Page 24 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 24
Avoid Having Too Much Company
Stock in Your 401(K) FOUNDATION
n By Saghir Aslam Consider also the other bene-
Rawalpindi, Pakistan fi ts that may be accumulating, such IN DON ESIA
as any Employee Stock Purchase
(Th e following information is Plans or deferred compensation Earthquake & Tsunami Relief
provided solely to plans can be subject to creditor
educate the Muslim claims if the company fails. You
community about should also consider your overall
investing and fi - allocation into that particular sec-
nancial planning. tor or industry-not only within the
It is hoped that the 401(k) but also your IRA and tax-
Ummah will benefi t able investment accounts.
from this eff ort through greater
fi nancial empowerment, enabling 10% Happier A 7.5 magnitude earthquake off of Indonesia’s
the community to live in security Having a number in mind can
and dignity and fulfi ll their reli- such as stock options and restrict- help keep you on the right path Sulawesi Island caused mass destruction in the region,
gious and moral obligations to- ed stock as an alternative to cash when it comes to allocation and and triggered a devastating tsunami. Hundreds of
wards charitable activities) compensation. diversity. Given the fact that your
If you work for a publicly trad- None of these scenarios by primary income source, health- thousands of people are in very dire circumstances as
ed company that’s eyeing growth, themselves is anything to fear. But care, and potentially retirement they have lost their homes, livelihood, and loved ones
allocating some of your retirement the more you choose company benefi ts are coming from your em-
plan to company stock may be a stock in your 401(k) or receive it as ployer, considerations should be and are in desperate need for help.
great way to grow your assets a bonus; you should bear in mind exposed to. Experts warn that any-
However, it can also carry important caveats. Investing in any thing over 10% in company stock Please Donate Zakat & Sadaqah Towards Relief Efforts.
risks along with the potential re- single security imposes additional is extremely bullish and risky. Keep
wards, especially if your retirement risk to your savings or portfolio. in mind we have the tools to comb
savings become too tangled up in Not only are you subject to the through your other holdings, such
one spot. Here are some points that normal volatility in the overall as mutual funds, to help show you or call us at (408) 244-3282
everyday401 (k) investors should market, but you’re also subject to if they invest in the same security.
keep in mind when considering that particular company’s current Take advantage of our services to Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
company stock. and future performance and fi nan- provide a clear picture of your ex-
cial health. posure to that industry or sector.
Taking Stock of Company It’s important to consider the (Saghir A. Aslam only ex-
Stock individual company and to be plains strategies and formulas that Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
many public companies off er diligent about regularly reviewing he has been using. He is merely
their employees benefi ts plans that your overall exposure. providing information, and NO
include a matching contribution to ADVICE is given. Mr Aslam does Countries Buying Selling
401(k) plans in company stock or Making Smart Investment not endorse or recommend any Rs. Rs.
off er deferred compensations plans Selections broker, brokerage fi rm, or any in-
that include company stock .Prof- Diversifi cation is key here. Ev- vestment at all, nor does he suggest USA 133.50 134.75
it-sharing contributions from the ery year, it’s a good idea to conduct that anyone will earn a profi t when UK 173.00 176.25
company may also be invested in a review of the percentage you’ve or if they purchase stocks, bonds or S.Arabia 35.00 36.00
company stock .In other instances accumulated in company stock. any other investments. All stocks Japan 1.17 1.20
,the employer may off er a stock – Given the fact that your employ- or investment vehicles mentioned Euro 152.25 150.06
purchase plan that allows employ- ment and other benefi ts may be are for illustrative purposes only. UAE 36.00 36.60
ees to buy stock at a discount of up provided by this same employer, Mr Aslam is not an attorney, ac-
to 15% from the current market additional investment in your countant, real estate broker, stock- (*October 18, 2018)
price .Incentives ,such as bonuses 401(k) may result in more risk than broker, investment advisor, or cer-
for reaching performance goals, reward and may not be the optimal tifi ed fi nancial planner. Mr Aslam
may also feature equality grants strategy. does not have anything for sale.)
