Page 13 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                       OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
                    PTI Signs MoU to Boost Ties with                                                   PM Khan to Visit China in

                          Communist Party of China                                                       First Week of November

                                                                            the signing of an MoU be-
                                                                            tween PTI and the Com-
                                                                            munist Party of China. A
                                                                            regular exchange of ideas
                                                                            will help both countries
                                                                            and political parties to
                                                                            combat the challenges we
                                                                            face today.”
                                                                                The  two   parties
                                                                            also  agreed to exchange
                                                                            high-level delegations to
                                                                            further understand each
                                                                            other, bring the two na-
                                                                            tions closer to each other
                                                                            and to address common
                                                                                Earlier on Saturday,
                                                                            the Chinese delegation
                                                                            visited the PTI Secretariat
                                                                            where it was received by
                                                                            Arshad Dad.            Islamabad:  Prime Minister Imran   importance attached by the leader-
        Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Song Tao, an official of the Communist Party’s   China has been play-  Khan will make a three-day official   ship and people of China to Pakistan-
        Central Committee, exchange documents on Sunday after signing an MoU between Pakistan Teh-  ing an important role   visit to China in the first week of No-  China relations.
        reek-i-Insaf and the Communist Party to strengthen relations between the two parties — Online  in addressing the  issues   vember.  He assured China’s support to
                                                                            of Pakistan. Tens of bil-  The prime minister is scheduled   Pakistan at all regional international
        Islamabad:       The   Mehmood Qureshi and   of  China and  Pakistan   lions of dollars have been   to meet the Chinese president and   fora, as well as in addressing the
        Pakis¬tan Tehreek-i-Insaf   Chinese Minis-ter Song   Tehreek-i-Insaf to fur-  in¬¬vested in Pakistan   high-level officials.  agenda of poverty alleviation, fighting
        (PTI) and the Commu-   Tao signed the MoU.   ther strengthen party-to-  under the CPEC which is   During his three visit which be-  corruption and agricultural develop-
        nist Party of China have   PTI secretary gen-  party relations,” Senator   a framework of regional   gins on November 3, the premier will   ment.
        signed a  Memorandum   eral Arshad Dad, Senator   Shahzad Waseem tweeted   connectivity. The CPEC   also attend the Chinese International   He added that exchanges be-
        Of Understanding (MoU)   Dr Shahzad Waseem and   after the event.   will not only benefit   Import Expo 2018 in Shanghai.  tween political parties would help in
        to strengthen party-to-  other party leaders were   Mr Qureshi tweeted:   China and Pakistan but   This is PM Imran’s third visit to a   sharing ideas to achieve common and
        party relations.       present on the occasion.  “China is an all-weather   will  also  have  a  positive   foreign country after assuming office.   shared development.
            During an event       “Witnessed   MoU   friend and strategic part-  impact on Iran, Afghani-  He went on an official visit to Saudi   He termed the CPEC as a flag-
        held at the Foreign Office,   signing ceremony be-  ner. We start a new chap-  stan, India, Central Asian   Arabia and the United Arab Emirates   ship project of Belt and Road Initia-
        Foreign Minister Shah   tween Communist Party   ter in our relations with   Republics and the region.  in September.     tive, which would make significant
                                                                                                      Early this month, Chinese Am-
                                                                                                                                 contributions towards building a New
                         CPEC Loans Not Responsible for                                            bassador to Pakistan Yao Jing told   Pakistan.
                                                                                                   Reuters that the country was open to
                                                                                                                                   Judicial Commission
                        Pakistan’s Economic Crisis: China                                          changes proposed by the new govern-  to Record Musharraf’s
                                                                                                   ment and “will definitely follow their
                                                                                                   agenda”  to work out  a roadmap for   Statement
                                                                     debt structure released by the   BRI projects based on “mutual con-
                                                                     Pakistani government itself, the   sultation”.              Islamabad: After former military dic-
                                                                     debt incurred through the CPEC   China visit to cement ‘all weath-  tator retired Gen Pervez Musharraf -
                                                                     accounts for a low proportion.   er strategic partnership’ with Paki-  who has been out of the country since
                                                                     The  relevant  officials  have  also   stan: Prime Minister Imran Khan   March 2016 -  declined to record his
                                                                     made it clear recently.”      received Mr. Song Tao, Minister of   statement in a treason case via video
                                                                          “Also,  we  support  the IMF   International Development of the   link, a special court on Monday ordered
                                                                     in coping with the current diffi-  Communist Party of China Monday   the formation of a judicial commission
                                                                     culties but these measures shall   at the Prime Minister’s Office.  that will go abroad to record his state-
                                                                     not affect normal bilateral coop-  Welcoming the minister, the   ment in accordance with Section 342
                                                                     eration between China and Paki-  Prime Minister said the “all weather   of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
                                                                     stan,” he added               friendship” between Pakistan and   The former president’s lawyer told
                                                                                                   China held particular significance to   a special court bench comprising Jus-
                                                                        Govt. to Announce          the people of Pakistan.       tice Yawar Ali, Justice Tahira Safdar and
                                                                                                      President Xi Jingping’s term-
                                                                                                                                 Justice Nazar Akbar that his client was
                                                                       Special Package for         ing of this friendship as that of “iron   unable to record his statement via video
                                                                       Overseas Pakistanis         brothers” reflects an undeniable re-  link as he is indisposed.
