Page 15 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                          MAY  25,  2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15
               PTI Unveils Plan for First 100 Days                                                    PIA Invites Prince Harry and

                       in Office if Elected to Power                                               Meghan Markle to Visit Pakistan

                                                                            Balochistan and making
                                                                            the development projects
                                                                            in the province more in-
                                                                            clusive of the local popu-
                                                                               He also said a federal
                                                                            plan would be introduced
                                                                            to  improve civic ameni-
                                                                            ties and the security situ-
                                                                            ation in Karachi should
                                                                            the PTI come to power.
                                                                               A special plan would
                                                                            be launched to bring the
                                                                            poorest of the country’s
                                                                            districts at par with oth-
                                                                            ers, he announced.
                                                                               Revitalising  Eco-
                                                                            nomic Growth: Asad
                                                                            Umar presented the eco-
                                                                            nomic highlights of the
        “These 100 days reflect the path for which the country was made,” Khan says as he   proposed agenda, which
        unveils the 100-day plan                                            includes provision of jobs
        Islamabad: The Pakistan   PTI chief Imran Khan,   spite being acknowledged   to  youth  and  promotion
        Tehreek-i-Insaf  (PTI)  who spoke towards the   by international organi-  of tourism.
        on Sunday presented its   end of the ceremony,   zations.              He said that a policy
        agenda  for the  first  100   said before coming to the   Stressing improve-  to create 10 million jobs
        days of government —   agenda.               ments in governance    within five years would
        if  the  party  is  elected  to   “These 100 days re-  and service delivery, he   be formulated which
        power.                 flect the path for which   criticized the incumbent   would focus on provision
            PTI  leaders Shah   the country was made,”   government for being in a   of skills to youth.
        Mahmood      Qureshi,  he said.              hurry to inaugurate proj-  He said that the
        Asad Umar, Khyber Pak-    Making multiple re-  ects. “Have you ever seen   party would promote the
        htunkhwa (KP) Chief    ligious references in his   Mahatir Mohammad or   manufacturing  indus-
        Minister Pervaiz Khattak   address,  Khan  said  that   Nelson Mandela cutting   try and pave the way for
        and former secretary-  he envisions a Pakistan in   ribbons?” he asked, add-  speedy growth of small
        general Jahangir Tareen   which a leader is account-  ing that nation-building,   and medium-sized busi-
        — who was disqualified   able even for the death of   not inauguration of some   nesses.
        as a lawmaker by the Su-  an animal.         projects, is a real achieve-  He announced that
        preme Court last year —   All policies under   ment.                the government’s guest
        presented parts of “Imran   this 100 days’ agenda will   Shah  Mahmood  houses  would be turned   Karachi:  Pakistan International Air-  preacher Michael Curry delivering his
        Khan’s First 100 Days   look into how to make   Qureshi spoke mostly   into hotels and made   lines’ (PIA)  Twitter is the next best thing   sermon with distinctive evangelical and
        Agenda” at an event in Is-  education, employment   about regional disparities   available for the public,   - if you’ve been following it for a while.  southern exuberance, to the purple-
        lamabad.               and other basic rights ac-  and presented a plan for   and that four new tourist   PIA watched the Royal Wedding as   adorned main choir practically grooving
            The agenda includes   cessible to the common   the merger of the Feder-  spots would be identified   Prince Harry and Meghan Markle said   to the tune of Stand By Me (a first for any
        transformation in gov-  man, said Khan.      ally Administered Tribal   within the first 100 days.  “I do” this weekend and (in a first) im-  British cathedral, we can safely assume),
        ernance,  revitalization  He said that the   Areas (Fata) with Khyber   Transforming Paki-  mediately sprung to action. The airline   at times the event seemed to be a little
        of  economic  growth  and   temperatures in Pakistan   Pakhtunkhwa, a politi-  stan into a business-  posted a throwback of Princess Diana on   too insensitive to the traditionally cold
        ensuring the country’s   were rising because of   cal reconciliatory process   friendly country, tax re-  their trip to the country’s northern areas   and formal British wedding customs.
        national security.     climate change which is a   for Balochistan, as well as   forms and construction of   and requested the newly-weds to come   St George’s Chapel has been a place
            “A civilized society is   reality and that its effects   for the creation of South   5 million houses are also   visit those places as well... with PIA.  of prayer, pageantry and ritual since the
        not known by how many   can only be mitigated by   Punjab  province  on ad-  among the main features   The tweet reads: “We watched the   15th century
        big houses are construct-  planting more trees. He   ministrative grounds.  of the proposed 10-point   #RoyalWeddding & remembered #Prin-  But as some media commenta-
        ed in Defense Housing   regretted that the party’s   He said that this   economic policy.  cess Diana & her trip to the northern ar-  tors have pointed out, these liberties
        Authorities, or now in   Billion Tree Tsunami   would involve giving   A “Council of Busi-  eas of Pakistan, & we thought how won-  of natural – if not defiant – expression
        Bahria [Town], but how   project in KP was criti-  greater authority to  the   ness Leaders” would be   derful it would be for the newly-weds to   come associated with Harry’s second-
        people in the slums live,”   cized by the PML-N de-  provincial government in   PLAN, P28  visit our northern splendors as well! So   to-the-throne status. Had he been the
                                                                                                                                direct successor to the Crown following
                                                                                                  #PrinceHarry & #PrincessMeghan, we
           PPP Paid $100,000 to Washington Lobbyist                                               are ready, just let us know when! #PIA”  his father’s yet-to-occur death, this wed-
                                                                                                                                ding would probably have presented a
                                                                                                      In  a  brilliant  piece  summing  up
                    for Arranging Bilawal’s Meetings                                              her  impressions  of  the  Royal  Wedding   very different (and more conservative)
                                                                                                                                picture to the one that was broadcasted
                                                                                                  Komayal Hassan commented: On Satur-
                                                                                                  day morning, inside St George’s Cathe-  recently to over an estimated 1.9 billion-
        London:  The Pakistan People’s                                  The lobbying firm said that the   dral, situated in the grounds of the his-  strong global audience.