ANXIETY FROM P24 people-please, or make people like or can help anxiety. Doing it for just a few For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
things value us, overlooking our own needs. minutes signals to your brain you are Compiled by Hasan Chishti
Th e survey, which polled men and Your time, energy and mood are all pre- not in any real danger and will ‘re-set’
women aged 18 to 75, found that of cious – treat them as such. your body from fi ght or fl ight mode to a
those who have suff ered from anxiety, Remember, there are kind ways more relaxed state.
the symptoms started at an average age to say no. For example, you could say: Psychologist Dr Meg Arroll rec- FAMILY SPONSORED PREFERENCES Pakistan/Bangladesh India
of 22 before reaching a peak around the ‘Th ank you for asking me, it sounds ommends this simple exercise: ‘When
age of 32. great/I’d really like to help, but I’m al- we’re anxious, we tend to breathe shal- 1 Unmarried sons & daughters
Th is fi nding is in line with what ready committed to doing X/it would lowly through the chest.
would be predicted by Erik Erikson’s ‘7 take more time than I’ve got /I don’t ‘Combat this by breathing deeply of U.S. Citizens April 08, 2011 April 08, 2011
Stages of Psychological Development’ – know if I’ll fi t that in’, and so on. through the diaphragm.
where people in their early twenties to 2. Use a ‘worry decision tree’ ‘Place one hand on your belly and 2-A Spouses and unmarried
early thirties are facing the dual worries Each time you’re worried about the other on your chest. Children of permanent residents July 22, 2016 July 22, 2016
of Intimacy versus Isolation - fi nding something, ask yourself these three ‘Now breathe in through your
the right partner and a fear that if they questions: nose so that your belly lift s – when you 2-B Unmarried sons & daughters (21 years
don’t manage it, they may end up alone. 1. What am I worrying about? exhale, your stomach should dip back of age or older) of permanent residents) Nov., 01, 2011 Nov., 01, 2011
Th is is also a time of life where we 2. Is there anything I can do about down.
are more worried about other factors, this? ‘If you notice your chest rising and 3 Married sons & daughters of US citizens May 01, 2006 May 01, 2006
which can in turn trigger anxiety. Th ese No? Stop worrying by distracting falling, then concentrate more on draw-
include socializing, feelings of fi tting in/ yourself from it (think of other pleas- ing the air into your abdomen. 4 Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens Jan., 08, 2005 April 08, 2004
being accepted and worries about caus- ant thoughts, try one of the activities ‘Deep breathing triggers the para-
ing off ence to someone. below) sympathetic nervous system which hi-
Yes? Work out what you could do, jacks the anxiety response associated EMPLOYMENT BASED CATEGORY
How to deal with anxiety or fi nd out what to do – make a list (see with anxious feelings’. st
Th e good news is there are many next question) 4. Weave tiny bits of calm through- 1 Priority workers June 1, 2016 Jan., 01, 2012
ways you can tackle anxiety. What’s 3. Is there anything I can do about out the day
important to remember is that we’re all this right now? Consciously decide before you 2 Members of the professions holding
diff erent and anxiety aff ects us all dif- Yes – Do it now then stop worry- leave the house that you are not going advanced degree or persons of
ferently, so you may need to try a few ing and distract yourself (think of other to rush about. It generally only winds exceptional ability Jan., 01, 2013 Jan., 01, 2007
things to fi nd one that really works for pleasant thoughts/try one of the activi- you up and most people fi nd they get
you. ties below) just as much done when they go slowly 3 Skilled workers Nov., 01, 2016 Jan., 01, 2003
1. Learn to say no No – Plan what you could do as when they rush. Th e benefi t of this Other workers Nov., 01, 2016 Jan., 01, 2003
It sounds so simple – and can be and when then stop worrying and dis- is that when you need to, you can also
really daunting at fi rst – but learning to tract yourself (think of other pleasant keep going for longer, probably because 4 Certain special immigrants Current Feb., 15, 2016
put yourself fi rst and say no to the de- thoughts/try one of the activities above) doing things calmly is a lot less tiring. Certain religious workers Current Feb., 15, 2016
mands of others is such an overlooked By practicing this skill you’ll get Adopt a more relaxed posture – if
way of reducing anxiety. It really is OK much better at managing your worry you’re someone who tends to perch on th
to say no to non-essential work de- and reducing it over time. the edge of a seat or fi dget with your 5 Non-regional Centers Current Current
mands, or invitations to ‘help out’ at the 3. Breathe it out hands, make a concerted eff ort to sit Regional Centers Current Current
next school event. Oft en we say yes to Breathing deeper and slower really ANXIETY, P26