Page 11 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                       OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11
                   PTI, PML-N Take 4 NA Seats Each,                                                    Imran Blames Lack of Contact

                    PML-Q Takes 2 in Sunday By-poll                                                    with Public for By-Poll Setback

                                                                                                                                National Assembly by bagging four
                                                                                                                                NA seats but also made gains in the
                                                                                                                                Punjab Assembly by securing five
                                                                                                                                    The PML-N had vacated only
                                                                                                                                one of the 11 NA seats up for grabs in
                                                                                                                                the by-election, whereas PTI had va-
                                                                                                                                cated six and the PML-Q vacated two.
                                                                                                                                Elections on two NA seats – NA-103
                                                                                                                                and NA-60 – were postponed.
                                                                                                                                    PM Imran directed the PTI lead-
                                                                                                                                ers to be in constant contact with the
                                                                                                                                people through the media in order to
                                                                                                                                propagate the party’s narrative.
                                                                                                                                    He directed the party’s spokes-
                                                                                                                                person to present the narrative on the
                                                                                                  Islamabad:  Prime Minister Imran   media in an effective manner. He also
                                                                                                  Khan on Monday said he was cogni-  asked the federal ministers to ensure
                                                                                                  zant of a possible defeat on October   that briefing to the leaders is delivered
                                                                                                  14,  blaming  lack  of  public  contact   in an understandable way. All minis-
                                                                                                  for the by-poll results.      tries, he added, should  update  their
                                                                                                      The premier chaired a meeting   respective websites with information
                                                                                                  of ruling  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf   of development work being carried
         The ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) may have clinched the most seats in by-elections but it suffered a setback in two of   (PTI) in Islamabad to review the per-  out in their constituencies.
         the four seats vacated by its party chief Imran Khan                                     formance of the party’s candidates in   Terming the October 14 by-
                                                                                                  the elections, besides other pressing   elections as the ‘most transparent’, the
        Islamabad:  Polling was carried   the largest political party of the   polling stations today where pre-  issues.       premier claimed that the by-polls had
        out without any interruption on   country in the by-election”.  siding officers were not in charge.   “Our engagement in the affairs   been carried out without any govern-
        Sunday in bye-elections for 35 con-  Following unofficial confir-  Do you understand what I am say-  of the government created a gap with   ment interference for the very first
        stituencies of national and provin-  mation of his victory from Lahore’s   ing? Answer me this,” he demand-  the  public  contact,  and the opposi-  time in the country’s history. Neither
        cial assemblies across the country.  NA-124  constituency,  former  ed.                   tion took advantage of this,” he was   the federal nor the provincial govern-
            Barring a clash between PTI   premier Shahid Khaqan Abbasi   “Presiding officers had no au-  quoted as saying by the sources. “PTI   ments interfered in the conduct of the
        and PML-N workers outside     addressed his supporters and ex-  thority whatsoever. This is what we   leaders, known for mobilizing masses,   polls, he maintained.
        the Shamsabad Police Station in                                                           were engaged in ministerial affairs,” he   Premier Khan also met Chief
        Rawalpindi and sporadic scuffles                                                          added.                        Minister Balochistan Jam Kamal
        elsewhere, the day largely remained                                                           On  Sunday,  Pakistan  Muslim   Khan at the PM Office and discussed
        peaceful.                                                                                 League-Nawaz (PML-N) managed to   the overall situation and development
            With results from more than                                                           not only improve its position in the   projects in the province.
        96 per cent polling stations of the
        11 constituencies of National As-                                                                 Nawaz Lauds Party Workers
        sembly available with the Election
        Commission of Pakistan (ECP),                                                                            for Marginal Gains
        Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf and Paki-
        stan Muslim League-Nawaz were                                                             Islamabad: Former prime minister
        ahead with four seats each. The                                                           Nawaz Sharif on Monday lauded
        PML-Q retained two seats vacated                                                          support of the Pakistan Muslim
        by its leaders while Muttahida Ma-                                                        League-Nawaz  (PML-N)   party
        jlis-i-Amal snatched back the NA-                                                         workers and termed the by-polls re-
        35 Bannu seat previously won by                                                           sults an indication of what lies ahead
        Prime Minister Imran Khan.                                                                as his party managed marginal gains
            Consolidated, the coalition                                                           against the ruling party.
        government gained six seats in the                                                            Speaking to media represen-
        by-poll to the opposition’s five. The                                                     tatives outside the accountability
        break-up in the National Assembly                                                         court hearing corruption references
        is now 182 coalition seats to the                                                         against members of the Sharif fam-
        opposition’s 159. The by-election                                                         ily, Nawaz thanked God for the sup-
        for the one remaining seat — Kara-                                                        port of the people who made the
        chi’s NA-247, vacated by President                                                        party’s victory possible.
