Page 28 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 The question remains: Does the writer, a former ambassador, is Adjunct “The entire Pakistani nation tions with all its neighbors includ-
117th Congress have the political Professor Georgetown University and stands by their Kashmiri brothers ing India, in yet another sign of
that we shall not ascribe divinity to will? Visiting Senior Research Fellow Na- and sisters in this hour of trial,” he thawing of relationship. He added
aught beside Him, and we shall not (M Baqir Mohie El-Deen isPoli- tional University of Singapore) said. “Kashmir is a jugular vein of that peace was inevitable in the
take human beings for our lords cy Program Manager, Muslim Public Pakistan and we will continue to raise South Asia region.
beside God.” And if they turn away, Affairs Council) ASIANS FROM P21 their voice at all forums.” “For the larger interest of the
then say: “Bear witness that it is we that it has played a role in furthering The president also urged the in- region peace within South Asia is
who have surrendered ourselves AMERICA FROM P4 these xenophobic sentiments through ternational community to take notice inevitable,” said Pakistani Charge
unto Him.” insurgency and terrorism alive, and the actions of political leaders, including of the grim situation in IIOJK. d’ Affairs Aftab Hasan Khan while
Chapter 3,Verse 84 would not only threaten its own secu- references to the COVID-19 pandemic “Pakistan desires peace in Af- addressing the event in New Delhi
Say: “We believe in God, and in rity but by fueling extremism in Paki- by the geographic location of its ori- ghanistan and the world commends to mark the Pakistan Day.
that which has been bestowed from stan would also hold the stability of the gin,” Biden said. “Such statements have the efforts made by us for the estab- According to the statement
high upon us, and that which has nuclear-capable country hostage. Ji- stoked unfounded fears and perpetu- lishment of peace in the neighbor- issued by the Pakistani mission in
been bestowed upon Abraham and hadists also threaten India, undermin- ated stigma about Asian Americans and ing country,” the president said and New Delhi, Khan said that Paki-
Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and ing Washington’s China policy. As it is Pacific Islanders and have contributed stressed the need for harmonizing stan wants to have friendly rela-
their descendants, and that which these areas of cooperation between the to increasing rates of bullying, harass- with the latest technologies including tions with all countries including
has been vouchsafed by their Sus- two sides are also marked by a conflict ment, and hate crimes against AAPI cyberspace and artificial intelligence India.
tainer unto Moses and Jesus and all of perception, policy and interests, persons.” to achieve the goal of development. “To achieve peace between
the [other] prophets: we make no How Washington resolves these It was part of a series of racial He expressed satisfaction that Pakistan and India both countries
distinction between any of them. dilemmas will depend not only on its equity-focused executive orders. the country’s armed forces are not shall resolve all outstanding issues
And unto Him do we surrender our- China and Afghanistan policies cur- (Taylor Haney and H.J. Mai pro- lagging behind to lace themselves including IIOJK through dialogue,”
selves.” rently under review but also on how duced and edited the audio version of with these technologies. he stressed.
compatible Pakistan’s polices will be this story. Npr) “The way we achieved indepen- His statement appears to sug-
DOSE FROM P24 with US objectives. America does not dence, the goal of development can gest that both countries are trying
with this coronavirus, you need that want to start a new Afghan war. Nor WEBINARS FROM P18 also be achieved by renewing the to lower the rhetoric in order to
second dose of vaccine to ensure your does it want to scuttle the February able Development and embodied by pledge of ‘Aik Qaum, Aik Manzil,’” he create a conducive environment
immune system’s response is strong, 2020 agreement entirely. Washington the pledge to leave no one behind, is said. for further engagement.
and will last over time, experts said. may have lost the war but has not lost fully in line with the HEC Seerat Cen- Talking about the Covid-19
Choi noted that people ages 55 the capacity to prevent instability in Af- ter’s objective of encouraging peaceful, pandemic, the president said despite WATER FROM P1
and younger appeared to suffer more ghanistan. However, it will need Paki- inclusive, and empathetic communi- limited resources, Pakistan handled the importance of early resolution of
from side effects than the senior crowd. stan’s help. But there appears to be no ties through tools like active and con- the situation with responsibility and the outstanding issues in accordance
There’s a reason for that, she said: “If clarity in Pakistan’s Afghanistan policy tinuous intersectional participation, discipline. with the provisions of the IWT,” the
you are younger, your body has a stron- except in rhetoric. dialogue, and collaboration. Of note, “I am confident that Pakistan FO added.
