Page 18 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MARCH 26, 2021                                                                                       COMMUNITY
            When Will Seniors,           UN Women Pakistan               Ahmad Al-Issa            Mardan Bride Demands             HEC and UN Body to
        Others on Social Security       Recognizes PIA Purser         Identified as Suspect             Books Worth                 Sponsor Six Virtual
           Get COVID Stimulus          for Showcasing Gender          in Colorado Grocery                 Rs100,000               Webinars on Countering
                Payments?                     Sensitivity                   Shooting                     as Haq Mehr             Hate Speech and Violence

                n By Kelly Tyko                                                                                                     ike anywhere else in the world,
                                                                                                                                    in multiethnic and multi-
                ore stimulus checks are                                                                                         Lreligious Pakistan, socio-
                on the way through direct                                                                                       economic  instability compounded
        Mdeposit and the mail.                                                                                                  by the COVID-19 pandemic, has
            The Internal Revenue Service                                                                                        the potential to foster an environ-
        and US Treasury said Monday that                                                                                        ment of increasing ethnic and sec-
        the next batch of Economic Impact                                                                                       tarian tensions. Despite attempts
        Payments  will  be  issued  this  week                                                                                  in recent months by the Pakistani
        with many coming as paper checks or                                                                                     government to improve the general
        prepaid debit cards. Some direct de-                                                                                    human rights situation in the coun-
        posits began processing Friday with                                                                                     try, an increase in hate speech along
        an official pay date of Wednesday,                                                                                      ethnic and religious lines and high-
        March 24.                                                                                                               profile targeted killings of members
            Additional payments are expect-                                                                                     of ethnic religious minorities have
        ed to be released on a weekly basis   akistan International Air-  n By Brittany Bernstein        hile it is considered a norm   been reported.
        going forward, the IRS said in a news   lines (PIA) steward Touheed                              in our society for expensive   The United Nations has multi-
        release.                      PDaudpota was lauded by the        olice have identified 21-year- Witems to be given as “haq   plied efforts in many countries since
            “The IRS continues to send the  United Nations Women Pakistan   old Ahmad Al-Issa as the sus-  mehr” to brides on their wedding,   the outbreak of the COVID-19 pan-
        third round of stimulus payments  on Monday for “showcasing gender  Ppect in the grocery store mass  Mardan’s Naila Shamal has asked her   demic  to foster diversity and inclu-
        in record time,” IRS Commissioner  sensitivity towards a female passen- shooting in Boulder, Colo., that left  husband for books worth Rs100,000   sion as well as counter and address
        Chuck Rettig said in a statement.  ger.”                    ten people dead on Monday.    instead.                      hate speech.  Not only is this a vital
        “Since this new set of payments will   “Mr Touheed Daudpota, a crew   Law enforcement officials said   Haq mehr is the obligatory pay-  first aid strategy in countering trends
        include  more  mailed  payments, we  member of #PIA, whose photos of  Al-Issa opened fire on customers and  ment — made in the form of money,   of  hatred,  intolerance  and  discrimi-
        urge people to carefully watch their  soothing a baby went viral, was de- responding officers at a King Soop-  jewelry, home goods, furniture and/or   nation that are spreading like wild-
        mail for a check or debit card in the  clared by UN Women Pakistan the  ers grocery store with a rifle before  any other form of property — made by   fire across the globe but it is also a
        coming weeks.”                #HeforShe champion for displaying  being shot in the leg by police and  a man directly to his wife-to-be upon   sustainable  long-term  mechanism
            If your first two stimulus checks  empathy, gender sensitivity, respect,  taken into custody. He is in hospital  taking her hand in marriage.  for shifting the pendulum of human
        came as paper checks, it is possible  and care to a woman passenger, up- in stable condition, officials said.  Only the woman has the right over   history from polarity towards an em-
        you will get a direct deposit this time. holding long traditions of great peo-  Police identified victims be-  her haq mehr, and paying it is a legal ob-  pathetic and peaceful middle ground.
