Page 14 - Pakistan Link - March 26, 2021
P. 14
No Move from PTI to Address Urban Ex-envoy to Delhi Slams Former
Sindh’s Grievances, Claims MQM PM Nawaz Sharif’s ‘Pandering’ of Modi
on matters ranging from meetings
with Hurriyat lead- ers to the
Kulbhushan Jadhav case. “Right
from the word go Pakistan has
mishandled the Kulbhushan Jadhav
case,” he said and added it’s “gradu-
ally losing its credibility in the mat-
Mr Basit spoke of how he was
repeatedly and deliberately exclud-
ed from India-Pakistan meetings
or communications, specifically at
the behest of Prime Minister Sharif
whose foreign secretary humiliated
him by telling junior officers not to
communicate with him without the
foreign secretary’s permission. Mr
Basit revealed how over the Kulb-
A woman walks past the sewerage garbage on Jahangir Road after cleaning of drain lines Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi (R) shakes hands with Nawaz Sharif during hushan Jadhav matter he received a
Karachi: A senior leader of the Mut- have passed but Karachi has not wit- his visit to Lahore in 2015 —AFP/File letter of reprimand, again from a ju-
tahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan nessed any real change, as schools nior officer, which effectively mini-
said on Tuesday that the Pakistan and hospitals are in shambles while New Delhi: Former prime minister India unilaterally and uncondition- mized him and tied his hands.
Tehreek-i-Insaf-led federal govern- the whole city has been facing water Nawaz Sharif unilaterally pandered ally,” Mr Basit said in the interview, The book will be published
ment had not taken any meaningful shortages. to Indian Prime Minister Narendra which discussed his book Hostility, sometime in April but its entire con-
steps to address grievances of urban He said that Hyderabad and Modi’s priorities in bilateral ties, re- a memoir of his three years posting tents were made available by email
Sindh. other cities of Sindh had been facing fused to mention the Kashmir dis- in India from 2014 to 2017. to Mr Thapar who said its contents
“We have kept all our promises a similar situation since long. The pute in their meeting in Delhi and Mr Aziz and Mr Fatemi, had were explosive.
made to the federal government, but “injustices” being meted out to Ka- kept Pakistan’s envoy in New Delhi “apologetic mind-sets” and were Asked on what grounds he
despite all positive steps no effective rachi and its over 30 million people out of the loop while conducting more keen to accept “Modi’s conten- claimed Mr Sharif pandered to In-
measures have been taken from the are not a secret, he added. secret talks with Mr Modi through tions and work quickly to assuage dia unilaterally and unconditionally,
other side,” senior MQM-P leader “The urban parts of Sindh are an Indian businessman, according Modi’s concerns” rather than stand Mr Basit said: “I watched our leader
Amir Khan told a press conference being deliberately ignored and de- to former high commissioner Abdul up for Pakistan’s interests, Mr Basit very, very closely. I make this asser-
at Nishtar Park. stroyed,” he claimed. Basit. said. Former foreign secretary Aizaz tion on the basis of what I have seen
The senior party leadership He demanded that a public uni- He told veteran anchor Karan Ahmad Chaudhry too was “brazen- when Nawaz Sharif came for Modi’s
visited the park, where the MQM- versity be established in Hyderabad Thapar in an interview for The Wire ly apologetic and improvident” and inauguration. It was uncalled for to
P is going to hold a power show on and Mirpurkhas forthwith. portal on Tuesday that Mr Sharif’s at the time of the 2015 joint state- unilaterally free Indian fishermen as
March 25 to mark its 37th founda- About Thursday’s event, Mr senior advisers Sartaj Aziz and Tariq ment “wanted to deliver (to India) a gesture of goodwill. At the meeting
tion day. The original date of the Khan said that the MQM-P would Fatemi were party to the unusual no matter what”. in Delhi Nawaz Sharif kept silent on
event was March 18, but the party celebrate its 37th foundation day approach in conducting ties behind Mr Basit said Indian business- Kashmir. He did not mention Kash-
had postponed it due to “unavoid- on Thursday by organizing a public the back of Pakistan’s envoy in New man Sajjan Jindal played a criti- mir even a single time. He also did
able circumstances”. meeting that would “break all previ- Delhi. cal role carrying secret messages not seek a meeting with Hurriyat. I
Mr Khan said that three years ous records”. All of them were “pandering to between the two prime ministers, had suggested he should.” - Dawn
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