Page 20 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 20
n By Dr Zafar M. Iqbal Patenting Genes ids forming a specific protein. In eukary-
TCCI, Chicago, IL otes, including humans, genes are not only
complex but also contain non-coding seg-
cience, in general, has been flirting with tests less expensive, were not permitted ments (‘introns’) separating the coding seg-
with the law for quite some time now. to conduct the same test because of patent ments (‘extrons’). When an eukaryote gene
SEver since a genetically-modified oil- infringement. The court decision disap- is expressed, all ‘introns’ are cut or spliced
eating microbe, Pseudomonas putida, was pointed Myriad, in particular, and the bio- from mRNA primary script and the rest of
granted patent in 1980, the controversy tech industry, in general; both had enjoyed coding parts are spliced back together to
has been raging in one form, area or the massive investment in recent years, but the form mRNA which then gets translated into
other on the patentability of a naturally- ruling delighted those interested in BRCA a protein. On the other hand, in bacteria or
occurring substance. Genetically-mod- 1&2 tests as a preventive measure and the prokaryotes, there are NO ‘introns’ to splice
ified food items, even with the questions public-interest health groups as well as many out first.
you may still have, are ubiquitous now. scientists and cancer phyicians. Daniel Ravi- One of the important parts of genetic
A few years back the Supreme Court of cher, executive director of the Public Patent engineering involves making eukaryote DNA
the US (SCOTUS) made a unanimous deci- Foundation, said, “Nobody invents genes, so express itself in the bacteria. Since bacteria
sion in the case of Association for Molecular no one should be able to claim ownership of lack the intron-splicing mechanism, the eu-
Pathology vs. Myriad Genetics. It ruled that them,” and “[w]e are talking about a genetic karyotic DNA will have to have its ‘introns’
Myriad’s discovery of the precise location marker that occurs naturally in the human removed before eukaryotic DNA can be ex-
and sequence of the breast genes, popularly body. That cannot, and should not, be pat- pressed into a bacterial cell as ‘intron-free’
known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, “did not qual- ented.” He was careful enough to add “We mRNA, which then serves as the template
ify” as patentable, and struck down, 9-0, the are not talking about a new drug or a new for what is called cDNA. With a required
patent that Myriad had been granted some tool to fight cancer.” promoter (some bacterial DNA sequence),
years ago. General estimates are that between bacteria can then translate this cDNA into
For the SCOTUS, Justice Clarence 3,000 to 5,000 human genes, or about 20% protein. Since such cDNA, or synthetic
Thomas wrote, “[a] naturally occurring DNA of the entire human genome, had so far been DNA, involves human ingenuity and tech-
segment is a product of nature and not patent patented, a fact which has raised many ethi- nical expertise (unavailable in nature), the
eligible merely because it has been isolated,” cal, legal and public-interest debates, not to Court considers such cDNA and its products
[and added] “that Myriad did not create or mention the growing controversies in the patent-eligible.
alter any of the genetic information encoded academic and scientific circles. Hours after Patents allow a company to do further
in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.” As Justice the SCOTUS decision, a levelled, competitive research exclusively to make new discover-
Thomas clarified, “[g]round-breaking, inno- ground was created for the first time in years. ies (drugs, diagnostic tests, etc.), without
vative or even brilliant discovery does not by Myriad’s stock dropped immediately by more Mutations in these genes competition, for 17-20 years. This promotes
itself satisfy the criteria” for patent eligibility. than 10% and more in the following days. various profitable R&D efforts, including ad-
Mutations in these BRCA genes sig- Other commercial competitors also substan- significantly increase the ditional patents, which form prime set of in-
nificantly increase the risks of the breast and tially dropped the cost of diagnostic tests for risks of the breast and ovarian vestor motivations, and thus a major reason
ovarian cancers, a matter that gained wide BRCA1 & 2. This also feeds the long-term why companies value patents.
public awareness and concern when actress investment concern, as the biotech industry cancers, a matter that gained The concerns, however, include: the
Angelina Jolie announced her double mas- claims, that this action might compromise wide public awareness and exclusive use of patent for a long time (7-20
tectomy, as a preventive step. Prior to the scientific research progress in the future. concern when actress Angelina years); objections to such monopolization
SCOTUS decision, Myriad had been the In its ruling, the SCOTUS did make and its protective efforts; and hindrance (or
one and only diagnostic firm legally allowed a distinction between naturally-occurring Jolie announced her preventive slowing down) of scientific research by oth-
to develop and conduct the specific test for genes that are not patent-eligible and prod- double mastectomy recently ers, new discoveries and newer tests/treat-
these mutations. The cost of this test, around ucts of complementary DNA (cDNA), a syn- ments.
$3,500, was too prohibitive for many women thetically manipulated gene, and its product In areas where there already are nagging
interested in screening for these genes. Oth- which can be patented. While it is known scribed into messenger (m) RNA, which in questions on patents, these concerns get un-
er competitors, no matter how efficient and that the DNA sequence of a gene is tran- turn is translated into a chain of amino ac- surprisingly further heightened. Repeated.
Are You Always Anxious? Psychologist on Why More of Us Are Crippled with Anxiety than Ever Before
ore employees than ever be- Why is anxiety on the rise? ing and sex outside of their relation-
fore are reporting feelings 1. We’re glued to our smart ship, in order to escape and try to cope.
