By  Dr. Ghulam M. Haniff
St. Cloud, Minnesota


July 13, 2007

Winning the Hearts and Minds of the Muslims

Shocked at the rise in negative attitudes in the Muslim world towards the United States President George Bush appeared at the Islamic Center of Washington late in June to try to repair the damage. In his hastily arranged presentation he called for “moderate” Muslims to speak out against “extremists” who are Islam’s “true enemy.” He also announced that he was appointing a special envoy to the Organization of Islamic Conference, a 57-member body, to demonstrate to the Muslim communities “our interest in respectful dialogue and continued friendship.”
“This enemy falsely claims that America is at war with Muslims and the Muslim faith, when in fact it is these radicals who are Islam’s true enemy,” he claimed.
Against the background of constant bombings in Afghanistan that has generated a record for killing children, and in Iraq where people are killed and maimed everyday, Bush’s statement must have had a hollow ring to the listeners in the Muslim world.
Not very long ago the world was told that a “crusade” has been launched against “radical Islam” and the military action that followed the declaration victimized largely innocent Muslim civilians. Just about everywhere Muslims see the “crusade” as an assault on them designed to destroy Islam.
In a number of his speeches, including the last State of the Union, President Bush used the term “Islamo-fascists” to condemn “Islamic radicals.” Using this name-calling word is tantamount to labeling Muslims Nazis or “niggers.” Bush paved the way for others to refer to Muslims in this disparaging way including on the floor of the Congress and in the pages of the New York Times by columnists such as David Brooks and Tom Friedman.
Muslims are left wondering what exactly the term “Islamic radicals” mean. Using pejorative terms analogous to “niggers” may have worked in another age, with another people, but unlikely to do so at the present time. It certainly would not appeal to the hearts and minds of the people in the Islamic communities.
The latest public opinion survey released by Pew Research shows that the Muslim trust in America has fallen further since the last poll taken about a year ago. The dislike for America is widespread and the level of trust is at the lowest level not only in the Muslim world but in Europe and much of Asia as well.
Alarmed by the negative perception of the United States in the Muslim world President Bush appointed Karen Hughes, a close confident in the White House, an Undersecretary of Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy about a year ago. Despite her public relations efforts she has not been able to reverse the slide. She undertook a visit to the Middle East, meeting selected prominent leaders under a glare of publicity, but that had no impact on people’s perceptions.
Earlier, the current administration created a TV network, Hurriyah, beamed to the Middle East with “objective news and analysis” to compete effectively with Al-Jazeera. In the opinion of the people in the region it is seen as a crude American propaganda with hardly any credibility at all. An Arab version of MTV has also been broadcasting for sometime and that too does not make much of an impact.
For some reason the policymakers in Washington cannot believe that American actions, its foreign policy in the area, is related to its unpopularity. The talk of democracy and human rights sounds hollow to most people in view of the destruction of Iraq, the gruesome activities at Abu Ghraib, the practice of “rendition,” the horrors of Guantanamo and starvation of the Palestinian children.
The assorted dictators and tyrants who rule the Muslim countries are intensely disliked by their subjects and yet they are given accolades as allies by the United States. These self-imposed leaders are openly criticized as “puppets” of America but the message is ignored. In his speeches Bush refers to them as “moderate” Muslims though they are some of the most oppressive rulers in the world. Amnesty International lists them as major violators of human rights.
In the war on Lebanon last summer despite worldwide plea President Bush refused to rein-in Israel. Instead, he kept on repeating the mantra that “Israel has a right to defend itself” and that it only wants to “degrade Hezbollah.” In defiance of the world opinion Washington airlifted arms and munitions to support the Israeli war effort. The weapons supplied included the notorious anti-personnel bombs that Israel dropped on Lebanon in the waning days of the war.
These bombs have taken a severe toll on the Lebanese civilians with casualties inflicted almost every day. The Muslims maimed and injured can hardly be expected to have positive feelings about America, let alone a place of affection as they cry out in agony.
There is hardly any Muslim in the world that does not have distain for the American foreign policy in the Middle East. Just about everyone wants justice for the Palestinians. Yet Washington does not see anything wrong with its total support for Israel.
For over sixty years America has blindly supported the dispossession of the Palestinians, the theft of their land and the oppression under occupation. It has orchestrated the isolation of the Palestinians, their beatings and their daily humiliation. The weapons supplied to the pernicious enemy have killed not only the Palestinians but other Arabs as well. Yet these Muslims are expected to cheer for America.
When Muslims are maligned daily, tortured, starved and humiliated, their religion disparaged, religious text desecrated, their lands bombed and occupied, it is very difficult to see how their hearts and minds could be won over.


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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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