Page 7 - Urdu Link - May 25, 2018
P. 7
Th e Future of War and Challenges for Humanitarians
n By C. Naseer Ahmad in diplomacy as well as humanitarian relief
Washington, DC which includes being elected the Chairman
of the Burundi Confi guration of the UN
hanges in technology landscape and Peacebuilding Commission. Describing the
world events present a host of chal- changing nature of wars, he talked about the
Clenges. Humanitarians who play a complexities created by new actors such as
critical role in helping bad situations from non-state actors and factors such as climate
getting worse face increas- change.
ingly daunting challenges. Th ere is an unprecedented “vast scale of
Th e Woodrow Wilson need…with 65 million people displaced” by
Center for scholars held a armed confl ict and violence, said Maurer. In
seminar in collaboration with his estimate the loss is around $14 trillion,
the Europa Institute—repre- roughly 12-15% global GDP.
sented by Dr Andreas Keller- While discussing the major challenges
hals—at the University of Zurich to discuss faced by humanitarians, Maurer mentioned
the “Future of War and the Challenges for that “confl icts are compounded by structural
humanitarians.” Dr Robert Litwak, Senior risks” such as income inequality, drug trade,
Vice-President, Wilson Center moderated unemployment and civil unrest.
the seminar in which everyone in the dis- Speaking about the challenges, he listed
tinguished list of speakers had something to the drastic changes brought about by the
contribute by their words, prior experience fourth industrial revolution. Furthermore,
and the questions asked. he commented that “today’s actors don’t be-
Th e seminar also marked the Fift h An- fering during armed confl icts. Th ese tradi- dor Martin Dahinden brings hands-on expe- have in the same way” as in the past where
nual Swiss Day at the Wilson Center giving tions have found roots across the ocean. Take rience with his prior role as Director of the hierarchy played an important role. Howev-
particular weight to the topics discussed be- for example Clara Barton—founder of the Geneva Center for Demining. er, challenges also provide opportunities for
cause of the unique role Switzerland plays in American Red Cross—who risked her life to Peter Maurer, President, International partnerships by pooling expertise. He cited
world aff airs and because the country is the bring supplants relief to the soldiers in the an example of partnership with Novo Nord-
birthplace of the International Committee of fi eld during the Civil War. Florence Nightin- Th e Woodrow Wilson Center isk—the Danish multinational pharmaceuti-
the Red Cross and many other platforms that gale, inheriting a liberal-humanitarian out- for scholars held a seminar in cal company for “assisting diabetic civilians”
help humanity. look from both sides of her family—became collaboration with the Europa trapped in confl ict zones.
Before discussing the future of war and an icon in the persona of “Th e Lady with the Institute—represented by Dr Andreas
the challenges for humanitarians, it is helpful Lamp” making rounds of care for the wound- Kellerhals—at the University of PTM FROM P8
to understand what it means to be a profes- ed soldiers at night during the Crimean War. Zurich to discuss the “Future social media to promote divisions and manip-
sional humanitarian. Th e Journal of Human- Th e cries of human suff ering found of War and the Challenges for ulate public opinion in the West. Like the US
itarian Assistance at Tuft s University, while voice in modern times during the Balkan and the UK, Pakistan also has ethnic, sectarian
explaining the roots of humanitarianism, Wars. “Th e Cellist of Sarajevo” by Steven humanitarians.” Dr Robert Litwak, and regional fault-lines that make it vulnerable
highlights three traditions: (1) private char- Galloway focused on the struggle to main- Senior Vice-President, Wilson Center to social media manipulation. It is very likely
ity and caring for those who suff er, (2) provi- tain humanity in an inhuman place. moderated the seminar in which that intelligence agencies of countries hostile
sion of relief to alleviate hardship aft er and Th e Balkan Wars as well as many on- everyone in the distinguished list of to Pakistan are exploiting these divisions for
during war, and (3) to act in a neutral way going tragedies like the carnage in Congo speakers had something to contribute their own ends. Various pronouncements by
and not to seek to aff ect the outcome of the remind us of the quotation of Albert Ein- by their words, prior experience India’s current and former intelligence and se-
fi ghting. stein in the “Cellist of Sarajevo”: ‘we cannot curity offi cials reinforce this suspicion.
Th e roots of these traditions are traced despair of humanity, since we ourselves are Committee of the Red Cross since 2012, and (Riaz Haq is a Silicon Valley based Pak-
back to Henri Dunant who was the key Swiss human beings.’ the keynote speaker, brought deep insights istani-American analyst and writer. He blogs
personality motivated to relieve human suf- From this perspective, Swiss Ambassa- into the discussion with his vast experience at