Page 18 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 18
Sacrifices of the People Kept the Kashmir Dispute Alive: Sardar Masood Khan
n By Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai
pute without the involvement of the
Brooklyn, New York: “India’s bel- third party. There cannot be a better
ligerent signaling in the recent days agency than the Secretary General
forebodes a new wave of Indian- of the United Nations himself to fa-
sponsored state terror and atrocities cilitate between India and Pakistan
in the Indian Occupied Kashmir to help resolve the Kashmir dispute.
(IOK). This must be stopped at all The Secretary General has no am-
costs. India’s irresponsible rheto- bition to assert dominance as great
ric will neither intimidate Pakistan powers do. Mediation by the Sec-
nor deter Kashmiris from pursuing retary General would be free from
their struggle for freedom and self- the jealousies and the ambitions
determination. On the contrary, that characterize individual initia-
such threats strengthen the resolve tive. The Secretary General will have
the people of Jammu and Kashmir to remain under no obligation to
to continue to fight for their just please any particular set of powers
cause,” said Sardar Masood Khan, frenzy,” Mr Khan added. President Khan insisted that it enjoyed by countless other peoples or groups. Yes, there will be resis-
President, Azad Jammu & Kash- Sardar Masood Khan observed, “is our collective responsibility to in comparable circumstances, most tance from India but if India is im-
mir while addressing a gathering of “Two things have kept the issue of intensify our quest for peace and recently in East Timore, Montene- pressed with what she would gain
Kashmiri and Pakistani Americans Kashmir alive for the past seven security and to find just and lasting gro, Southern Sudan, etc. by a just settlement of the Kashmir
in Brooklyn, New York. decades: one, the sacrifices of the solutions for the long festering dis- The uncertainty over Kashmir dispute, her negativity may not be
The President appealed to the people of Kashmir who every day putes.” will lead not only India and Pakistan insurmountable.
UN Secretary General to persuade give their blood to attain freedom; Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secretary to disaster but it will also destroy The gathering was also ad-
India to put an end to its atrocious and, two, the steadfast position of General, World Kashmir Awareness any possibility of bringing peace and dressed by Rohail Dar, Sardar Hal-
and horrendous human rights vio- Pakistan on Kashmir and its steely Movement, speaking on the occa- stability to Afghanistan, Fai warned. eem Khan, Sardar Imtiaz Khan,
lations in Jammu and Kashmir. resolve to continue a peaceful po- sion, said, “Peace has eluded Kash- Dr Fai added that a real and Ahmad Jan, Sardar Taj Khan, Sardar
“India poses a threat not only to litical and diplomatic campaign mir for more than 70 years ever since tangible strategy needs to be initiat- Imtiaz Garalavi, Ms. Aamna Habib,
its neighbors but also to its own on Kashmir until Kashmiris under the partition of British India into In- ed with the firm support of the Unit- Sardar Sajid Sawar Khan, Sardar
people whose sentiments are being Indian occupation get their funda- dia and Pakistan. Reason: The denial ed Nations. There is not the slightest Shafi Khan, Nasim Gilgati and oth-
whipped up to participate in a war mental rights.” of self-determination that has been possibility of resolving Kashmir dis- ers. -
Pakistani-American Scholar Dr Moeed Yusuf in Silicon Valley
n By Riaz Haq
Riaz Haq introduced Talk4Pak thinkers. Guests include Dr Moeed gate militancy in Pakistan and the relationship with Islamabad today
akistani-American scholar as a media platform intended to Yusuf, Dr Adil Najam, Dr Ishrat South Asian region in general, and revolves almost exclusively around
Dr Moeed Yusuf, Associate connect Pakistani-Americans with Husain, Shuja Nawaz, Raoof Hasan, US role in South Asian crisis man- Afghanistan where American and
PVice President of the Asia Pakistan to stimulate discussion on Munir Malik, Jibran Nasir, Ayesha agement. His latest book, Brokering Pakistani interests do not converge.