ger immune system and a little bit more There is also a continued lack of the Seerat Center’s work is inspired will also overcome this challenge” but An eight-member Pakistani del-
capacity to mount that immune re- trust in Washington’s policies. Those by Rasul Allah, the Holy Prophet stressed that we need to observe cau- egation headed by Shah had departed
sponse.” skeptical of America’s value as a partner Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), tion. for New Delhi on Monday to hold
So as more vaccine becomes avail- need to revisit Pakistan’s own history. whose very life mission, both before President Alvi said Pak-China talks with the Indian side led by P. K.
able and younger people step up for To its credit, the US did help Pakistan and after prophet-hood, was to cre- cooperation and collaboration is get- Saxena.
their shots, it’s important to let them meet its economic and security chal- ate communal harmony, respect, and ting stronger with the passage of time. The last round of talks was held
know what to expect, and that side ef- lenges earlier. Problems arose in the compassion among people from all He also expressed gratitude to China in Lahore in 2018 and ended with no
fects are a completely normal part of 1980s and after 9/11 in liaisons between walks of life. Rasul Allah was firmly for providing the anti-Coronavirus progress over the long-running dis-
the process. Washington and the Zia and Musharraf passionate about protecting the rights vaccine to Pakistan. pute.
“It’s a signal that the vaccine is regimes struggling to gain legitimacy, of minorities and the founding father After the 2018 meeting, a Paki-
working,” she said. economic support and political back- of Pakistan, Quaid-i-Azam, and Paki- FELICITATIONS FROM P1 stani delegation was invited by India
This story originally appeared in ing. They made a bad bargain with the stan’s Constitution is firm about the lenges including that of coronavirus to inspect the sites of the hydroelec-
Los Angeles Times. US in their own interest rather than important space of minorities and re- and climate change,” said President tric projects being constructed by In-
BILL FROM P10 Pakistan’s. Sadly, more than suffering at spect for all its citizens. Thus, the UN’s Biden in a letter to President Arif Alvi dia on Pakistani rivers.
if our Republican friends join us. If they the hands of others Pakistan was a vic- goals and that of the Seerat Project at sent on Pakistan Day. Later in February 2019, Pakistani
don’t join us, our caucus will come to- tim of its own poor policy choices and the HEC, go well together. Joe Biden said that Pakistan-US experts headed by the Commissioner
gether and decide the appropriate action their advancement through an unquali- partnership is based on the common on Indus Waters had inspected four
to take. Failure is not an option.” fied partnership with the US. PRESIDENT FROM P1 goal of regional peace and prosperity. hydropower projects at Chenab basin
In lieu of a super majority, there Pakistan’s policies must enjoy do- existence is the cornerstone of Paki- Chinese Premier Li Keqiang also in India, including Pakal Dul, Lower
may be an alternative course of action. mestic support before others respect stan’s foreign policy,” Alvi said. congratulated Prime Minister Imran Kalnai, 850MW Ratlay, and 900MW
The Democrats can pass ‘For the People it. And if Pakistan wants to move from He underscored that the current Khan on Pakistan Day. In his congrat- Baglihar dams. The construction
Act’ along party lines with a simple ma- geopolitics to geo-economics it has to situation warranted that the leader- ulatory message, Li Keqiang said the work on Pakal Dul dam, which was
jority if they either eliminate or change reach some understanding with Wash- ship of South Asia reject the politics favorable development trend of the earlier stopped, had resumed at that
the rules of the filibuster. President ington on strategic and security issues, of hate, prejudice and religious ex- China-Pakistan all-weather strate- time.
Biden has signaled support for filibuster otherwise these will keep colliding with tremism to guide the region towards gic cooperative partnership has been Under the Indus Water Treaty,
reform that requires the minority party prospects of economic cooperation. prosperity. maintained. The construction of the the two commissions should meet
to talk on the floor in order to block And finally, Pakistan has to enhance its President Alvi further main- China-Pakistan Economic Corridor each year alternately in Pakistan and
legislation. This indication from Presi- value as an economic partner for which tained that Pakistan wants to move (CPEC) has yielded significant results India.
dent Biden suggests Democrats may not it needs to strengthen its economy, free forward with good intent and peace and the CPEC has now entered a new The two longtime rivals share
have a clean option for elimination of itself from entrenchment in a securi- but our desire for peace should not be phase of high-quality development. “I the water of six rivers under the Indus
the filibuster outright. Minority Leader ty-dominated national purpose, and construed as our weakness. look forward to working with Prime Water Treaty, a water-sharing agree-
Mitch McConnell has also threatened pursue policies that make its excellent “Pakistan is a strong nuclear Minister Imran Khan to strengthen ment brokered by the World Bank in
a “scorched earth” political landscape geopolitical location a true asset, not a power. Apart from making progress cooperation between the two coun- 1960.
