Page 20 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 20

P20  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MARCH 26, 2021                                                                                    COMMENTARY
                        How the Prophet Muhammad Fought Domestic Violence

               n  By Abdul Malik Mujahid                                                                                    •   Qur’an ordered that women be con-
                     Chicago, IL                                                                                         sulted in family and community affairs.
                                                                                                                            •   He instituted educational programs
             heir number is not known with cer-                                                                          for women. Many women became teachers in
             tainty. Perhaps they were only two.                                                                         his lifetime.
        TMaybe they were twenty. Regardless,
        these women approached the man who had                                                                              3.  Marriage reform:
                    thus far given them hope for                                                                            •   The Prophet banned several abusive
                    this world and beyond. This                                                                          forms of marriage in pre-Islamic Arabia.
                    time, it was to seek a solu-                                                                            •   He prohibited temporary marriage.
                    tion to behavior that seemed                                                                            •   He forbade the pre-Islamic practice
                    so inimical to the values he                                                                         of  men having an unlimited number of wives.
                    taught:                                                                                              The number was drastically reduced to four,
                        •     Women are indi-                                                                            with the condition that polygamy could only
        vidually responsible for their words and deeds                                                                   be practiced if a man could guarantee equality
        and accountable to God. Like men (Qur’an                                                                         in treatment of wives. Otherwise, a man could
        9:71).                                                                                                           marry only one wife.
            •   God  recognizes  and  rewards  the                                                                          •   He established that a marriage with-
        good works of every human being, male or fe-                                                                     out the consent of the bride is invalid.
        male (Qur’an 3:195).
            •    Marriage is a partnership based on                                                                         4.  Preaching good behavior
        love and mercy (Qur’an 30:21).                                                                                      •   The Prophet elevated the status of
            Perhaps  this  is  why  these  women  ap-                                                                    motherhood by declaring that Paradise is un-
        proached the Prophet Muhammad, peace and                                                                         der the feet of mothers, and that to serve them
        blessings upon him, that day with a question   time. He did this by affirming the inherent   beating their wives, as described above.  merits three times more reward than serving
        that remains a problem in marriages over a   dignity of women as human beings respon-  •   The Prophet forbade women’s sexual   fathers.
        thousand years later: domestic violence.  sible and accountable before God. He also did   exploitation and harassment, as well as the   •   He declared that a person who does
            On  hearing  of  this  abuse,  the  Prophet   it by directly addressing a hitherto “private”   stalking of women.  not prefer his sons over his daughters would
        called  the  community  to  the  mosque  for  a   matter between a husband and wife. Domestic   •   Women could seek justice and di-  be with him in Paradise.
        meeting. Whenever there was something he   violence was not a “women’s issue” irrelevant                            •   His last sermon to the community
        felt all Muslims needed to know about or dis-  to Muslim men. The Prophet understood that   Whenever there was something   reminded men to fear God by being just to-
        cuss, he would have Bilal ibn Rabah, may Al-  this abusive behavior could be changed, but it                     wards women.
        lah be pleased with him, give the call to prayer,   first had to be brought out into the open and   he felt all Muslims needed
        even if it was not time for it.  Then, when peo-  addressed head on. The personal was definite-  to know about or discuss, he   What Imams can do today
        ple came to the mosque, he would lead them   ly political.                   would have Bilal ibn Rabah,            Imams, Muslim leaders and the Muslim
        in prayer. This would be followed by a special   He also understood that ending domestic                         community as a whole can take some of the
        sermon about a topic of concern or discussion   violence meant helping perpetrators clearly   may Allah be pleased with   key steps the Prophet took to end domestic
        about a particular situation.         see the utter injustice of physically abusing   him, give the call to prayer,   violence today. Most notable among these:
            This time when he called the Muslims, it   their wives.                                                         •   Acknowledging the existence of the
        was to order an end to domestic violence.  “How does any one of you beat his wife   even if it was not time for it.    problem  when  an  abused  Muslim  woman
            The Prophet mentioned to the gather-  as he beats the stallion camel and then sleeps   Then, when people came to the   brings it forward.
        ing that several women had visited his fam-  with her at night?” he once asked (Bukhari).                           •   Ending the silence on the issue by
        ily complaining about their husbands beating   How could a relationship that God says is  mosque, he would lead them in   discussing it in regular Khutbas and Halaqas.
        them. According to one report, he mentioned   based on love and mercy be characterized by   prayer. This would be followed   •   Calling a special emergency com-
        that 70 women had approached his family. He   the kind of vicious abuse often meted out to                       munity meeting about it as the Prophet did.
        criticized these husbands, saying this behavior   animals, which the Prophet also condemned?  by a special sermon about a   •   Making sure that women have full
        was unacceptable from those who seek to live   The change in perception made a definite   topic of concern or discussion   access to Imams and Masjid services.
        by Islam’s ideals. This community meeting is   difference. So much so that the men began                            •   Making the faith connection. Estab-
        reported by two of the best Hadith collections   complaining of their wives’ newfound asser-  about a particular situation  lishing that a man who beats his wife is violat-
        of the Prophet, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah.   tiveness.                                                             ing Islam and the Sunnah of the Prophet.
            The Prophet’s reprobation was not some-                                vorce against abusive husbands.          These steps are a start. They are not the
        thing Muslim men took lightly at the time,   The Prophet’s methodology to end the   •   Instituted punishment  by  law  for   only cure but if implemented, they can lead
        since God has described him as a “beautiful   abuse of women               those who falsely accuse women.       to a significant shift in the way the Muslim
        example” (Qur’an 33:21) whom it is obliga-  The Prophet took several measures to end   •   He  prohibited  men  from stopping   community as a whole deals with domestic
        tory to follow. As well, the Prophet’s own wife   the abuse of women:      their spouses from attending the mosque.  violence today. They can help end the crisis
        confirmed that he never hit anyone with his                                                                      that continues to engulf us, destroying count-
        hand, neither a woman nor a servant (Sahih   1.  He fought abusive behavior in word   2.  He empowered women:    less women, children and men, passing abuse
        Muslim). In addition, he once said, “The best   and deed:                      •   The  Qur’an  declared  that  women   on to the next generation of Muslims and ulti-
        among you is the one who treats his family the   •   The Prophet used his sermons re-  have rights similar to men.  mately, distancing more Muslims from Islam.
        best, and I am the one who treats his family   peatedly to order men to stop abusive behav-  •   He established women’s right to in-
        the best.”                            ior towards women.                   heritance while declaring that they were not   how-the-prophet-muhammad-fought-do-
            The Prophet fought domestic violence, a   •   He once called an emergency com-  obligated to use their personal wealth to assist   mestic-violence?eType=EmailBlastContent&
        scourge common to many civilizations at the   munity meeting to address the issue of men   husbands in covering household expenses.  eId=6b78efac-cd39-40a9-89cd-20ccc86f1f03
                    Why Are  Side Effects Worse after a Second Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine?