            “The vast majority of taxpayers  ple to fly with,” tweeted PIA along  tween the ages of 20 and 65, includ-  ligation under Islamic law and customs.  In South Asia, where hate speech
        receiving EIPs will receive it by direct  with a video of the crew member re- ing Boulder Police Officer Eric Talley,   In a viral video on Twitter, Shamal   and sectarian tensions are broader re-
        deposit. In addition, the IRS and the  ceiving the award.   51; Denny Strong, 20; Neven Stanisic,  can be seen dressed in a bridal outfit as   gional problems, the UN Office on
        Bureau of the Fiscal Service lever-  Last week, a photo of a PIA stew- 23; Rikki Olds, 25; Tralona Bartkowi-  she delivers an important message. “As   Genocide Prevention and the Re-
        aged data in their systems to convert  ard calming an agitated baby during  ka, 49; Suzanne Fountain, 59; Teri  you all know, I have demanded books   sponsibility to Protect and the Higher
        many payments to direct deposits  a flight went viral on the internet.  Leiker, 51; Kevin Mahoney, 61; Lynn  worth Rs100,000 for Haq Mehr,” she   Education Commission (HEC) have
        that otherwise would have been sent   The national flag carrier has  Murray, 62; and Jody Waters, 65.  says. “One reason for this is that due to   prioritized  Pakistan because  of  the
        as paper checks or debit cards,” the  been in the news in the recent past   Al-Issa has  been  charged  with  rising inflation in our country, we can-  following reasons:
        Treasury said in a news release. “This  mostly for all the wrong reasons,  ten counts of murder.  not afford expensive gifts. On the other   1)  Pakistan is located at the
        accelerated the disbursement of these  ranging from financial woes to mis-  Law enforcement officials did  hand, it is also important to eliminate   nexus  between  the  Middle  East,
        payments by weeks.”           management and fake pilot licenses.  not reveal a possible motive for the  wrong customs from our society,” she   South Asia and Central Asia;
            Last week, the IRS said it had   However, a few days ago, singer  shooting and investigators believe  adds.            2)  Pakistan has one of the larg-
        sent out coronavirus relief checks  Fakhr-e-Alam shared a picture that  there were no other suspects in-  Shumaila then says that most   est Muslim populations in the world
        to more than 90 million Americans  renewed Pakistanis’ hopes in the re- volved.           women demand money and jewelry as   and has more than ten religious mi-
        under the initial round of payments  vival of the once great airline.  “It is premature for us to draw  Haq Mehr but she decided to settle for   norities.
        made  under  President  Joe  Biden’s   Alam shared a photo of the head  any conclusions at this point in time,”  books as, being a writer, it was impor-  3)  Pakistan is the home of
        American Rescue Plan.         purser on an Islamabad-Karachi  FBI special agent Michael Schneider  tant for her to show due importance for   some  of  the  major  religions  of  the
            Get updates on the status of your  flight cradling a baby in his arms.  said. “I can tell you the community  books.  world: it is the birthplace of Sikhism,
        next stimulus payment using the IRS   The singer shared that the PIA  is safe and we will continue to share   “If I, as a writer, do not attach value   the cradle of Buddhism, and home
        “Get My Payment” tool.        official had come to the aid of an ex- updates as we conduct our investiga-  to books then how can we expect the   to Hindus, Jains, Parsis, Kalasha,
            Before you start entering your  hausted mother to help her soothe  tion and draw conclusions as a result  common man to do so?” she asks.  Ba’hais, Muslims, and so forth. These
        information hourly, the IRS says the  the baby while giving her a break.  of that investigation.”  “The real reason I asked for the   communities will be included in the
        tool “updates once per day, usually   “A friend onboard @Offi-  The suspect’s brother, Ali Aliwi  Haq Mehr is to give value to books so   dialogue and given a respectful voice.
        overnight” and  that  people  should  cial_PIA Islamabad to Karachi early  Al-Issa, reportedly told The Daily  that we can also advise others to do the   4)  Pakistan  has  a  majority
        not call the IRS. “Our phone assistors  morning flight yesterday shared this.  Beast that his brother is “very anti-  same,” she says in conclusion.  youth population (63 percent is be-
        don’t have information beyond what’s  A baby was crying non-stop, the  social” and paranoid.  The video went viral on Twitter, as   tween 15 and 33). The universities of
        available on,” the agency says. mother was exhausted and stressed,   “When he was having lunch  it garnered more than 29,000 views and   the country are the hubs of potential
            The third round of Economic  she couldn’t comfort the child. So the  with my sister in a restaurant, he  was retweeted more than 350 times.  change. The Higher Education Com-
        Impact Payments will be based on  head purser Mr Tauheed helped the  said, ‘People are in the parking lot,              mission of Pakistan (HEC) is the gov-
        turn from either 2020 or 2019. That  people to fly with,” read Alam’s tweet. out, and there was no one. We didn’t  $1.4 Million Raised   monitors and has the potential to di-
        a taxpayer’s latest processed tax re- child sleep. Now that truly is GREAT  they are looking for me.’ She went          ernment body that directly oversees,
        includes anyone who used the IRS   Twitter praised the act of kind- know what was going on in his head,”   from Silicon Valley   rect the 200 legitimate universities of
        non-filers tool last year, or submitted  ness, with many sharing different  Al-Issa reportedly told the outlet,         the country.
