Page 25 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 25

Common, Unique & Relevant

        RELIGION                        Prophet Muhammad’s Message:                                                      MARCH 26, 2021  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25

          n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi         Prophet Muhammad’s Message:                                                          Gems from the

                uhammad is not the fa-                                                                                               Holy Quran
                ther of any one of your          Common, Unique & Relevant
        Mmen; he is Allah’s Mes-
        senger and the seal of the prophets:
                    Allah  knows  every-
                    thing. (33:40)
                        The  example
                    of me and other
                    prophets before me
                    is like a person built
                    a building. He made
                    it fine and beautiful,
        except for a stone at a corner. People
        walked around the building and were
        amazed but said, ‘For what reason
        this cornerstone is not placed?’ I am
        the cornerstone and I am the seal of
        the prophets. (Al-Bukhari, Hadith
            In Islam we emphasize both the
        commonality of Prophet Muham-                                                                                               From the translation by Mu-
        mad’s message with the message of                                                                                       hammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
        other prophets and messengers of
        Allah as well as its uniqueness. It is                                                                                      About the translator:
        important to recognize commonal-                                                                                            Muhammad Asad, Leopold
        ity, because this makes us work with                                                                                    Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
        others and cooperate with them in                                                                                       in Livow, Austria (later Poland) in
        matters of goodness. It is also im-                                                                                     1900, and at the age of 22 made his
        portant to understand the special                                                                                       first visit to the Middle East. He lat-
        and unique mission of Prophet                                                                                           er became an outstanding foreign
        Muhammad, because this makes                                                                                            correspondent for the Franfurter
        us distinct and help us to make our                                                                                     Zeitung, and after years of devoted
        unique contribution to the world.                                                                                       study became one of the leading
        We should talk of uniqueness not in                                                                                     Muslim scholars of our age. His
        any arrogance but in humble thank-                                                                                      translation of the Holy Qur’an is
        fulness to Allah and give this mes-                                                                                     one of the most lucid and well-
        sage to the world.                                                                                                      referenced works in this category,
            We believe in all prophets and                                                                                      dedicated to “li-qawmin yatafakka-
        messengers of Allah without any                                                                                         roon” (people who think).
        discrimination between them. We   should follow it without any doubt   all people         deep  devotion  to  Allah  and  excel-  Chapter 3,Verses 35 to 37
        specially recognize the prophets and   or hesitation.           5. Absolute requirement of bal-  lence in character. The second ayah   When a woman of the house
        messengers who came in the line of   … Today I have perfected your   anced morality and universal ethics  says:         of Imran prayed: “O my Sustainer!
        Prophet Ibrahim and are recognized   religion for you, completed My bless-  These principles are mentioned   Allah commands justice and   Behold, unto Thee do I vow [the
        by Jews and Christians. Most of the   ing upon you, and chosen as your re-  in the Qur’an and Sunnah in dif-  kindness, and generosity towards rel-  child] that is in my womb, to be de-
        Prophets mentioned in the Qur’an   ligion Islam…  (Al-Ma’idah 5:3)  ferent places and in different ways.   atives; and He forbids what is shame-  voted to Thy service. Accept it, then,
        are the same as mentioned in the   We have sent down the Remind-  All of them are important and rel-  ful,  evil,  and  aggressive.  He  teaches   from me: verily, Thou alone art all-
        Jewish and Christian scriptures. The   er Ourself, and We Ourself will guard   evant, but there are two verses of the   you, so that you may take heed. (al-  hearing, all-knowing!” But when she
        teachings of all prophets were very   it. (Al-Hijr 15:9)    Qur’an that are most outstanding   Nahl 16:90)              had given birth to the child, she said:
        similar. They all emphasized faith in   However, the most important   in presenting the core and global   In this ayah we have three   “O my Sustainer! Behold, I have
        one God and righteous life. They all   things for us are to reflect on the   message of Islam. They present this   commands  and  three  prohibitions.   given birth to a female” – the while
        emphasized that God created this   relevance of this message today and   message in the most powerful and   Justice, benevolence and family   God had been fully aware of what
        world. He created human beings as   on our role. The relevance of this   beautiful way. One is known as Ayat   connections are the basic rules for   she would give birth to, and [fully
        His special creation to serve Him   message is its universal quality. It   al-Birr (al-Baqarah 2:177). Sayyidna   individuals and society. Indecen-  aware] that no male child [she might
        and take care of His creation.   is a most suitable message for our   Abu Dharr al-Ghifari called it ‘Ayat   cies, evil and aggressions must be   have hoped for] could ever have
