Page 23 - Pakistan Link - April 21, 2023
P. 23
Will Abortion Be the Wedge Issue said. this Ramadan series also appear in staying healthy. The SALAM Distinguished
in the 2024 Elections? How significant will reproductive my feature-length documentary film Tags: Award presentation was next. Every
(Continued from page 4) rights be in 2024? Baylor noted that (included below) and book, Journey • Fitness and exercise year SALAM very carefully chooses a
AAPI women, says Yvonne Hsu, Chief Black voters are not single-issue vot- into Europe: Islam, Immigration, and • Heart health deserving recipient for this award and
Policy and Government Affairs Offi- ers, but abortion rights is going to be Identity. • Mental health this year they chose a man of great
cer, National Asian Pacific American an important issue. I hope to close the empathy gap • Outdoor activities compassion, the 8th President of Cali-
Women’s Forum (NAPAWF). “It’s going to be a deciding factor,” with these stories of Western Muslim Share fornia State University Sacramento,
she said. – Ethnic Media Services converts that I will be releasing in this Robert S. Nelsen. Dr Nelsen has been
Abortion Bans series. Ramadan is a time to look out 1 Borja Del Pozo Cruz, PhD, et al., leading Sac State since July 2015 and
In June 2022, by a 6-3 vote, the Su- These Muslim Convert Stories Will for each other with compassion and “Prospective Associations of Daily Step has recently announced that he will be
preme Court overturned Roe v Wade Challenge Your Perspective of Islam care, to recognize and embrace our Counts and Intensity With Cancer and retiring from the position at the end of
in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health (Continued from page 4) common humanity as we strive to be Cardiovascular Disease Incidence and the academic year. While introducing
Organization which held women do convert. And while there are reports of better humans in a better world. In Mortality and All-Cause Mortality,” him, Professor Al-Qazzaz very accu-
not have a constitutional right to abor- Muslim converts turning to terrorism, sharing these stories of people who Jama Internal Medicine, September 12, rately described him as a man who has
tion. Since then, state legislatures have those who take that route are tiny in have chosen to adopt my faith, I hope 2022. promoted diversity, equity, and a cul-
enacted abortion bans in 14 states and number. to challenge your perspective of Islam. 2 Carlos A. Celis-Morales, et ture of dignity for all on campus and as
restricted them in 12 others. In fact, in my journeys across If we start here and shake up peo- al., “Walking Pace Is Associated with a fighter for peace. President Nelsen ac-
“The Dobbs decision has been yet much of the Western world, I have ple’s perceptions of Muslims and Islam, Lower Risk of All-Cause and Cause- cepted the award very humbly. During
another blow to AAPI women seeking found that Western Muslim converts then perhaps we can turn the corner. It Specific Mortality,” Medicine & Science his speech he said that tonight was all
abortion care by creating a landscape present a unique perspective in the only takes one spark or one conversa- In Sports & Exercise, March 2019. about compassion, and he wished that
where states have been emboldened to quest to understand Islam’s complex tion to do it, and there could be no bet- 3 Charles E. Matthews, PhD, et all of his 31,000 plus students could be
enact their own abortion restrictions identity. They are often aware of both ter time to unite as a global community al., “Amount and Intensity of Leisure- here tonight to be a part of this event
or bans,” Hsu said. the strengths of Islam, such as its great than during Ramadan. I challenge you Time Physical Activity and Lower Can- and see how we all stand together. He
Hsu noted that cultural, eco- respect for knowledge, learning and to be a part of this journey. If nothing cer Risk,” Journal of Clinical Oncology, thanked everyone for the award and
nomic, and logistical barriers for AAPI compassion, as well as the problems else, consider these extraordinary pro- December 26, 2019. requested that we continue to keep
community members, especially those in the Muslim community and the files of Western Muslim converts as 4 Dorothy D. Dunlop, PhD, et al., this spirit (of unity and compassion)
working in frontline service jobs, make stereotypes associated with the faith. my gift towards peace in this blessed “One Hour A Week: Moving to Pre- alive. He also offered a “stinger salute”
traveling and getting an abortion often As a result, converts are sometimes month. vent Disability in Adults with Lower (Sac State Hornets) and was joined by
difficult, if not impossible. placed in the awkward position of be- The piece next week will mark the Extremity Joint Symptoms,” American many people present on stage who are
“These impacts on the AAPI com- ing seen as somehow compromised start of a series on Western Muslim Journal of Preventive Medicine, March connected to CSU Sacramento for a
munity have fueled NAPAWF’s work Westerners in their native society and converts. It was produced with the help 19, 2019. group picture. The CSU President will
galvanizing Asian American women incomplete Muslims in the Muslim of Frankie Martin and Patrick Burnett 5 Borja Del Pozo Cruz, PhD, et al., be missed by all communities in the
voters in critical states like Florida, community. But it is precisely this po- and edited and assembled by Farah “Association of Daily Step Count and Sacramento area, and we wish him the
Georgia, and Texas,” she said. sition of the person in the middle that Mohamed and Suzanne Gaber. (Con- Intensity with Incident Dementia in best retirement possible.