                                                                                                                                    Justice Ali asked the lawyer if
                                                                                                   ality. He added that President Xi is
         Beijing: China on Monday said   and contributions for shared   Islamabad:  Prime  Minister  Im-  a great statesman for whom there   Musharraf had been diagnosed with
         it supported the International   benefits.                  ran Khan, via Twitter on Friday   is great admiration by the people of   cancer, to which the counsel responded
         Monetary Fund (IMF) in carry-    “All the projects and financ-  informed that the government   Pakistan.                that the former military ruler had been
         ing out an objective and profes-  ing arrangements are made by   will announce a “special package   Appreciating the growing rela-  diagnosed with heart problems.
         sional evaluation of Pakistan’s   the two sides on equal consulta-  of incentives” for overseas Paki-  tions between PTI and Communist   “He says he is not a coward. He
         financial situation to assist the   tions,” he added.       stanis to encourage them to send   Party of China (CPC), the Prime   wishes to appear before the court him-
         country in dealing with current   The spokesperson added    remittances through banking   Minister emphasized the need of   self and present the evidence in his de-
         difficulties.                 that judging from the debt struc-  channels.                further enhancing these ties through   fense,” the lawyer added.
            “As a member of the IMF,   ture released by the Pakistani   PM Khan said that by “re-  exchange of delegations and sharing   Justice Yawar Ali deliberated
         China supports this organization   government, the debt incurred   moving hindrances and proce-  of ideas.              whether the case could proceed in
         in carrying out objective evalua-  from the CPEC accounted for a   dural issues”, the government will   On his upcoming visit to China,   the absence of a statement recorded
         tion of Pakistan’s financial diffi-  low proportion of the sum total.   be able to increase the inflow of   the  Prime Minister  stated  that  he   by Musharraf under Section 342 and
         culties and assisting it in dealing   So, CPEC was not the reason for   remittances from $20bn to “at   looked forward to his meetings with   asked the prosecution lawyer if it was
         with current difficulties and the   Pakistan’s financial difficulties.  least $30bn and perhaps even   the Chinese leadership.  possible to do so.
         relevant measures shall not affect   Lu Kang said the Chinese   $40bn”.                      This would provide an opportu-  his  illness,”  the  bench  observed.
         the normal bilateral relations be-  side would like to work with Pak-  He assured that his adminis-  nity to underscore the importance of   “He wishes to record his statement in
         tween China and Pakistan,” Chi-  istan to substantiate and expand   tration will take steps to protect   the “all weather strategic cooperative   the treason case.”
         nese foreign ministry’s spokes-  the CPEC projects and help Pak-  overseas Pakistanis’ property and   partnership” between the two coun-  Subsequently, the court decided to
         person Lu Kang said during his   istan achieve development on its   assets in the country, “especially   tries.         order the formation of a Judicial Com-
         regular press briefing.       own strength.                 from land mafias”.               Khan added that Pakistan would   mission that will travel abroad in order
            While rejecting the im-       When  asked  to  comment      Overseas Pakistanis form   like to learn from Chinese experience   to record Musharraf’s statement in the
         pression that the loans under   that the IMF would be scrutiniz-  a  significant  part  of  PM  Khan’s   in poverty alleviation, fighting cor-  case.
         China-Pakistan Economic Cor-  ing the Chinese loans to Paki-  administration.  Weeks  after his   ruption and agriculture development   The members of the commission
         ridor (CPEC) were the cause of   stan before taking any decision,   party won the July 25 election,   through sharing expertise, technol-  and its scope will be decided later, the
         the current financial situation   he said, for the quite sometimes,   Finance Minister Asad Umar de-  ogy and best practices in the sector.  bench maintained, adding that if any-
         of Pakistan, he said the Chinese   there was a lot of discussion on   clared that the Pakistan Tehreek-  The China International Import   one had objections, they could chal-
         side  had  explained many  times   Pakistan  debt  problems  and  its   i-Insaf government will focus   Expo would provide an opportunity   lenge the formation of the commission
         that the CPEC was undertaken   financial and economic difficul-  on raising home remittances to   to the two sides to explore enhanc-  before the High Court.
         by the two governments under   ties.                        supplement foreign exchange in-  ing exports from Pakistan to China.   The case was adjourned until Nov
         the principle of consultations   “I just said, according to the   flows.                  Minister Song Tao underscored the   14.
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