                  n By Amina Khan             against the virus.                                                         lica of the virus’ spike protein. Before an immune
                                                 Two of the three vaccines that are autho-                               cell responds to the offending replica by destroy-
                hen it comes to the one-two punch   rized for use in the US — one made by Pfizer and                     ing it, the defender develops a memory of the
                delivered by two-dose COVID-19   BioNTech, the other by Moderna — require two                            protein so that it can attack again in the future.
        Wvaccines, it’s the second shot that re-  doses, spaced three and four weeks apart, respec-                          “The fever, headache, etc., that you experi-
        ally wallops.                         tively. (Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine is a one-shot                         ence is because of the inflammatory proteins do-
            Kristen Choi can attest to that. Choi, a nurs-  deal.)                                                       ing their work in the body to get rid of what it
        ing researcher at UCLA, ended up with a host of   There’s no special secret sauce to that second                 believes to be an outsider,” Dr Jasmine Marcelin,
        symptoms, including a fever that peaked at 104.9   dose: Both the first and second shots are exactly             an infectious diseases expert at the University of
        degrees, after she got her second shot last year.   the same. The first simply primes the immune                 Nebraska Medical Center, explained in an email.
        But the effects soon passed — and they were well   system so that it’s ready to launch a more robust                 Choi  experienced  this  firsthand.  She  vol-
        worth the much-needed protection against the   response when it’s time to roll up a sleeve once                  unteered for a clinical trial testing the Pfizer-Bi-
        pandemic, she said.                   again.                                                                     oNTech vaccine and got her first shot in August.
            “I’m very grateful to have gotten the vaccine   “It’s just an amplification, basically, of the               There were virtually no side effects — just a sore
        and to be able to have that protection, and really   same process that happens the first time around,”           arm.
        want to see that opportunity be made available to   said Dr Diane Griffin, an infectious diseases ex-                But after Choi’s second dose, her arm quick-
        everyone,” Choi said.                 pert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of                              ly became far more painful at the injection site.
            As more Americans line up for the COV-  Public Health.                                                       By the end of the day, she was suffering from
        ID-19 vaccine, some are anxious about the sec-  Common side effects include pain, redness                        chills, nausea and a splitting headache. Around
        ond-dose side effects, which tend to be stronger   and swelling on the arm that receives the shot,               midnight, she woke up with an arm so painful she
        than the first. But experts say that the symptoms,   according to the Centers for Disease Control and   infectious diseases expert at Stanford Children’s   could barely lift it. At 5:30 a.m., she logged a scar-
        which range from a sore arm to headaches and   Prevention. Typical side effects elsewhere in the   Health. Your body is still doing its job.  ily high fever.
        nausea, are a sign that the second dose is do-  body include tiredness, headache, muscle pain,   “The good thing is not everybody gets a re-  She took Tylenol and drank water. Her fever
        ing its job: turbo-charging the immune system’s   chills, fever and nausea.  action,” Lee said.                  hovered around 99.5 degrees for the rest of the
        response to the initial dose, and thus provid-  And if  you don’t experience  side effects,   The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines work by   day. By the next morning, her symptoms had
        ing more vigorous and long-lasting protection   that’s “totally fine,” said Dr Grace Lee, a pediatric   giving the body’s cells a blueprint to make a rep-  DOSE, P24
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