Page 28 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 28
GEMS FROM P25 to Far East Asia and the world wooed try for the contributions it has made to winning films in over 10 countries. resentatives, the prime minister an-
rebuke (stressed, in particular, by its leader. Pakistan was part of SEATO world peace. He asked the students to Among her films are Saving Face nounced the withdrawal of 5% duty
the use of the third person form in and CENTO and was a key player in the come to Pakistan after completing their (2012), A Journey of a Thousand on newsprint. He lauded the role
verses 1-2) implies, firstly, that what Cold War against the Soviet Union. In studies and play a role in the develop- Miles: Peacekeepers (2015) and A played by the media saying, “I would
would have been a minor act of dis- spite of his close alliance with the West, ment of their country. Girl in the River: The Price of For- not be in the position I am in today
courtesy on the part of an ordinary Ayub Khan had the geo-political vision Meanwhile, Army chief Gen Qa- giveness (2015). if the media had not played its due
human being, assumed the aspect of to reach out to China and was warmly mar Javed Bajwa has said that Pakistan Sharmeen said she is honoured role.”
a major sin, deserving a divine re- received in that country. Subsequent has emerged stronger from tribulations, to receive the prize “at a time when
buke, when committed by a prophet; Pakistani leaders built on that relation- according to the Inter-Services Public holding up a mirror to society comes SHAHBAZ FROM 1
and, secondly, it illustrates the objec- ship and came to see China as an “all- Relations (ISPR). with a heavy price”. that an opposition leader was ar-
tive nature of the Qur’anic revelation: weather” friend. “COAS visited Italy and called on “With colleagues being jailed and rested without any charges in such a
for, obviously, in conveying God’s re- In 1965, Tahir and I came down Italian Defense Minister, Chief of Ital- killed around the world for simply hasty manner,” said Shahbaz, adding
proof of him to the world at large, the from Cambridge to London as we were ian Army and the Secretary General speaking the truth, we need to have he did not want to discuss the merit
Prophet “does not speak out of his asked to have lunch with President of Defense,” the military’s media wing the courage to persevere. I remain of the case against him. “I want to
own desire”. Ayub at the Claridges Hotel where he added. committed to telling difficult stories talk about the unholy alliance be-
[ 2 ] I.e., who does not feel the was staying. As we entered his suite we Discussions focused on enhancing in the hope that the conversations tween PTI and NAB.”
need of divine guidance: a reference saw Mr Z.A. Bhutto in conversation bilateral defense and security coopera- they spark will change the way we all “During the election campaign,
to the arrogant pagan chieftains with with him. Bhutto sat at the edge of the tion including potential joint initiatives. see the world,” she stated on winning I openly said that PTI and NAB are
whom the Prophet was conversing. sofa and his demeanor was respectful. “Though the fight is still on, the award. arm in arm.”
When Bhutto left, lunch was brought Pakistan has emerged stronger from Other than Sharmeen Obaid He pointed out that only PML-N
RUMI FROM P23 in and Tahir and I enjoyed a leisurely the tribulations,” the ISPR quoted the Chinoy, the 2018 laureates include members were arrested by NAB and
Love is a mighty spell – an enchant- lunch with President Ayub Khan. Tahir COAS as saying. Rafael Yuste, a leading neuroscientist that his arrest came right before the
ment. Reason dare not stand against it. was always a favorite of his father and “Pakistan is open to the world and and artificial intelligence researcher, by-elections. “But man imposes and
Love puts reason to silence. it was a pleasure to see them interact as the government is looking for peace and a trio of three clerics working to God disposes,” said Shahbaz, adding
Expounding on Love, Rumi further father and son. within and peace without to provide promote peace in the Central African that despite all efforts, PML-N mem-
says: Later that year in Rawalpindi I was our people the prosperity they deserve Republic. bers won many seats [in the by-polls]
My mother is love staying with Tahir in the President’s an- after the difficult times,” the ISPR The Eliasson Global Leadership that were won by PTI previously.
