Page 11 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 11
ECP Suggests July 25 and 27 as Possible Can the Caretaker PM Ensure
Dates for Holding Elections Free and Fair Elections?
Nawaz Sharif was not
in favor of referring this
matter to the ECP and
wanted consensus.
He said the huddle
also seriously pondered
over accepting the nomi-
nee of the PPP for the
caretaker premier. “It will
not come as a surprise
if Abbasi says yes to the
name proposed by Shah
for the caretaker premier,”
he said, adding that the
PML-N would at least be
in a position to point a
fi nger at the caretaker set-
up if things went against
it in the coming general
Khursheed Shah has arachi: As the current government tions.
already said that he and nears the end of its term, the coun- “Th e Election Commission
the prime minister would try awaits the name of the person of Pakistan (ECP) has already an-
Islamabad: Th e Election post of caretaker prime not make much diff er- fi nalize the name of the who will take on the responsibility nounced a date for the polls and in
Commission of Pakistan minister are also ongoing. ence whether the PML-N caretaker prime minister of ensuring that the coming elec- the current political climate, none
(ECP) on Monday pro- Prime Minister Sha- proposed a name for the by Tuesday and announce tions are held on time — and fairly. of the stakeholders would want the
posed July 25 or 27 as hid Khaqan Abbasi held a caretaker prime minister it the same day. Here, asks analysts elections to be delayed. It would be
possible dates for the up- meeting with Opposition “as everyone knows who A discussion on the to weigh in on the debate of who in no one’s favor, so the caretaker
coming General Election, Leader Khursheed Shah would control him at the candidature between Ab- the next caretaker prime minister premier won’t have much to do in
Radio Pakistan reported. regarding the issue last end of the day”. basi and Shah a couple of would be and what steps — with that area.
Th e ECP forwarded a week. “In such a situation days ago had lasted only their limited powers — they would “Th e provincial setups will also
summary in this regard to A fi nal meeting is there is a view in the party 15 minutes and remained be able to take to ensure that the have a signifi cant role to play as they
President Mamnoon Hus- expected to take place that it should not be keen inconclusive. elections are not only held on time will oversee the election process in
sain requesting him to set on Tuesday. Prior to the on nominating someone If the prime minister but are also free and fair. the provinces. So a caretaker prime
one of the proposed dates meeting, Abbasi met for the slot,” he said, add- and the opposition leader Zahid Hussain: “Th e role of a minister — whoever it is — will not
as the day of the polls ac- PML-N leaders Nawaz ing that if this view pre- fail to reach a consensus caretaker prime minister is that of have much to do.”
cording to Elections Act Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif vailed (in the party) ei- on a candidate, they will a watchdog. Th ey are supposed to Pakistan Has
2017, Section 57(1). at Jati Umrah on Sunday ther the opposition (PPP) have to make public three ensure that the elections are fair but
Th e announcement to discuss candidates for nominee would get the names each. he/she will not have much power.
comes just days before the the post. nod of the PML-N or the Th e list of the six A few names are circulating Decisions to
term of the sitting PML-N A close aide to matter might be referred nominees will then be around of people who might be the
government is to expire Nawaz Sharif and a senior to the ECP. referred to a parliamen- caretaker prime minister. Among Make: Pentagon
on May 31. PML-N leader told Dawn Another leader, who tary committee, which them is former representative of
Consultations re- earlier that the meeting was privy to this devel- will be formed by the NA Pakistan in the United Nations, New York:
garding candidates for the was of the view that it did opment, told Dawn that speaker. Abdullah Haroon, and former chief P en t a-
justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani. I gon Chief
Modi Opens Controversial Power Station in think Jillani will be the best choice Spokesper-
because he is non-controversial.”
son Dana W.
