By  Dr. Ghulam M. Haniff
St. Cloud, Minnesota


February18 , 2011

Palestine Never a State: Consider the Occupier


Palestine will never be a state. It will never be a nation. Consider the occupier: wily, conniving, with penchant for oppression, thievery and killings. They have kicked the Palestinians around for over half a century and America still thinks that the occupiers are the victims.

They, the occupiers, have done their job and convinced the world of their message. And the message is that they deserve everything as the victims, and the Palestinians, nothing.

Palestinians will never be able to stand up to face the enemy, the occupier. Palestinians are killed, several at a time, in cold blood, weekly, though the Western world blames them for the violence.

Not too long ago Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs, openly declared that “peace is impossible” with the Palestinians. He probably wants them to be permanently occupied and kept under brutal control.

The latest pretext for Tel Aviv’s refusal to negotiate with the Palestinians, according to Israeli Cabinet Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, is that “if the peace talks fail the whole world is likely to recognize a sovereign state of Palestine.” According to Ben-Eliezer, “ Israel must never take that chance.”

Most Israelis believe that the subterfuge of peace talks must continue as it has been for the past two decades. It keeps everybody happy, the White House, the US Congress, AIPAC, various pundits and the talking heads around the nation.

Neither the Palestinians nor the Arabs in the streets understand this charade played out right in front of their eyes. They do not realize that the territory which would constitute Palestine is being whittled away with an “in your face” attitude by the Israelis. Israeli politicians recently mentioned the possibility of recognizing a provisional state of Palestine on “13 percent of the occupied territory.” The Palestinian leadership rejected the offer as though they will eventually get more. Not a chance.

Just a few months ago the famous Shepherd’s Hotel (the home of Amin Al-Husseini in the 1930s) was blown up to make room for a Jewish settlement in Arab East Jerusalem. When the Palestinian leaders objected Prime Minister Netanyahu caustically mentioned that the project was done under “a private initiative.” And he added insult to injury by saying that anyone can buy land in Jerusalem.

No Palestinian would dare to mention that Arabs almost never are granted permission to buy land.

It is widely known that Arab leaders shake in their sandals at the sight of an Israeli soldier. The assorted Arab tyrants in that neighborhood outbid one another to win the friendship of the Israelis. No one knows how many millions may have passed to the Israeli leaders under the table.

Of course, they give a lot to America as well buying weapons, usually obsolete, as a way of expediting the transfer of dollars from one to another. Saudi Arabia is one of the largest buyers of such weapons. These weapons will never be used against Israel but certainly against their own people. America helps the Arab tyrants to stay on their thrones and the populace under their thumbs.

This subterfuge can most clearly be seen in Egypt at the moment where Washington wants the army to continue ruling even though Husni Mubarak may be booted out of power. (But that too is doubtful if one examines Obama’s words).

The Arab leaders are very fond of showing the West the extent of their own Westernization. Take Husni Mubarak, for example. He would never be caught dead without a neck-tie or highly polished dress shoes. Their national costumes, such as a thawb or jalabiya or even the kaffiyeh is considered to be for the primitive peasants. (However, Western tourists may put on the kaffiyeh around their necks for photo-op).

Incredible as it may seem the Arab leaders oppose the Iranian nuclear program though not the one in Israel! No Arab country has the ability to develop one of their own.

For years Mossad agents roamed the Arab countries and freely kidnapped or killed their scientists. Their governments did not allow the word of those incidences to get out, until the WikiLeaks. Arab governments are considered to be jokes by the people in Tel Aviv. The Palestine National Authority is another joke, as is Mahmoud Abbas and Saeb Erakat.

As long as the Palestinian leaders are kept well fed, and well paid, who cares about a state. According to WikiLeaks Abbas gave away more land than what he said in the public. Arab leaders say one thing in public, and another in private.


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Editor: Akhtar M. Faruqui
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