Page 13 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                         MARCH 26, 2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13

             No Differences with Bilawal, Maryam                                                   Maryam’s Threatening Tone to

           Claims following Her Insinuating Tweet                                                    Encourage Criminals: Shibli

        Lahore:  With rifts between two
        main opposition parties mak-
        ing headlines, Pakistan Muslim
        League-Nawaz (PML-N) Vice-
        President Maryam Nawaz has
        insisted that there are “no differ-

        ences” with Pakistan Peoples Party
        (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-
            Talking to the media after get-

        ting pre-arrest bail from the Lahore
        High Court (LHC) on Wednesday,
        the PML-N stalwart said that the
        National Accountability Bureau
        (NAB) is being “run by everyone
        except the institution itself”.
            “I am not an easy target now,”
        she added.

            The PML-N leader said Prime
        Minister Imran Khan’s government
        is in trouble and the anti-graft body

        will not be allowed to save his sink-  The PML-N vice-president said she has good relationship with Bilawal. “I am
        ing ship. Maryam said there are no   Nawaz Sharif’s daughter, I am aware of the politics of tolerance and know how   Islamabad:  Senator Shibli Faraz on   their court appearances by bringing a
                                      to follow it.” The LHC approved Maryam’s interim bail till April 12

        differences with the PPP and such                                                         Monday criticized PML-N leader   mob during their hearings.”
        ups and downs are a part of poli-  next hearing.            targeted by a laser gun which was   Maryam Nawaz’s threat to use po-  He stated that Maryam Nawaz
        tics.                             PML-N’s Captain (retd) Saf-  recorded on video.         litical force during her appearance   was telling the people that this was

            The PML-N vice-president   dar, Rana Sanaullah and Pervaiz                            in NAB on March 26 and said such   the party whose history was full of at-
        said she has good relationship   Rashid were present in the court-  ‘Red Zone’            moves would encourage criminals   tacks on national institutions, includ-
        with Bilawal. “I am Nawaz Sharif’s   room along with Maryam who has   A day ago, the Punjab govern-  and corrupt.       ing the Supreme Court.
        daughter, I am aware of the politics   been  summoned  by  the  anti-cor-  ment declared the premises of the   Senator Faraz, who is yet to take   He said Prime Minister Imran

        of tolerance and know how to fol-  ruption watchdog in the Chaudhry   National Accountability Bureau   oath  as a  cabinet  member after the   Khan stood firm on the fact that the

        low it.”                      Sugar Mills and illegal land transfer   (NAB)’s Lahore office as ‘Red Zone’   fresh Senate elections, also said no   future of the country was bright and

            The PML-N and the PPP have   cases. She had challenged the NAB   on March 26.         one will be allowed to resort to vio-  he believed in the rule of law.

        separate strategies and some com-  notices afterwards.           Giving the bureau’s request a   lent tactics to escape the grip of law.  Replying to a question regarding
        mon goals under the Pakistan      Maryam  declared  that  the   nod, the federal interior ministry   Addressing a press conference,   a long march by opposition, Senator
        Democratic Movement (PDM),    opposition  alliance  will  decide  its   approved the deployment of Rang-  the PTI senator reiterated that no one   Faraz said promises were made for

        she added.                    own course of action without any   ers and police at the office’s prem-  should avoid the law and legal pro-  March 26 with each other, and strate-
            Earlier  in the day, the LHC   outside interference.    ises for the day.             ceedings.                     gies made for that occasion have been
        approved Maryam’s interim bail till   She also spoke about the Pun-  As per reports, contrary to   “Violent tactics will not be al-  reduced to dust. They have to be de-

        April 12 and barred NAB from ar-  jab government’s decision to de-  speculations rife in the provincial   lowed. The whole nation is watching   feated.

        resting her.                  clare NAB’s Lahore office premises   capital, the authorities may not ar-  a woman using a political platform   “PDM is over and now their pol-
            A two-member bench heard   a ‘Red Zone’, calling it a cowardly   rest the PML-N leader on the oc-  instead of responding to legal que-  itics too is about to end.”
        the PML-N leader’s plea as she   act.                       casion. Instead, Maryam will only   ries regarding attack on institutions,”   He said Maryam Nawaz and
        moved the court requesting an in-  She said that the move shows   be presented with a questionnaire   he said and referred to an attack on   Fazlur Rehman want to create a law
        terim bail ahead of her NAB hear-  the government was trembling in   pertaining to the Chaudhry Sugar   the Supreme Court during Nawaz   and order situation in the country to
        ing on March 26. The LHC directed   fear of an ‘unarmed’ woman.  Mills case.              Sharif’s last tenure before the military   divert attention but it will not be al-

        Maryam to appear before the NAB   The PML-N leader further      Afterwards, she will be ques-  coup.                    lowed.”

        investigation  officer.  The  court  is-  claimed that she was earlier sum-  tioned regarding the family’s prop-  He said the government will nei-