        a special simplified tax return.  incidents of kindness done by crew  adding that he believes his brother is   Investors   5)  Pakistan is a strategically
            Social Security and other federal  members with them.   mentally ill.                                               important country in the region of
        beneficiaries will generally receive                            A Facebook page that appeared    An Islamabad-based technology   South Asia and instability here, in-
        this third payment the same way as  of birth, street address and ZIP code. to belong to Al-Issa showed that his  startup has raised $1.4 million from   cluding of ethnic and religious kind,
        their regular benefits, the IRS said.   For  those  who  are  eligible,  the  family had immigrated to the US  Silicon Valley investors, reflecting the   could have repercussions in the wider
        But a date hasn’t been announced yet  tool will show a “Payment Status” of  from Syria. The page featured quotes  growing tech ecosystem of Pakistan   sub-region.
        for when payments are expected for  when  the  payment  has  been  issued  from the Prophet Muhammad as well  — Reuters/File  The role of Pakistani youth is of
        individuals who receive benefits but  and the payment date for direct de- as posts about mixed martial arts.  Islamabad: An Islamabad-based   particular importance.  They come
        didn’t file taxes in 2019 or 2020 and  posit or mail, according to the IRS’   Police  received reports  of a  technology startup has raised $1.4 mil-  from diverse backgrounds but are
        also didn’t use the IRS’s Non-Filer  frequently asked questions.  shooting just before 3 p.m. local time  lion from Silicon Valley investors, re-  united in their ambition to be active
        tool.                             Not everyone who is eligible will  on Monday, officials said. A witness  flecting the growing tech ecosystem of   change-makers as opposed to passive
            On updated details about the  have a payment date under “Payment  told the Denver Post the gunman  Pakistan.        observers. In this regard, the youth
        third stimulus payments, the IRS said  Status” when they log in initially, the  didn’t say anything before he began   The round was led by Indus Val-  of Pakistan, both young men and
        again Monday that updates on the  IRS said. According to the agency,  shooting.           ley Capital and also saw participation   women, are actively working in edu-
        timing of “payments for federal ben-  the tool will be updated when the   “He just came in and started  from several renowned global investors   cational, entrepreneurial and devel-
        eficiaries, including non-filing ben-  payment date is known.  shooting,” the witness said.  such as billionaire investor Tim Draper,   opment sectors to create and sustain
        eficiaries with a Direct Express card,   ‘Payment Status Not Available’   Another  witness said  after the  Hustle Fund Ventures and other well-  real models of inclusive, peaceful,
        is expected soon.”            or ‘Need More Information’: Some  gunman had “let off a couple of  known angel investors from Silicon Val-  and respectful societies. It is impera-
            The IRS says more stimulus  will get a message that says “Payment  shots” he “was silent, and then he let  ley.     tive for the HEC and UN to tap into
        checks are  expected  to  be  sent  out  Status Not Available.”  off a couple more. He wasn’t spray-  RemoteBase capitalized on the   this resource and include Pakistan’s
        this week and in coming weeks.    “If you get this message, either  ing.”                 pandemic and  enabled Pakistani  soft-  youth  representatives  as  active  and
            How to use  IRS  ‘Get  My Pay-  we have not yet processed your pay-  The massacre in Boulder marks  ware engineers and developers to work   equal stakeholders to build peaceful,
        ment’: The “Get My Payment” tool  ment, or you are not eligible for a  the second mass shooting in the  directly  with  Silicon  Valley  compa-  inclusive and just societies.
        is available at  payment,” the IRS said. “We will con- one week, after a gunman opened fire  nies, creating a business model which   It also needs to be stressed that
        rus/get-my-payment. To use it, you’ll  tinue to send the 2021 Economic Im- on three Atlanta-area massage par-  attracted one of the largest invest-  the vision of the United Nations, em-
        need to enter your full Social Secu-  pact Payment to eligible individuals  lors, killing eight people including  ment seed rounds for any Pakistani   bedded in Agenda 2030 for Sustain-
        rity number or tax ID number, date  throughout 2021.”       six Asian women. – National Review  company.                WEBINARS, P28
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