can allow them to play an important tinued next week) 78,430 Adults Living in the Uk,” Jama It was good to note that City of
The Abortion Pill role in bridge building. They are able (Akbar Ahmed is the Ibn Khaldun Neurology, September 6, 2022. Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg
Currently, battles continue in a to communicate what it was in Islam in Chair of Islamic Studies, School of Inter- 6 David C. Nieman and Laurel had arrived just before the award pre-
number of states about access to medi- the first place that attracted them to it national Service, American University, M. Wentz, “The Compelling Link Be- sentation. And he was also here to wit-
cation abortions. According to the — and their stories resonate far easier Washington DC. He is a Wilson Center tween Physical Activity and the Body’s ness the Interfaith Prayers of the Abra-
Guttmacher Institute, a two-drug com- with those with whom they can relate Global Fellow. He was the former Paki- Defense System,” Journal of Sport And hamic faiths focusing on compassion,
bination of mifepristone and misopro- in both appearance and experience. stan High Commissioner to the UK and Health Science, November 16, 2018. just before the breaking of the fast.
stol accounted for more than half of all “Western Muslim converts pres- Ireland and in 1970-71 was Assistant 7 Deborah Rohm Young, PhD, et Rabbi Nancy Wechsler from the Con-
facility-based abortions in 2020. ent a unique perspective in the quest to Commissioner in East Pakistan.) al., “Associations of Physical Inactivity gregation Beth Shalom started with
A Texas lawsuit could stop access understand Islam’s complex identity.” and Covid-19 Outcomes among sub- blessings from the Jewish perspective
to abortion pills nationwide if it suc- It is an unfortunate reality that New Study Reveals Woeful Lack of groups,” American Journal of Preven- and said that we are all one nest of hu-
ceeds in reversing the FDA’s approval this is where we are — that in order to Diversity across News Beats tive Medicine, December 14, 2022. manity. From the Christian perspec-
of mifepristone. In North Carolina and help those who fear Muslims under- (Continued from page 8) tive Rev Dave Lyman, a prominent
West Virginia stand the humanity of people of one of The data comes as trust in media has Interfaith Iftar Unites Community interfaith leader, added that he too
abortion rights advocates have the world’s largest religions, it’s neces- fallen to record lows, according to a re- through Compassion fasted during the month. He wished
filed lawsuits challenging restrictions sary to find examples of people who port released by Gallup and the Knight (Continued from page 13) we be guards for those who need sup-
on access to abortion pills. look like them and speak like them Foundation in February that found the Jewish tradition and volunteering port and protection, and continue our
“Our partners across the country and have a shared history. That we half of Americans believe the news in- in a local kitchen to help to feed peo- efforts till all beings see each other as
are faced with ensuring their com- must convince people in the West that dustry intentionally misleads. ple. Carter looked back at his Catho- one. From the Muslim perspective Dr
munities have access to reproductive people who worship like I do can be It also comes as hate crimes tar- lic Confirmation, Saint Gregory and Metwalli Amer, the visionary founder
healthcare including, safe and afford- white, blonde and have never stepped geting ethnic, religious and sexual caring about people, and sharing reli- of SALAM and the driving force be-
able abortion care, while also respond- foot in the Middle East. But I believe minorities are on the rise, calling into gious celebrations. And Miriam from hind this Interfaith Iftar event, closed
ing to other community needs,” said there is a lot of power in realizing that question the media’s ability to effective- a Muslim perspective did an amazing the roceedings. He focused on the ac-
Ebony Baylor, Vice President of Gov- people of different backgrounds prac- ly cover issues impacting communities job explaining the act of smiling, a very ceptance of others for the good of our
ernment Affairs, In Our Own Voice: tice the same faith and follow the same far removed from the newsrooms os- basic human concept which displays community. United we stand, he said.