My father is love nex and he told me that his father was added. Prize is named in honor of accom- Shahbaz, speaking about the
My prophet is love expecting me for tea. As I walked onto plished diplomat Jan Eliasson and is references and verdicts against his
My God is love the vast lawn of the President’s house I BYPOLLS FROM P11 given annually to outstanding leaders brother Nawaz Sharif, said: “NAB
I am a child of love saw him sitting by himself listening to that lead to a country’s ruin,” he de- from any country and any discipline court’s verdict [in Avenfield refer-
I come to speak of love a radio. There wasn’t a soul around, al- clared. whose work is innovative, optimistic, ence] clearly says that no corrup-
My God has created me from the though I could glimpse a figure far in PTI loses PM Imran vacated courageous, rooted in universal val- tion could be proven against Nawaz
wine of love the bushes from time to time, garden- seats in by-polls: The ruling Paki- ues and global in implication. Sharif.”
Even if I die and rot, he will still be ers or security, I thought. He sat on a stan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) may have The winners were chosen from “Yet, he was arrested. He came
my love. cane furniture sofa with a big Grundig clinched the most seats in by-elec- among 825 nominees from 130 coun- back, leaving behind his very sick
Rumi’s message of love enables radio by his side playing loudly. When tions but it suffered a setback in two tries and dozens of different occupa- wife who is no more today, to satisfy
individuals to unlock precious hidden he saw me he lifted himself out of the of the four seats vacated by its party tions, positions and causes. They will his conscience.
spiritual secrets; it is like looking at a deep sofa and as he was a big man he chief Imran Khan. be honored at a ceremony in Mexico “We need to find answers to this.
mirror and discovering the hidden spiri- had to make an effort. He shook hands In the provincial assemblies, City on November 15. You are the custodian of this house,
tual potential. Rumi describes, in an elo- and welcomed me. As we sat down I the ruling party clinched five and six Mr Speaker,” said Shahbaz.
quent manner, the relationship between noted he turned down the radio and seats in Punjab and Khyber-Pakh- TANKER FROM P1 “I’m not here to argue my case,
the lover and the beloved, the infinite he asked me about my studies. Having tunkhwa respectively while PML-N According to a statement is- I’m not here to cry, or discuss the
power of the creator and the nothingness just completed a Diploma in Education could only manage one in K-P. The sued by the navy’s media wing, PNS merit of the case,” he reiterated, but
of finite creation: at Cambridge University, he gave me party won six in Punjab. Moawin is the biggest warship ever went on to narrate details of different
Alif, the first letter of the alphabet, an opportunity to launch into a lecture Despite an overall victory, the constructed at Karachi Shipyard. aspects of the case.
is a straight line, and stands also for 1. on the theory of general education and ruling party missed the chance to The newly inducted ship is “An NAB official told me that in
Besides, it is the cipher (zero) for how it could be applied to Pakistan. retain two of the seats vacated by “capable of performing a variety of the Ashiyana-i-Iqbal housing scam,
the slender stature of the beloved. Even though I was barely out of univer- Imran. maritime operations including the there is no corruption allegations
The lover has value only together sity and was lecturing the man who ac- provision of logistic support to other against you, but that you tried to use
with the beloved. tually ran the country, he was too polite CJP FROM P1 ships at sea by transferring fuel and your political influence to pass this
(Translated by Dr Annemarie to cut me off. He appeared not only to manner. other important military cargo”, read project on to Kamran Kayani, the
Schimmel from Divan) be listening to me but considering my “He has failed to keep his office the statement. younger brother of the then army
Maulana Rumi departed from this advice seriously. free of controversy or to discharge “PNS Moawin can transport two chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.
world on December 17, 1273, in Konya. In spite of our age difference and the mountainous heaps of pending helicopters. The ship is also equipped “I told him [NAB official] that
Maulana believed the day of death to the fact that I was at the bottom rung of cases that plague the judiciary and with state of the art medical facilities I first met Kamran Kayani in 2008,
be a day of reunification to his beloved the administrative ladder and he was at prevent it from serving as an effica- and can provide overseas support to when we formed a coalition govern-
(God), and he referred to this day as its pinnacle, he always showed courtesy cious provider of justice and due pro- friendly countries during any hu- ment in Punjab. Chaudhry Pervaiz
“Sheb-i-Arus (the bridal night). Mau- to and respect for me. This was perhaps cess to the citizens.” manitarian assistance and disaster Elahi was in power at that time.
