Page 10 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 10
n By M Baqir Mohie El-Deen, America’s Next Great Civil Rights Bill intends to achieve. The bill passed
Washington, DC through the House of Representa-
tives last week, and is currently wait-
his past election, amidst the ing to be read in our Senate.
ongoing pandemic, Ameri- Carrying on from last year’s
Tcans rushed to the polls to John Lewis Voting Rights Ad-
cast their votes in unprecedent- vancement Act, which did not pass
ed numbers and through Congress, the ‘For the Peo-
through unprec- ple Act’ seeks to implement trans-
edented means. formative changes to the systematic
Why did so challenges that our nation currently
many Americans faces. It includes some of the fol-
find it vital to cast lowing challenges and changes:
their vote during an • Addresses the impedi-
election season that may have been ments we encounter in our elections,
detrimental to their health? The an- like long lines and overly aggressive
swer is simple: those who lead our purges that seem to exist solely in
nation have a direct impact on our minority communities through: two
lives and our livelihoods. Further- weeks of early voting, automatic and
more, what is a democracy without same-day voter registration, restor-
the voice of the people? In response ing the ability to vote to all formerly
to this record-breaking voter-turn- incarcerated citizens, and allowing
out election, dozens of states have people that lack photo ID to vote
introduced over 250 bills in their with sworn affidavits of their iden-
respective capitals to disenfranchise tity.
voters in future elections. To redress • Implements structural
the issue of voter suppression, Con- changes addressing inequities in
gress has introduced the ‘For the who can run for office by: a new
People Act’ (HR 1/S1), which is be- small-donor matching system. The
ing hailed as the greatest civil rights bill gives more candidates viable
bill since the Civil Rights Movement passed, these bills will alter future ers. A different set of 43 states have sippi, and Missouri, suggesting that means to run without relying on the
itself. elections. Arizona currently leads brought forward 704 bills within the there remain concerted efforts to wealthiest contributors
Within the first month of Presi- the nation in proposed voter sup- same time period with provisions make voting easier and empower the What’s obstructing the ‘For the
dent Biden’s inauguration, 43 states pression legislation, with 19 voting that expand voting access, with historically disenfranchised. People Act’?
have pre-filed, carried over, or intro- restrictive bills, followed by Penn- New Jersey and New York leading What can be done to protect In order for the ‘‘For the
duced a total of 253 bills, attempting sylvania’s 14 restrictive policy pro- with the numbers of bills brought voters nationwide from restrictive People Act’’ to pass through the Sen-
to restrict voting access. The bills at- posals, and then with Georgia’s 11 forward to their state legislators. It voting bills? ate, and bypass the minority party’s
tempt to: ability to filibuster, a super major-
a) limit mail voting access; ity vote is required. Ten Republican
b) enable more aggressive voter In response to this record-breaking voter-turnout election, dozens of states have introduced senators are needed to vote along-
roll purges; over 250 bills in their respective capitals to disenfranchise voters in future elections. To redress side all Democrats for the act to be-
c) impose stricter voter ID re- the issue of voter suppression, Congress has introduced the ‘For the People Act’ (HR 1/S1), come law, which at this moment is
quirements; and which is being hailed as the greatest civil rights bill since the Civil Rights Movement itself perceived to be unlikely.
d) slash voter registration op- Senate Majority Leader Chuck
portunities. Schumer strongly advocated his po-
These attempts are an undeni- bills. All three of these states helped is also promising that a significant We need stronger federal leg- sition on the bill, stating that with
able response to the unfounded lies cement President Biden’s electoral number of these voter empowering islation that protects voters nation- this bill “everything is on the table,”
planted by our past president about college win. proposals have been introduced in wide from restrictive laws enacted asking for Republican support to
widespread voter fraud following his Other state legislators, how- states with histories of voter sup- by their state legislators. This is help make this bill law. “We will see
defeat in the presidential election. If ever, are looking to empower vot- pression, including Texas, Missis- precisely what ‘For the People Act’ BILL, P28