        Arif Alvi — is to be held next Sun-  pressed reservations over the con-  call rigging. This is what we call the   “It  was  the  first  time  in  Paki-
        day (October 21).             duct of elections.            negation of public opinion. This is   stan’s  history  that  such  an  election   “There were no price hikes dur-
            Information Minister Fawad    “I ask the Chief Election Com-  what we call disrespecting the peo-  result has been witnessed just 50   ing our era. The prices of common
        Chaudhry was quick to claim that   missioner this: who is in charge at a   ple’s mandate. These are the things   days after the formation of a  new   commodities were suitable and the
        PTI had “once again emerged as   polling station? I visited around 40   BYPOLLS, P28      government,” he said. “I have been   poor people  were  not worried,”  he
                                                                                                  to jail, Shehbaz is in jail, and every-
        Fatima Bhutto Flays Imran’s ‘Opportunistic’ Politics                                      one knows of the treatment meted   talk outside court, the former pre-
                                                                                                                                    Before concluding his media
                                                                                                  out to Saad Rafique, but PML-N still
                                                                                                  managed to win seats.”         mier reminded the people that the
        Karachi:  Fatima  Bhutto – former                           what I write is very political,” she   Criticizing the incumbent gov-  by-polls results indicate a political
        premier Benazir Bhutto’s niece – has                        said.                         ernment’s economic policies, Nawaz   trend in the country.
        strongly criticized the politics of                             “He’s a young man. He has   said that his government maintained   “God will change the current
        Prime Minister Imran Khan term-                             been through a lot of trauma and   the dollar rate for four years and did   situation. We all should pray for the
        ing it opportunistic and against                            violence. I hope he will be well and   not let it exceed Rs104.  betterment of the country.”
        women empowerment.                                          I wish him only well as a person. I
            “My criticism of Imran Khan’s                           prefer not to really comment on the  Overseas Pakistanis’ Votes to Be Included
        politics has been that I don’t see any                      politics of it all,” Fatima remarked
        conversation with women  in  his                            when asked to comment about poli-  Islamabad: The Election Commis-  seas Pakistanis, 6,233 polled their
        politics. I don’t see a conversation                        tics of her cousin Bilawal.    sion of Pakistan (ECP) has decided   votes through the i-voting software
        that empowers the provinces. I see                              The young writer said she was   to include the votes cast by overseas   in Sunday’s by-polls.
        a lot of opportunism in it,” she said                       averse to social media.        Pakistanis in the by-poll results after   The ECP had allowed overseas
        in an interview to NDTV earlier this                            “Twitter  has  become  so  a meeting with National Database   Pakistanis to vote in the by-polls on
        week.                                                       murky… It has become a platform   and Registration Authority authori-  an experimental basis on the direc-
            “We have a lot of cases of a lot                        for a lot of aggression and a lot of   ties on Monday.      tives of the Supreme Court.
        of fear and intimidation and unfor-  from politics, preferring writing in-  hate. Instagram I mean I don’t re-  ECP Spokesman Nadeem Qa-  Though the ECP has not re-
        tunately I don’t really see that this   stead. Her fifth book, a novel called   ally understand what its redeeming   sim  said that  the details of all the   leased a statement about the turn-
        government is taking any steps to   “The Runaways” is likely to hit the   qualities are because it is basically   votes cast through the internet have   out in the by-polls — that were held
        reverse that. If anything its further-  shelves later this month.  just people competing with each   been sent to the relevant returning   on 24 provincial assembly seats and
        ing that,” said the daughter of Bena-  “I was encouraged from a   other and you know this terrible   officers (ROs).    11 National Assembly constituen-
        zir’s slain brother Murtaza Bhutto.  young age by my father to write and   narcissistic one-upmanship.  Face-  “The ROs will add these results   cies — an official said the estimated
            Fatima, unlike her cousin Bila-  to read a lot. I don’t think it is a di-  book – I want nothing to do with it   to their final tallies,” Qasim added.  turnout was between 35 and 40 per
        wal Bhutto Zardari, has stayed away   vorce from politics, I think a lot of   ever.”          Out of 7,364 registered over-  cent.
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