National Black Women’s Reproductive rituals, even if it means acknowledging tensibly meant to serve them. compassion. A smile is a universal lan- The Adhan or call to prayer, per-
Justice Agenda. the uncomfortable reality that white Anecdotal experiences shared by guage that everyone can certainly un- formed by SALAM’s Office Manager
Baylor said Black women do not Muslims may not face the same kind of reporters interviewed for this story also derstand, and it can be contagious! Ayad Al Sadawi, signaled the breaking
live single-issue lives and when think- discrimination for their “Muslim-ness” suggest that reporters of color hired by Mufti Aamir Nazir next gave an of the fast. Muslims quickly went to
ing about who best represents them, as non-white Muslims. general market outlets can often find in-depth talk on the practices and im- the adjacent SALAM Mosque to pray
they consider many factors. One of the ways I believe we can themselves pigeonholed into covering portance of Ramadan in the Islamic and upon their return all in attendance
Ebony Baylor, VP of Government begin to turn the tide is to start by edu- their respective communities while be- tradition for the benefit of many guests were treated to a delicious Mediter-
Affairs, In Our Own Voice: National cating people about the diversity with- ing shut out of more general beats. from other faiths. He started with the ranean dinner. SALAM’s Executive
Black Women’s Reproductive Justice in Islam. I am an immigrant Muslim “In the wake of the Black Lives Mat- common threads of the three Abraha- Director Abdul-Qawiy Abdul-Karim
Agenda, says denying women, espe- with a Pakistani background living in ter movement and during the pandemic, mic faiths and said that fasting has ex- officially closed the event.
cially Black women, access to abortion the US, and so I do fit in part the ste- there was an upheaval across many ma- isted in the other traditions too. Aamir Eid Mubarak greetings to all our
care will worsen America’s already high reotype many in the West may have of jor newsrooms around diversity issues,” spoke of attaining Taqwa or God con- readers.
maternal mortality rate. Muslims. But there are others not like says EMS Co-Director Julian Do, point- sciousness during the act of fasting and
me — born in the States or Europe, dif- ing to outlets including the New York detailed what the rules are in the Is- Pakistan Makes Its First Purchase of
Voter Suppression ferent in color from me, not even sec- Times and the LA Times, which recently lamic way of conducting a fast. He also Discounted Russian Oil
“Our civil and human rights are ond-generation immigrants — who are hired its second African American ex- explained who is obligated to fast and (Continued from page 10)
being attacked from all sides – lack just as Muslim. These are the Western ecutive editor, Kevin Merida. who is exempt. It is one of the five pil- traders and Reuters calculations.
of access to health care, clean water, converts to Islam. Because they don’t fit “So, while there may be some mi- lars of the Islamic faith. The Mufti also Russian Energy Minister Nikolay
childcare, social justice, and more are the bill of “Muslim” and may not be im- norities now in management positions, focused on self-discipline attained due Shulginov led a delegation to Islamabad
all things Black women think about mediately “otherized,” they may be just there is still a way to go when it comes to the act of fasting. He also described in January, after which he said oil exports
when facing crucial decisions about the perspective those wary of Muslims to story and beat assignments.” Ramadan as a month for developing to Pakistan could begin after March. Ma-
their lives, families, and communities,” need to hear in order to understand empathy and compassion. Aamir also lik in turn took a delegation to Moscow
she said. that we’re just like anyone else. Step up Your Walking Routine spoke of the Prophet’s (PBUH) focus to negotiate the deal late last year.
Access to the ballot box remains a I met some of these distinguished to Reap the Most Benefits on creating a compassionate society Pakistan and the International
big issue for Black women voters, says converts to Islam while conducting (Continued from page 16) beginning with the care of one’s neigh- Monetary Fund (IMF) have been
Baylor. “Voter suppression and sub- fieldwork for “Journey into Europe,” miles per hour, then walk for 30 minutes. bor. On different faiths Mufti Nazir re- locked in negotiations since early Feb-
version laws are being introduced by a project on Islam in Europe and its Remember, the best exercise is quested that we spread peace amongst ruary for the release of a$1.1 billion
elected leaders in state houses across place in European history and civi- whatever you can do on a regular basis. ourselves, and he prayed that this event tranche of a $6.5 billion bailout agreed
the country at an alarming rate,” she lization. The converts that appear in A brisk walk is a good, easy choice for brings us all closer together. in 2019. – Reuters