Mof anxiety and depression, phones This is often driven by pressured
while one in six children will expe- We live in a highly-connected jobs with less downtime, and the need
rience an anxiety condition at some digital world. Worldwide events are to be constantly connected and acces-
point in their lives. being streamed into the phone in the sible.
And anxiety doesn’t discriminate palm of our hands and it’s so hard to In short, our minds just can’t
about who it strikes. Indeed, a host of ‘switch-off’, which our brains need to switch off – something we need to be
celebrities have spoken out about hav- rest and stay calm. able to do to manage anxiety.
ing the condition – The Crown actress Stress vs anxiety: what’s the dif- 3. Dr Google is doing more harm
Claire Foy, model Gisele Bundchen ference? than good
and Lady Gaga, to name just a few. Stress and anxiety are often terms In my practice, worries about
We’re also becoming more aware that are used interchangeably – but health are becoming increasingly com-
of it as a condition. In August this year they are actually different. mon. We have a heightened awareness
for example, Barnes & Noble, the larg- Stress causes physical changes in of our health with ‘Dr Google’ at our
est book retailer in the US, announced the body designed to help us take on fingertips, and while this can urge us
a huge surge in the sales of books about threats or difficulties. It causes feelings to take prompt action, it may also raise
anxiety; a 25 percent jump on June of being overwhelmed, irritable and anxiety in those who we may call the
2017. ‘wound up’, racing thoughts, difficulty over time, it may lead to an anxiety dis- phones and in the digital world, we’re ‘worried-well’.
Now, research commissioned by concentrating and difficulty making order, such as generalized anxiety dis- ‘in our heads’ for much of the time – I’ve worked with people who have
wellness brand Healthspan has found decisions. It may also trigger head- order or panic disorder. If the worry is thinking about what we’re reading or scared themselves into believing they
that more than 40 percent of people aches, muscle tension or pain, sleep uncontrollable and causes distress, af- watching. had signs of a sinister health condi-
believe they suffer from anxiety, with problems, affect your appetite, lead to fects functioning in daily life (e.g. job, Also, humans are social creatures, tion, because many symptoms can be
more than 20 percent saying they are you drink or smoke more, snap at peo- social life, studies or parenting) and oc- with a need to communicate through general and vague until proper tests are
more anxious now than they were five ple or even avoid them. curs more days than not for at least six all our senses – whether it’s touch, eye- done. For example, unpleasant changes
years ago. The key is that stress is usually a months, anxiety may have progressed to-eye contact, our sense of smell and to bowel habits, stomach bloating after
The poll of 2,000 adults found short-term response to a specific trig- to a diagnosable anxiety disorder. In other connections such as laughter and eating as well as weight loss are part of
that 62 percent of people believe life is ger (like a pressurized event such as this case, professional advice from a even tears. a picture of bowel cancer symptoms,
becoming increasingly more anxiety- an important work presentation, or in health professional should be sought These are powerfully lost in digi- but also irritable bowel syndrome and
provoking. the run up to a house move or wedding to access treatments to alleviate and tal communication – and the sense even some food intolerances.
The average adult rated their anx- where there are a lot of things to do and recover from anxiety. of connection that can help us feel 4. More pressure to look perfect
iety levels at almost three out of five, think about). Although it’s usually not Also, while we communicate grounded and connected within our A third of survey respondents
with five being very severe. pleasant, the adrenaline response that more than ever, many of us are lonelier social relationships and be a natural said their physical appearance is a
Furthermore, the survey found accompanies stress can provide us with than ever. anxiety-reliever is diluted. cause of anxiety for them.
that 57 percent of us have become a sense of energy to propel us through Indeed, just last week research for 2. We’re leading ‘double lives’ Given that we live in a world
more anxious about their health in re- in the short-term. the BBC revealed that young people - The Healthspan survey found where the celebrity and reality show
cent years while 36 percent worry more Anxiety, on the other hand, is a who are arguably the most technologi- that 62 percent of people believe life is culture turns ‘normal’ people into idols
about sleeping properly. feeling of unease, worry or fear that cally connected group in society - feel becoming increasingly more anxiety- in the public eye, often based highly on
Finances came a close second, may be about real or imagined events loneliness more intensely and more provoking – and I agree. their appearance, our culture is getting
with 54 percent of those polled saying and is the medical/clinical term for frequently than any other age range. As a clinical psychologist, I’m more and more preoccupied by physi-
they have become more anxious about stress that doesn’t lift. The key is that ‘virtual’ commu- seeing an increase in the number of cal appearance.
money in the last five years. It can rear its head in various nication such as texting and emailing people who are leading double lives – Also, some of my clients have
Getting older (40 percent), physi- ways, whether that be OCD (obses- may lead us to have very little time needing to present a ‘together’ image such self-loathing of their bodies it’s no
cal appearance (32 percent) and career sive compulsive disorder), social anxi- when we are not ‘switched on’ - and can at work or socially, but behind closed wonder they feel anxious all the time.
progression (30 percent) were the oth- ety and shyness (more on this below), lead to less meaningful/quality con- doors are relying heavily on less helpful They constantly compare themselves to
er big sources of anxiety. exam stress, worry or panic attacks. nections with those we love and value. ways to manage their anxiety – alcohol people on social media in particular –
When anxiety doesn’t pass/go When we’re continually on our and drugs, but also comfort/binge eat- ANXIETY, P22