             The uniqueness of Prophet   global village. It is a message that is   al-Iman’. The other is Ayat al-‘Adl   removed to keep the individuals and   been like this female – “and I have
        Muhammad is that he was the last   good for the shrinking world where   (al-Nahl 16:90). Sayyidna Abdullah   society safe and secure.   named her Mary. And, verily, I seek
        and final  prophet of  Allah  and his   people of diverse backgrounds   ibn Mas’ud called it ‘the most com-  This message is not for any   Thy protection for her and her off-
        message  is  the  universal  and  final   meet, live and work together. The   prehensive verse of the Qur’an:  particular race, ethnic groups or na-  spring against Satan, the accursed.”
        message of Allah. There is no new   core  principles  of  this  message  are   Goodness does not consist in   tionality. It is good for all people and   And so her Sustainer accepted her
        prophet after Prophet Muhammad   five. These principles were good for   turning your face towards East or   for all times, especially for our time.   with goodly acceptance, and caused
        and there is no new divine mes-  humanity  in the  past  and they  are   West. The truly good are those who   However, the message itself cannot   her to grow up in goodly growth,
        sage after his message. He was sent   much more relevant and needed to-  believe in Allah and the Last Day,   be effective unless there are people   and placed her in the care of Zacha-
        for all humankind until the end of   day. These principles are:   in the angels, the Scripture, and the   who sincerely commit to this mes-  riah. Whenever Zachariah visited
        the world. The Qur’an also tells us   1. One God            prophets; who give away some of their   sage and conduct their personal and   her in the sanctuary, he found her
        that this message is complete and   2. One human family     wealth, however much they cherish   communal affairs by it. Our respon-  provided with food. He would ask:
        perfect and does not need any addi-  3. Dignity and equality of all   it, to their relatives, to orphans, the   sibility therefore is:  “O Mary, whence came this unto
        tion or alteration. The message was   human beings          needy, travelers and those who ask,   1.  To learn this message and   thee? She would answer: “It is from
        also preserved and protected. So we   4. Justice and fairness towards   and to liberate those in bondage;   its details from the authentic sourc-  God; behold, God grants sustenance
                                                                                   those who keep   es  and  teachers.  Knowledge  is  the   unto  whom  He wills,  beyond  all
                                                                                   up  the  prayer   foundation.                reckoning.”
                                                                                   and pay the        2.  We should live by it sin-  Chapter 3,Verses 42 - 43
                                                                                   prescribed char-  cerely. Unless we practice what we   And lo! The  angels said,  “O
                                                                                   ity; who keep   profess we cannot be effective.   Mary! Behold, God has elected thee
                                                                                   pledges  when-     3.  We must present it to oth-  and made thee pure, and raised thee
                                                                                   ever  they  make   ers with wisdom and compassion   above all  the women of the world.
                                                                                   them; who are   using the right words and means.   O Mary! Remain thou truly devout
                                                                                   steadfast in mis-  4.  Our goal must be to in-  unto thy Sustainer, and prostrate
                                                                                   fortune, adver-  crease love, harmony and coopera-  thyself in worship, and bow down
                                                                                   sity, and times   tion among all people.     with those who bow down [before
                                                                                   of danger. These   5.  Our  ultimate  objective   Him].
                                                                                   are the ones who   must be Allah’s approval.     Chapter 3,Verses 59 to 60
                                                                                   are true, and it   Say, ‘My prayer and sacrifice,   Verily in the sight of God, the
                                                                                   is they who are   my life and death, are all for Allah,   nature of Jesus is as the nature of
                                                                                   aware  of  Allah.   Lord of all the Worlds; He has no   Adam, whom He created out of dust
                                                                                   (A l-B aq ara h   partner. This is what I am command-  and then said unto him, “Be” – and
                                                                                   2:177)         ed, and I am the first to submit to   he  is.  [This  is]  the  truth  from thy
                                                                                       The  ayah  Him.’ Say, ‘Should I seek a Lord other   Sustainer; be not then among the
                                                                                   e m p h a s i z e s   than Allah, when He is the Lord of all   doubters!
                                                                                   that true righ-  things?’ Each soul is responsible for   Chapter 3,Verse 64
                                                                                   teousness  (or  its own actions; no soul will bear the   Say: “O followers of earlier rev-
                                                                                   religiousness)   burden of another. You will all return   elation! Come unto that tenet which
                                                                                   means   sound  to your Lord in the end, and He will   we and you hold in common: that
                                                                                   faith,  sincere  tell you the truth about your differ-  we shall worship none but God, and
                                                                                   social concern,   ences. (Al-An ‘am 6:162-164)  GEMS, P28
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