Page 8 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 8

P8  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  MAY  25,  2018                                                                                               OPINION
                                          PTM: Th  e Lowdown on Manzur Pashteen

                    n By Riaz Haq
                         CA                                                                                              civilians have lost their lives in terrorist at-
                                                                                                                         tacks since the year 2001. In the same period,
             ashtun Tahaff uz Movement (PTM)                                                                             nearly 7,000 Pakistani security personnel
             has held rallies across Pakistan in                                                                         have been killed in fi ghting terrorists to bring
        Psupport of Pashtun rights. Th  e move-                                                                          peace to the country.
        ment was born in response to the murder
        of Naqeebullah Mehsud, a young Pashtun                                                                               Pashtun Perpetrators and Victims
                      falsely accused of being a                                                                             It is true that many victims of terror-
                      terrorist by a rogue senior                                                                        ist violence in Pakistan have been Pashtuns.
                    police offi  cer in Karachi.                                                                         But data from South Asia Terrorism Portal
                       PTM has received very                                                                             (SATP) shows that Pashtuns alone have not
                    little coverage in Pakistan’s                                                                        suff ered from terrorism.
                    mainstream media but the                                                                                 All of Pakistan’s ethnic groups and re-
                    foreign media reporting on its                                                                       gions have paid a price. And most of the per-
        leader Manzoor Pashteen has been eff usive.                                                                      petrators of such violence have been Pash-
        Inside Pakistan, the PTM movement has                                                                            tuns. Pakistan Army has also used violence
        been mainly a social media phenomenon.                                                                           to stop this violence but it was inevitable to
        Foreign media appears to have relied on                                                                          bring an end to an armed confl ict that could
        PTM’s social media posts for their coverage.                                                                     not be peacefully resolved in spite of Paki-
        Pashteen’s tweets have come under criticism                                                                      stan’s best eff orts. Nearly 7,000 Pakistani sol-
        for disseminating misleading images and                                                                          diers and policemen have died fi ghting the
        disinformation about the actions of Pakistani                                                                    terrorists.
        military in FATA.                     ine  grievances, the PTM  leaders  and sup-  was killed by the Pakistan Army.
                                              porters  have  attacked  Pakistani  soldiers  as   Pashteen’s account was suspended by   PTM Under Suspicion
            Who is Manzoor Pashteen?          “terrorists in uniform”.  Manzoor Pashteen   Twitter for engaging in disinformation. It   PTM”s detractors say the movement
            Manzoor Pashteen is from South Wa-  has sent out misleading tweets and disinfor-  was only restored aft er he and his supporters   has been hijacked by those wishing to harm
        ziristan in Pakistan’s federally administered   mation about the Pakistan Army.  made promises to correct their behavior and   Pakistan. Th  ey point to the fact that it went
        tribal areas (FATA). Born in 1992, he saw a   One of Pashteen’s tweets had an image of   pleaded for restoration.  from  seeking  redress  of  genuine  Pashtun
        lot of violence and suff ering in his home as   destroyed homes that he falsely claimed was                      grievances to accusing the Pakistani soldiers
        the battle raged between the Taliban, par-  the result of Pakistan Army action in FATA.   Violence in FATA       of being “terrorists in uniform”. In an inter-
        ticularly the TTP,  and the Pakistan security   It was in fact an image from a 2011 Radio    Pashteen has seen hundreds of fellow   view with CNN, Pashteen asked, “Who they
        forces in the last decade.            Free Europe story titled “Taliban Burn Vil-  Pashtuns in FATA killed and injured. Tens   are harboring in their cantonment zones, if
            Pashteen has been variously hailed as   lages in Northwestern Pakistan”.  of thousands have been displaced amid mul-  not the Taliban?”
        “Pashtun Che” and “Messiah” by his sup-   Pashteen tweeted out an old 1960s pic-  tiple military operations to clear out the Tali-  Pashteen’s critics cite his misleading
        porters while those opposing him have been   ture from Woodstock , New York.  It showed   ban militants from the region.  tweets as evidence that he is being manipu-
        denigrated as “pygmies”. Among others, Pah-  American  hippies  sleeping  in  tents.  He   Th  ere has been a marked decrease in   lated. Th  is does not come as a surprise when
        teen’s movement has received support from   wrongly labeled them as internally displaced   violence as a result of Pakistan Army Op-  seen in the context of the ongoing debate in
        Afghan President Ashraf Ghani who is not   Pashtuns (IDPs) from FATA, Pakistan.  erations Zarb  e  Azb  and  Radd  ul  Fasad  to   the West about the use by hostile nations of
        on good terms with Pakistan. Pakistan Army   Another Pashteen tweet included the   drive  out militants  from  North  and South   social media to promote divisions along eth-
        Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa has de-  picture of an Afghan child who was killed by   Waziristan. Th  e death toll from terrorism   nic, racial, and sectarian lines.
        scribed the PTM movement as “engineered”   the Taliban in Helmand province. Pashteen   across Pakistan has declined from the high   American and British intelligence agen-
        without explicitly naming it.         incorrectly labeled him a Pakistani Pashtun   of 11,704 in 2011 to 1,260 in 2017, according   cies claim that Russian intelligence has used
            While pressing for redress of their genu-  child in FATA and falsely claimed the child   to South Asia Terrorism Portal.  Over 22,000   PTM, P7


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