        Party (PPP) hired a lobbying firm in                        PPP was dedicated to “promoting   toric Windsor Castle, Prince Harry, the   An extension of Princess Diana’s
        Washington for one month in Feb-                            democracy while supporting public   youngest son of Prince Charles and the   legacy: The wedding, it has been pointed
        ruary this year and paid $100,000                           ownership, egalitarianism, equality   late Princess Diana Spencer, exchanged   out, also showcased a persistent nod to
        fees  for setting up  meetings and                          and a strong national defense”.  his wedding vows with Meghan Markle,   both the overt and subtle aspects of Di-
        media interviews for Bilawal Bhutto                             The contract between the PPP   now Her Royal Highness TheDuchess of   ana’s legacy – one marked by a rebellion
        Zardari.                                                    and the Gunster outlined that the   Sussex.                 against established institutions, an unre-
            Papers available with The                               registrant will assist “the foreign   This  very  Anglo-American  tying   strained outpouring of passion, popu-
        News – and filed with the US De-                            principal with regard to an upcom-  the knot represents a poignant mo-  larly compassionate public outreach, and
        partment of Justice under Foreign                           ing visit by the chairman of the PPP,   ment  in  the  contemporary  history  of   feminist determination.
        Agents Registration Act (FARA)                              Mr Bilawal Butto Zaradi, registrant   the British Monarchy, which according   Meghan,  however,  seems  to  be  a
        of 1938 - show that the payment                             promises to arrange interaction   to the tabloid press, has entered into a   few  steps  ahead  of  the  wildly  popular
        was made by the PPP to lobbyist                             between the chairman and various   new age of ‘multicultural traditionalism’,   and nostalgically commemorated Prin-
        Jonathan  Stember’s  firm  “Gunster                         members of the congressional and   as foreign cultural mores seem to have   cess of Wales; in that she has successfully
        Strategies Worldwide” just before                           executive branches. Registrant will   joined in a comfortable union with the   combined a comfortable feminine fra-
        the start of Bilawal Bhutto’s visit to                      also arrange media interview of the   emotionally reserved and aristocratic   gility, and dare I say receptivity, with
        Washington on 2nd February 2018.   with the National Security Divi-  chairman with various media out-  English sensibility.  a  confidently-assertive  personal
        Jonathan P. Stember is President of   sion (NSD) and US Department   lets”.                   The Americans, it seems, have   originality.
        Gunster  Strategies  Worldwide  and   of Justice under Foreign Agents   The contract outlined that “the   definitely left their mark on this one, and   In the face of the unprecedent-
        describes himself as a political and   Registration Act (FARA) of 1938   financial terms during the term   with them, the spontaneous entry of the   ed public and media interest now
        strategic fixer.              as registrant note the name of Paki-  of engagement fees for services   world into what has been deemed histor-  being  directed  her  way,  Meghan
            A spokesman of the lobbying   stan People’s Party (“client”) as the   provided by the Gunster Strategic   ically as a very ‘white’ and British social   remains very much who she is, but
        firm as well as a PPP senior leader,   “foreign political party, registered   Worldwide to PPP will be USD   affair has become a done deal.   at  the  same time  is  very  respectful
        requesting anonymity, confirmed   at  Parliament  Lodges,  Islamabad,   $100,000.00” and confirmed that   From the sprawling white and un-  of the institution she has married
        to The News that Gunster was hired   Pakistan”. The Gunster Strategies   the  payment  will  be  made  in  ad-  apologetically common-sense Givenchy   into. In the coming days, as she takes
        from  2nd  February 2018 till  2nd   Worldwide confirmed that it had   vance on February 2, 2018.  dress devoid of any elaborate embellish-  on the many ceremonial duties that
        March 2018.                   been signed up to act on behalf of   During his visit to the Wash-  ment (except the emblematic represen-  come with her new role, she is likely
            Papers filed by Gunster Strat-  Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, chairman   ington DC, Bilawal Bhutto held   tation of every country in the Common-  to continue this theme of a
        egies  Worldwide  (“registrant”)  of the PPP.               BILAWAL, P28                  wealth), the African-American episcopal   PIA, P24
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