Page 17 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 17

COMMUNITY                                                                                                      OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P17
             Community Link

         VOL. 28/42                                               Friday, October 19, 2018                                               Safar  9, 1440

          PAGE  18                                 PAGE  egum                              PAGE 22
                                                                                           PAGE  17
         Peoples’ Sacrifi ces                   Dr Moeed Yusuf                           Nazia Hasan: A                           For news,

         Kept the Kashmir                       Visits                                   Voice That                               updated round
                                                                                                                                  the clock, visit
         Dispute Alive                          Silicon Valley                           Lives on                       

          Islamic Council of NE Hosts National Mid-Atlantic Dialogue between Catholics & Muslims

                n By Tahir Ali        lead to the conclusion that a more   ing on that acknowledgement, thanked   Asif Hirani have been there for seven   not escape ICNA. I go for a walk and
              Photos by Majid Ali     turbulent time lies ahead for hu-  the ICNA offi  cials, WIC offi  cials, Help-  years.”   around the corner there is ICNA dis-
                                      manity. It is disturbing to note that   ing Hand, and Archdiocese of NY Fa-  Dr Riaz Khan as “my elder in wis-  tributing food to the needy.”
        Worcester:  “Th  e collective hap-  we have made an amazing progress   ther Brian McWeeney of USCCB.   dom” introduced young Yusuf Brem-  Tahir Ali told a reporter, “More
        piness of the society depends on   in just about every fi eld of life except   Dr Mohammed Ramzan, WIC   ble, ICNE president, who said, “Allah   than ever we need to build and cultivate
        human conduct,” Dr Riaz Khan   the one that matters the most – the   president, welcomed everyone and   made us all tribes. Let us bring these   inter-religious alliances to strengthen
        observed at a banquet held at the   human conduct.” Dr Khan paused   thanked the organizers for selecting   tribes together. Let’s bridge the gap be-  our shared values and collectively ad-
        Worcester Islamic Center (WIC),   and glanced over the audience and   WIC as the host venue. He emphasized   tween these tribes.”  dress issues that aff ect the moral fabric
        hosted by the Islamic Council of   distinguished guests, and said, “Th  is   the  need  of  such  dialogues  to  reduce   Father Brian thanked Reverend   and well-being of our society. As part
        New England (ICNE). Dr Riaz   brings the necessity of Interfaith   and eliminate the hatred and racism   Th  omas Ryan of CSP Paulist Center in   of this eff ort undertaken by ICNA, it’s
        Khan, past president of ICNE and   Dialogue.”               embedded in this society. Naeem Baig,   Boston and Professor Sandra Keaton   gratifying to note that this time the
        one of its founding members, was   Th  e  United  States  Conference of   Director of Outreach, ICNA, could not   for their passionate participation in the   northeast region has been selected for
        quite eloquent when he added, “Th  e   Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and the Is-  agree more. “For almost 20 years, these   interfaith dialogues, “In our dialogues   a two-day “Mid-Atlantic Catholic Mus-
        ethnic and religious polarization,   lamic Circle of North America (ICNA)   dialogues have been going on. We meet   there is only one disappointment - that   lim Dialogue”.
        cultivation of cultural divisions, and   have sponsored the Mid-Atlantic dia-  on a regular basis.” He pointed out that   we don’t meet that oft en. We have a su-  Th  e evening ended with a scrump-
        a relentless fueling of ideological   logue between Catholics and Muslims   “Dr Zahid Bukhari has been part of this   perb relationship with Muslims, beau-  tious dinner, social pleasantries, and
        diff erences by the evangelists, media   jointly since 1996. Th  is time the North-  eff ort from the very beginning. Dr Ab-  tiful dialogue is pure delight.” Looking   photo sessions.
        pundits, civilization experts, opin-  eastern region been selected, ICNE   dul Jabbar of NY, Professor of Th  eology   across the room to fi nd Naeem Baig, he   (Tahir Ali is the author of the
        ion makers, and soulless politicians   serving as the host. Dr Khan, elaborat-  Sandra Keating and your [WIC] Imam   said, “ICNA has become my life. I can-  book ‘Muslim Vote Counts’)

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