Center at the US Institute of Peace issues of interest to the diaspora. Siddiqa, Husain Haqqani, Tarek Fa- Peace in Nuclear Environments: US The only time the United States gets
in Washington DC, visited Silicon Talk4Pak principals include Faraz tah, Dr Nyla Ali Khan (granddaugh- Crisis Management in South Asia, involved in India-Pakistan conflict
Valley on September 29, 2018. Dr Darvesh, Misbah Azam, Sabahat ter of Shaikh Abdullah), Raza Rumi, was released by Stanford University is when there is a serious crisis that
Yusuf spoke at an event organized Ashraf, Ali Hasan Cemendtaur, and Zahid Husain, Mazhar Abbas, Far- Press in May 2018. The book offers the world fears could escalate into
by Talk4Pak ( team Riaz Haq. Talk4Pak engages with rukh Pitafi, Zarar Khuro and others. an innovative theory of brokered a nuclear confrontation between
to launch his recently published its target audience via social media Misbah introduced Dr Moeed bargaining to better understand and them.
book “Brokering Peace in Nuclear platforms like YouTube, Facebook W. Yusuf as Associate Vice president solve regional nuclear crises. 2. India-Pakistan Ties: There is
Environments US Crisis Manage- and Twitter. Talk4Pak produces of the Asia Center at the US Insti- At the talk4pak Silicon Valley no sustained dialogue between New
ment in South Asia”. two regular shows: Viewpoint From tute of Peace (USIP). Yusuf has been event, Dr Yusuf addressed three ar- Delhi and Islamabad to resolve is-
The event was moderated by Overseas in English and Azad La- engaged in expanding USIP’s work eas of focus: sues such as Kashmir. Yusuf specu-
Faraz Darvesh. It started with a brief bon Kay Sath in Urdu. on Pakistan/South Asia since 2010. 1. US-Pakistan relations: Yusuf lates that India wants to wait it out
intro by Riaz Haq to Talk4Pak fol- Talk4Pak shows feature discus- His current research focuses on says Washington now sees India, for the time when its economic and
lowed by an introduction to the sions with analysts, activists, jour- youth and democratic institutions not Pakistan, as its strategic partner military differential with Pakistan
main speaker by Dr Misbah Azam. nalists, intellectuals, writers and in Pakistan, policy options to miti- in South Asia. Washington’s entire SCHOLAR, P26
Harvard on Trial over Alleged Discrimination against Asians
New York: Harvard University The university also notes that Harvard “let the wolf of racial
went on trial Monday over an the proportion of students of Asian bias in through the front door,” the
opaque admissions selection pro- origin has increased substantially Boston Globe quoted him as saying.
cess that critics say discriminates since 2010, and today account for Bill Lee, the university´s law-
against students of Asian origin. 23 percent of the 2,000 students yer, argued however that “Harvard
A lawsuit has challenged the admitted to the freshman class, cannot achieve its educational goals
use of race as a factor in Harvard compared to 15 percent blacks and without considering race.”
admissions -- a decades-old push 12 percent Hispanics, out of 40,000 Race is never a negative in ad-
to boost minority enrollments at applicants. missions, he said.
America´s oldest and perhaps most Pitted against it is an orga- The Trump administration has
prestigious university. nization called “Students for Fair weighed in in favor of Blum´s suit,
Federal Judge Allison Dale Admissions,” led by a conservative asserting that Harvard engages in
Burroughs heard opening argu- white activist, Edward Blum, who “racial balancing” in its admissions
ments Monday in the non-jury civil previously attacked the “affirmative process at the expense of students
trial in Boston, which is expected to action” policies at the University of of Asian origin.
last three weeks. Texas. Whatever the outcome, ana-
Harvard denies discriminating The US Supreme Court decid- lysts expect this ultra-sensitive case
against Asians but defends its use of ed against him in 2016, upholding to wind up before the Supreme
broader selection criteria than aca- the university´s admissions policy. Court, where a conservative major-
demic excellence, such as personal- In Monday´s opening argu- Mortara claimed that Harvard had Asian admissions in favor of black, ity has been solidified with the ad-
ity, to form a diverse student body. ments, the group´s lawyer Adam used personality criteria to suppress Hispanic and white applicants. dition of Brett Kavanaugh. - AFP