Held Kashmir amid Protests from Pakistan prime minister is supposed to be a White, while
Mubashir Zaidi: A “caretaker
briefi ng the
person who is neutral, that is why media on
Srinagar: Indian Prime the choice [of a caretaker PM] is Th ur s d a y,
Minister Narendra Modi usually a person who is not a politi- said that Pak-
inaugurated on Saturday a cian or who has not had a success- istan can do more about regional
hydroelectric power plant ful career in politics. Th e problem security.
in India-held Jammu and is that these days, it is hard to come White was answering a ques-
Kashmir, amid protests across a person who is neutral. I tion regarding Afghan allegations
from Pakistan. think that it is wise that the govern- that Pakistan is behind the strikes
Th e 330-megawatt ment and the opposition have kept in their country.
Kishanganga hydropower the candidates’ names under wraps. “We believe that Pakistan can
station is one of the proj- “In the current political cli- certainly do more with respect to
ects that India has fast- mate, it is more important than ever regional security,” she said.
tracked in the disputed for the caretaker prime minister to White added: “It can certainly
Himalayan region amid be a neutral person who can ensure do more with respect to security
frosty ties between the that the elections are held on time within Afghanistan, and we would
two countries. and are fair. With the limited power look to them and hope that they
“Th is region cannot that a caretaker prime minister has, would both [Pakistan and Afghani-
only become self-suffi - I doubt they will be able to curb the stan] help, because they are both
cient in power but also maneuvers promoting one party victims of terrorism and they’ve
produce for other regions over the other. also sponsored terrorism.”
of the country,” Modi said “It will probably be someone “So we look to Pakistan to cre-
in Srinagar. “Keeping that toothless. Th e names that are cir- ate more opportunities to secure the
in mind we have been culating are of Hussain Haroon and region.”
working on various proj- former chief justice Tassaduq Hus- When asked about the recent
ects here in the past four sain Jillani. We’ll have to see.” remarks by former prime minister
years.” a statement on Friday. at a cost of $1 billion. one-day visit. Zarrar Khuhro: “A caretaker Nawaz Sharif about non-state ac-
Pakistan has op- Modi, who was on a day- Shutdown: India- Authorities cut mo- prime minister is not of great im- tors’ alleged involvement in Mum-
posed some of these proj- long visit to the region, held Kashmir, meanwhile, bile internet services in portance; the post is pretty much ir- bai attacks, the Pentagon spokesper-
ects, saying they violate also fl agged off the con- came to a virtual stand- the disputed region and relevant. But in the current political son said: “Again, this is an infl ection
a World Bank-mediated struction of the 14-kilo- still as groups opposed to ordered a curfew in parts climate, where everyone is so divid- point for Pakistan. Pakistan has de-
treaty on the sharing of meter-long Zojila tunnel, Indian control over the of Srinagar. ed, the real consideration [while se- cisions to make, and we hope that
waters from the Indus and which would provide region called for a shut- Th ey closed schools, lecting a caretaker prime minister] they will be a partner in safeguard-
its tributaries upon which all-weather connectivity down to protest Modi’s colleges and universities will be making sure that the person ing the region.”
80 per cent of its irrigated between the cities of Sri- visit. for the day to stop any is someone who is non-partisan.” Diplomatic relations between
agriculture depends. nagar, Kargil and Leh. Shops shut and student protest. Th e main Arifa Noor: “Many names have Pakistan and the US hit a new low
“Pakistan is seri- Th e government said streets in Srinagar were venue for Modi’s visit to been circulating as to who will be- recently when the latter imposed
ously concerned about it would be the longest empty except for police Srinagar, the Dal Lake come the caretaker prime minister, travel restrictions on Pakistani dip-
the inauguration [of the road tunnel in India and and paramilitary patrols tourist attraction, was de- but it really doesn’t matter who it lomats which were reciprocated by
Kishanganga plant],” the Asia’s longest two-way as authorities imposed clared out of bounds for is because they will not have much the former.
foreign ministry said in tunnel, to be constructed maximum security for the the public. of an impact on the upcoming elec- PENTAGON, P28