Page 22 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 22
n By Siraj Khan A Voice Th at Lives on which were also directed by Sohail Rana in his
Boston inimitable style and methodology. Nazia start-
ed to bloom and really began singing not only
he year 1980 swept into the Indian in her voice, but also from the heart. She has
fi lm industry a Pakistani girl. She on many occasions acknowledged the contri-
Tcame to India via England to rock the bution of her mentor Sohail Rana in polishing
world of music with her own trail-blazing her hidden talent and also building her confi -
style of get-up-and-dance fl avor. Th en, it dence and self-discipline. Yet another student
would have been diffi cult to conceive that a of Sohail Rana, Adnan Sami during his recent
young girl, barely in her mid-teens, would interview with ARY the Pakistani TV channel,
perhaps unknowingly set an example of acknowledged his tutelage by Sohail Rana in
aman ki asha on a scale that even estab- 1979/80 in the TV program Rang Barangi Du-
lished politicians and diplomats would not niya from PTV Islamabad Center.
be able to achieve. Nazia’s passion for building bridges was
Feroz Khan’s Qurbani would have still not confi ned to music. Armed with a law de-
been a success at the box-offi ce even with- gree, she ended up working for the UN from
out Baat Ban Jaye, but just this song sung by 1992-94, when she got married and moved to
Nazia Hassan and picturized on vivacious Dubai in 1995.
Zeenat Aman had something in it, the magic Alas, history is full of great people who
which nobody had visualized in their wildest achieved in a few years, what others do in a
imagination. Biddu, a UK-based Indian music lifetime. Like so many wonderful artistes of
producer, who already had several hits under the subcontinent before her -- Geeta Dutt,
his belt producing hit songs for Tina Charles, Geeta Bali, Madhubala, Meena Kumari and
Carl Douglas and others, composed Nazia’s others -- Nazia Hassan succumbed prema-
fi rst mega hit. Biddu is known for danceable turely to disease and illness. It was eighteen
faves like “Ring My Bell” and “Kung Fu Fight- Nazia and Zoheb Hassan with Bollywood actor Dilip Kumar (source: Pinterest) years ago on August 13, 2000, when she left for
ing.” Both the song and singer became over- the heavenly abode, just in her mid-thirties.
night sensations. Nazia won a Filmfare Award Hassan -- a Pakistani -- as one of the 50 people television pop show called Music’89, pro- Yes, it’s been eighten years. Nazia, you will
in 1981 for the Best Female Singer -- the fi rst who helped change the face of India. Th e most duced by Shoaib Mansoor. be remembered not only for the musical trea-
Pakistani artiste to achieve this honor. She re- visible and tangible change in India’s music Culture and art play a key role in build- sures of joy and peace that you have left for us,
mains the youngest recipient ever to win this space was the personal album trend which be- ing bridges between boundaries. In fact, cul- but also because you showed us that what is
award -- an added distinction unlikely to be gan taking off with Lucky Ali, Alisha Chinoy, ture and art belong to the whole world. Be- played is the music, not the instrument. More
surpassed for a long time to come. Shewata Shetty and many others. fore them vanish the barriers of religions and importantly, we admire you for taking music
Nazia Hassan had set the music scene Nazia Hassan’s phenomenal success was nationalities. Th ose who believe in this have beyond borders. Shayed baat bun hee jaye!
alight in India with her joyous, hyper-desi no fl ash in the pan. She teamed up with her seen it for themselves. Some of us discovered A few gems from Nazia Hassan’s treasure
disco trend. brother Zoheb and produced hit aft er hit. this rather late in our lives. Nazia Hassan was box, which she has left for us.
Th e eff ect of her popularity across the Coming at the heels of Baat Bun Jaye in 1981, a great believer in the power of music, some- Dum dum dee dee
length and breadth of the subcontinent was was Disco Deewane which broke all sales re- thing that she identifi ed very early in her life. h t t p://w w w .y o u t u b e .co m/
nothing short of magical. Political boundaries cords not only in India and Pakistan but also Perhaps the seeds for such a thinking and watch?v=xssv5Je-6xk
seemed to disappear. Seamless movement of topped the charts in Brazil, the West Indies conviction were sown very early in her tender Boom Boom
people started across the borders. Even cricket and Europe. Successful albums like Star/Boom years. Nazia was a child participant / student
between the countries started to resurface. Boom (1982), Young Tarang (1984), Hotline of Music Maestro Sohail Rana in the PTV PrlQPBA&feature=related
Th e youth on both sides of the border (1987) followed and later Camera Camera program Kaliyon ki Maala . I recall Dosti Aisa Ye DIl Tere liye
looked up to Nazia as the subcontinent’s fi rst (1982) rolled out, along with TV shows with Naata Jo Sonay Sey Bhi Mehanga. Kaliyon Ki
true pop diva, with stunning looks to go with BBC, ITV, Channel 4. In 1989, Nazia and Zo- Mala took the shape of Sung Sung Chalte Reh- 38P8qdM&feature=related
the voice. India Today magazine voted Nazia heb hosted the groundbreaking all-Pakistan na, Saat Suroon Ki Duniya and Hum Hi Hum, Ajnabi
Test Cricket Comes Alive in Gripping Draw
n By Qamar Ahmed
splendidly against Pakistan.