if the Democrats eliminate the Senate liability. Its real value as an economic in the socio-economic sectors, the tries in various fields so that both Under the agreement, the wa-
filibuster process altogether. This places partner will not show until Afghanistan country has achieved self-reliance in countries and people can benefit from ters of the eastern rivers — the Sutlej,
the ball at the hands of the Democrats in stabilizes and Pakistan becomes a hub defense,” he said and expressed satis- it,” he added. Beas and Ravi — have been allocated
deciding how to strategize for the pass- for pipelines and trade with Central faction that Pakistan is also exporting The nation is observing the 81st to India, while Pakistan has been giv-
ing of this bill. At one end, they are in Asia. its defense products. Pakistan Day with great national spir- en control over the three western riv-
control of the Senate, however their ra- Pakistan should not seek across- He added that our valiant and it and enthusiasm amid the coronavi- ers — the Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab.
zor-thin majority may cease to end in the the-board change in its ties with the brave forces are the symbol of our in- rus pandemic. Pakistan accuses India of “con-
midterm elections, so whatever changes US. Washington is not interested in dependence and sovereignty. The day dawned with gun salutes tinuously” violating the treaty by
they make to the filibuster will have an broadening the relationship. Pakistan “The entire nation stands shoul- and special prayers in mosques for the building dams on the western rivers,
effect on their ability to obstruct bills should start modestly with Afghanistan der-to-shoulder with their armed progress and prosperity of Pakistan, whereas New Delhi thinks Islamabad
from passing in the future. and counterterrorism and build mutual forces in case of any foreign aggres- liberation of Indian occupied Kash- controls more water than it as a result
The 2020 presidential election has confidence, and then expand the dia- sion as well as other issues including mir and eradication of COVID-19. of the treaty.
revealed the stark contrast in our na- logue and agree to cooperate on points terrorism and natural calamities,” he Pakistan Resolution Day is held The two-day meeting was
tion. A nation with an administration in of convergence while trying to manage stressed adding that our martyrs and to commemorate the historic ‘Lahore viewed as an important development
which American Muslims hold some of areas of divergence. In the long run, Ghazis are the nation’s pride. Resolution’ passed on March 23, 1940 in the wake of recent statements by
the highest ranks in history, compromis- Washington cannot leave Islamabad He said anti-terrorism operation that eventually led to the creation of Prime Minister Imran Khan and
ing the most diverse presidential cabinet, entirely dependent on China and use- Raddul Fassad destroyed the terror- Pakistan within seven years of its ad- Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa
all within the same year of insurrection, ful only to Beijing’s strategic purposes. ist networks across the country. The aptation on August 14, 1947. in which they reiterated Pakistan’s
and the unprecedented moment a con- And that is where there is some strate- world also appreciates Pakistan’s suc- position on the relationship with In-
federate flag paraded through the halls gic convergence. cesses in the war on terror. MODI FROM P1 dia and called for resolution of the
of Congress. This symbolism greatly Pakistan should revisit Zulfikar The president also paid rich trib- the people of Pakistan for dealing disputes through dialogue. Both the
reflects the problem that our nation is Ali Bhutto’s great idea of ‘bilateralism’. utes to the leaders of the Pakistan with the challenges of the Covid-19 Pakistani leaders have nonetheless
facing today — the proverbial fork-in- Instead of being concerned over losing Movement. pandemic.” asked India to take the first step by
the-road moment: should America fur- China in pursuit of America, Islamabad Voicing serious concerns over The Indian president also agreeing to resolve the Kashmir issue
ther empower the voice of the people, should worry about gaining internal the human rights situation in Indian wrote a separate letter to his Paki- according to the wishes of its people.
or should it muzzle the voices of many strength to enhance its appeal to both illegally occupied Jammu and Kash- stani counterpart, extending greet-
and continue disenfranchising millions sides so neither can afford to lose Paki- mir (IIOJK), the president said the ings on Pakistan Day. MARYAM FROM P1
of voters? Congress has the ability to em- stan. A weak Pakistan would need both resolution of the Kashmir dispute Earlier in the day, Pakistan’s ed by NAB Lahore said.
power those who have been historically China and the US. However, it would is imperative for ensuring peace in Charge d’ Affairs in New Delhi had It recalled that at Maryam’s last
disenfranchised. have no option but to choose one. (The South Asia. said Islamabad wants friendly rela- MARYAM, P26