakistan, I extend
political dialogue and interaction at my greetings to the people of Pak-
international organizations. We send istan,” he wrote.
greetings to our Pakistani friends.” “As a neighboring country,
US President Joe Biden, in his India desires cordial relationship
message, expressed his resolve to with the people of Pakistan. For
strengthen partnership with Paki- “Pakistan desires peace, security and development in the whole region and has also taken practical steps towards that end. Peace- this, an environment of trust, de-
ful coexistence is the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy,” President Arif Alvi said in his Pakistan Day address
stan in future, reported Radio Paki- void of terrorism and hostility, is
stan. Islamabad: President Arif Alvi on ture will receive a befitting response. “Pakistan desires peace, secu- imperative,” he maintained.
“We will continue cooperation Wednesday said Pakistan is laced Addressing the Pakistan Day rity and development in the whole “Excellency, at this difficult
for the establishment of peace in Af- with capabilities to defend its terri- Parade, the president asserted that region and has also taken practical time for humanity, I would like to
ghanistan and meet common chal- torial integrity and sovereignty, cat- the country will defend its indepen- steps towards that end. Peaceful co convey my best wishes to you and
FELICITATIONS, P28 egorically stating that any misadven- dence at all costs. PRESIDENT, P28 MODI, P28
Efforts to Resolve Indus Spring in the Air for India-Pakistan Relations? NAB Postpones Maryam’s
Water Issues to Continue March 26 Appearance
New Delhi: Pakistan and India have n By Ambassador Kara- Lahore: The National Account-
decided to make efforts to resolve matullah K. Ghori ability Bureau (NAB) on Thursday
water issues related to the River In- postponed the appearance of PML-
dus and to conduct tours of inspec- Toronto, Canada: Moun- N Vice President Maryam Nawaz
tion, the Foreign Office said in a tains can move, they say, before the watchdog on March 26,
statement on Thursday. and glaciers may melt. citing the threat of Covid-19 and
In the 116th meeting of the In- However, most pundits “public interest”.
dia-Pakistan Permanent Indus Com- of the long-tangled India- NAB had summoned Maryam
mission (PIC), held in New Delhi Pakistan relations were on Friday as part of two probes — a
after a gap of over two years, a host prepared to wager their money laundering investigation in
of issues relating to the 1960 Indus impeccable reputations connection with the Chaudhry Sug-
Water Treaty (IWT) were discussed. that such wouldn’t be the ar Mills case, and another related to
The two sides also agreed to case between the two tra- 148 kanals of land that she allegedly
hold the next meeting in Pakistan. ditional South-Asian ri- purchased in Lahore illegally.
According to the FO statement, vals. A day before her appearance
Pakistan reiterated its objections to But that was until this that was expected to turn into a po-
Indian projects, including Pakal Dul, pandemic-ridden year of With Joe Biden in the White House came a glimmer of hope, not only for sanity taking hold in litical power show for the PML-N, a
Lower Kulnai, Durbuk Shyok, and 2021 saw the dawn of a US policies at home but overseas, too high-level NAB meeting was held to
Nimu Chilling. new—and serious—admin- quiet, invisible, impact Covid-marred 2020 inched of nerves that pundits, not review the situation and the recent
The Pakistani delegation, head- istration in Washington. was soon perceptible and to close. There wasn’t just only those of India and instructions issued by the National
ed by Pakistan Commissioner for In- With Joe Biden in the White in evidence for pundits to an escalating tone of pox- Pakistan but international, Command and Operation Centre
dus Waters Meher Ali Shah, “urged House came a glimmer of scramble to their drawing on-your-house rhetoric but too, feared it could escalate (NCOC) owing to the ongoing third
the Indian side to share data of flood hope, not only for sanity boards. This slow-but-sure it was coupled with almost and slip out of control at any coronavirus wave in the country.
flows as per the provisions of the In- taking hold in US policies at effect couldn’t have come daily exchange of fire be- time. The powder was said “The meeting was informed
dus Water Treaty following the prac- home but overseas, too. sooner. The war of words tween the armies from both to be, proverbially, bone-dry that the NCOC has placed a com-
tice in vogue since 1989”. The Biden-effect didn’t between the two estranged sides of the 2003 Line of and needed just one flicker plete ban on the gathering of all
The “Pakistan side emphasized take long in reaching the neighbors had been heat- Control (LoC). of a match-light to set it sorts of crowds,” a press release issu-
WATER, P28 shores of South Asia. Its ing up and ratcheting as the So dire was this war RELATIONS, P26 MARYAM, P28