                                                                                                  ther give any NRO to political oppo-
        sued notice to the NAB chairman   moned to the NAB office and at-  erty in the Raiwind land transfer   nents nor will be blackmailed by any  Rulers Imposed

        and summoned his reply in the   tacked, adding that her car was   case.
                                                                                                      “PTI has emerged as the largest  Without Will of
                     Sarina Isa Moves Supreme Court to Initiate                                   pressure tactics.
                 Contempt Proceedings against Fawad Chaudhry                                      party in the National Assembly and   People: Zardari
                                                                                                  the Senate,” he said adding: “We will
                                                                                                  speed up the legislative process and
        Islamabad:  Supreme Court Justice   minister had “committed contempt of   has serious repercussions and under-  bring reforms now.”  Islamabad:  Pakistan Peoples Party
        Qazi Faez Isa’s wife Sarina Isa on   this court and of a sitting judge of this   mines the independence and credibil-  He said Maryam Nawaz’s tone in   (PPP) leader and former president
        Monday  filed  an  application  in  the   court”.           ity of this honorable court”.  the youth convention on Sunday was   Asif Ali Zardari has said that the

        apex court for initiating contempt of   She also referred to Hussain’s use   Sarina requested the court to ini-  disappointing,  country has been suffering due to im-

        court proceedings against Minister for   of the word godfather in his tweet,   tiate contempt of court proceedings   “Maryam Nawaz’s tone seemed   position of rulers without the will of
        Science and Technology Chaudhry   saying that it was a term used for   against Hussain, punish him appro-  to be that of a person devoid of under-  the people.

        Fawad Hussain over a “highly offen-  criminal syndicates and mafia bosses   priately, remove him from office and   standing and foresight,” he said and   This was stated by the former

        sive” tweet.                  and was thus “highly offensive to the   direct him to shut down his Twitter   added that Maulana Fazlur Rehman   president in a message to the nation

            In a tweet earlier this week, Hus-  dignity and respect of this honorable   account.  had always used religion and Islam   on the occasion of the Pakistan Day
        sain had said that he had been “listen-  court [and] constitutes gross con-  Voices of support  for his political gains. These people   issued here on Tuesday.

        ing to the speeches of an undertrial   tempt”.                  Meanwhile, #IStandWithFawad-  have made politics an illegal business.  Mr Zardari, whose party is on a

        judge (Justice Isa) of the Supreme   “Ch Fawad Hussain has vio-  Chaudhary was among the top trends   “These frustrated elements pa-  warpath with other component par-

        Court for a week. If [I] answer, then   lated his ministerial oath of office,   on Twitter as government officials   tronize every illegal business in their   ties in the opposition Pakistan Demo-

        lectures will start [ranging from] we   the Constitution of Pakistan, mocked   voiced support for the minister.  politics,”  the  PTI  senator  said  and   cratic Movement (PDM) due to dif-
        are saddened to we have been insult-  and ridiculed this honorable court’s   Special Assistant to the Prime   added that instead of explaining the   ferences on the issue of the en masse
        ed.                           former chief justice, a sitting judge of   Minister on Political Affairs Shahbaz   source of her wealth and her family’s   resignations, however, did not further

            “Sir, if you too are fond of politics   the Supreme Court and committed   Gill said that besides being the minis-  alleged corruption, Maryam Nawaz   elaborate on his statement.

        like your godfather Iftikhar Chaudhry   contempt of this honorable court,” the   ter of science and technology, Hussain   was threatening to attack a national   Felicitating the nation, Mr
        (former chief justice of Pakistan),   petition stated.      was also a “political personality” who   institution.       Zardari stressed the need for treating
        then resign and contest elections for   “If judges of the highest court of   always respects the courts.  “She  is  encouraging  people  to   all the provinces equally and said the

        the councilor. You will get to know   Pakistan are humiliated, disrespected   Referring to a remark allegedly   loot first and then attack institutions   thinking of hatred and vendetta had
        about both [your] popularity and ac-  and abused in this manner by a fed-  made by Justice Isa during a court   with a mob to evade law,” he said, add-  also harmed the country.
        ceptance,” Hussain had further said.  eral minister, then the Twitter brigade   hearing earlier, Gill claimed that “if   ing people of Pakistan are depressed   “We have to treat all units of
            In her petition, Sarina said   at their command and the combat-  you call the country a gutter, then   to see how a leader is using a political   Pakistan equally and this is the recipe
        through his tweet Hussain had “con-  ants of the 5th generation warfare do   who understands politics and politi-  platform by making threats like “cut-  of a strong, stable and developed Paki-
        firmed that secret cameras have been   much worse,” it added.  cal statements better than Chaudhry.  ting off and pulling out tongues.”  stan,” said the former president, add-

        installed in the courtroom because he   Sarina said that Hussain had “en-  “Chaudhry will give an answer,”   He said her attitude will incite   ing that “the state will be strengthened

        was hearing all that happened in [it],   couraged a barrage of attacks against   he added.  the land mafia, hoarders and criminal   by following the constitution”.
        despite never having once attended a   Justice Isa” and he and others in the   Over the course of this month,   elements to join a political party and   Mr Zardari, whose party always

        single hearing”.              government wanted Justice Isa “not to   Justice Isa has appeared multiple   when difficult times come they could   takes credit for granting provincial

            She contended that her husband   hold his government accountable”.  times before a 10-member bench of   use the political platform to attack in-  autonomy to the provinces through
        was still a judge of the Supreme Court   She added that the minister’s   the Supreme Court which is hearing a   stitutions and even the judiciary.  the  18th  Amendment,  said  that  the
        and not an “under-trial prisoner”,   tweets “present an intolerant and au-  set of review petitions in his case. He   “Even those sitting in jails may   Amendment was an assurance for
        adding that by referring to Justice Isa   tocratic government and the image   had earlier informed the court that he   be thinking of intimidating and   stable and strong Pakistan with an in-
        as  an  under-trial  judge,  the  federal   of a powerless Supreme Court, which   would be arguing the case himself.  threatening decision makers during   clusive federation.
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