t the start of fi nal day’s Th is Test also taught Pakistan
play last Th ursday hardly a few harsh lessons and provided
Aanyone could have pre- them opportunities to improve on
dicted a draw in this fi rst Test. their performance in the next Test.
In the end it turned out to be a Th eir outing in Dubai has
gripping encounter as Australia been impressive with both bat and
tenaciously battled all the way to ball but would need a lot more
achieve a morale-boosting result shrewd thinking when picking
to gain psychological points for their XI for what now has become
the second Test in Abu Dhabi. a series decider. - Dawn
Towards the dying moments
of the game it was a touch and go ANXIETY FROM P20
aff air despite Pakistan bowlers which simply makes them feel even
having struggled all day against re- worse, fueling their anxiety.
silient defi ance from the Australian I support clients to strive for self-
batsmen, notably from the broad acceptance and working out what val-
bat of Usman Khawaja, and yet still ues are important to them about them-
got perilously close to victory as selves.
the tourists were eight down with Yes, physical appearance is one,
only 10 overs left in the Test. but what are other important values and
Th e Australians, with a history how can these be lived out day to day?
of staging memorable fi ght backs For example, are you a good par-
in Test history, produced yet an- ent/friend/partner? How do you show
other remarkable escape from the this quality each day? Are you someone
jaws of defeat to prevent Pakistan who is conscious of environmental or
taking a 1-0 lead in the two-match climate issues – if so how do you express
series. this – riding your bike or recycling each
I suppose credit ought to be day? Are you a loyal person – will you
given to the Aussie batsmen, and endeavor not to join in with the gossip
especially the left -handed Kha- However, having said that, I did on the fi rst two days that Paki- which are usually associated with and instead strive to give feedback di-
waja, who batted for nearly eight- did not understand why Moham- stan batsmen were on song. Test batsmen of the highest order. rectly to someone when needed? Keep-
and-a-half hours for his 141 to mad Abbas was not used fi rst up Th rough history we know how Not one of the stylish left - ing an internal score of how you’ve lived
keep his team’s hopes of saving the in the morning and why Pakistan diffi cult it becomes for the side bat- handers that I have witnessed over out these values each day can raise your
Test alive. captain Sarfraz Ahmed blundered ting last and especially when there the years to compare with Neil self-esteem that the whole of you is
Khawaja’s 142-run partner- in not taking a review when it was is a huge target to chase as was the Harvey, Garfi eld Sobers or David much more than the sum of your body
ship for the fourth wicket with Tra- glaringly clear as daylight to every- case in this Test. But all credit to Gower, Khawaja certainly proved parts.
vis Head in fact laid the foundation one that Head seemed to be out Khawaja of Pakistan origin who is with his long vigil at the crease If social media sites like Instagram
for others to follow. Tim Paine, the lbw. an expatriate in Australia. I must that in Test cricket there are still are feeding this anxiety and preoccupa-
Australian captain, played a re- But that are part and parcel of say the way he batted almost all some batsmen willing to occupy tion, then giving yourself a break from
markably solid innings himself to the game and such mistakes are of- through the day was simply mag- the crease. He may be neither a them, or at the very least limiting time
deny Pakistan a victory. I would ten made. nifi cent, defending pace and spin Gordon Greenidge nor a Sunil spent to the minimum is the best way
say that both the teams fi nished Th e pitch, contrary to what with equal ease and showing tre- Gavaskar but he surely has the cre- forward.
with honors even before heading everyone had expected on day fi ve, mendous powers of concentration dentials to open the innings and 5. Mounting pressure on 20-some
off to Abu Dhabi. played much better almost like it and temperament, two virtues frustrate the bowlers as he did so ANXIETY, P24