lana’s anniversary of Sheb-i-Arus is cel- natural because I was his son’s friend. The petition said that if this relief,” the statement said. Shahbaz recalled telling General
ebrated every year on December 17 in I also felt that he appreciated my frank reference was taken up, the inquiry Kayani to ask his brother Kamran to
Konya. Today, Maulana’s Tomb and Mu- discussions with him about new ideas must be instituted by a judicial officer IMRAN FROM P1 do his job properly. “General Kayani
seum complex is visited by thousands of and books. Besides, I had a feeling that other than the respondent to ensure around $12 billion to deal with the told me to cancel the contract if Ka-
people every day from all over the world. as I never asked him for any personal or the proceedings were fair. immediate problems. mran was not delivering.”
For the past eight centuries, the light professional favor he must have appre- Insisting that filing of the refer- A team of IMF officials is sched- “Later, Kamran promised me
of Rumi’s love has been radiating from ciated this fact, considering that almost ence is in public and national inter- uled to visit Islamabad on November that he wouldn’t give me a chance to
Konya, illuminating yearning hearts all every individual he met had a request est, Ms Aziz said “it’s the only lawful 7 for talks on the loan amount that complain again. However, when he
over the world. His message is reverber- for him. avenue available to record our pro- the government in Islamabad would didn’t deliver I withdrew the contract
ating all over the world. He is inviting (The writer is the Ibn Khaldun test and seek a corrective course — be seeking. from him. Gen Ashfaq Kiani has
everyone: Chair of Islamic Studies at American which is our right”. The prime minister said the never complained to me about it.”
Come, come whoever you are, University, Washington, DC, and au- She said the petitioners were country’s economy is in dire straits Shahbaz also questioned the cir-
An unbeliever, a fire-worshipper, thor of Journey into Europe: Islam, Im- advised against filing the petition to and every sector is in the doldrums. cumstances in which he was arrested
come. migration, and Identity) avert “contempt proceedings” and He informed the government by the corruption watchdog. “I was
Our covenant is not of desperation. “an inquisition with harassment”, but had already approached its close al- called in for the Saaf Pani case but
Even if you have broken your vows they had decided to take the risks for lies for financial assistance and has then told that I was being arrested in
a hundred times, US FROM P21 “…reclaiming the balance of powers received a positive response. the Ashiyana scam,” said the PML-N
Come, come again. said in his address at the University and restoring some semblance of a While blaming the Pakistan president about his arrest on Oct 5.
(Dr Ahmed S. Khan (dr.a.s.khan@ of Warwick. systemic and pro-people, democratic Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and “Is this the tabdeeli [change] that was is a Fulbright Specialist Schol- The world would not have been method of regular dispensation of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) govern- promised?”
ar (2017-2020). Professor Khan has 35 able to defeat al Qaeda without Pak- justice in Pakistan”. - Dawn ments, the prime minister said the “Those who are fascist and do
years of experience in Higher Education istan’s support, he said, adding that two parties had drowned us in debt. not obey the law, should remember
as professor of Electrical Engineering. the international community must SHARMEEN FROM P1 “The loans taken had not even been the end of Hitler and Mussolini.”
He is author of many books on Science, thank Pakistan for the elimination to acknowledge, and then telling utilized properly.” The younger Sharif said that the
Technology & Society (STS); his most re- of terrorism. stories in ways that are compelling PM Imran, who is also chairman NAB has also accused him and his
cent book is Nanotechnology: Ethical and Maj Gen Ghafoor said Paki- enough to impact on the underlying of the ruling Pakistan Tehreek-e-In- children of having properties and
Social Implications) stan has rendered numerous sacri- social and human distress.” saf (PTI), said he is hopeful that the investments in China. “I told them
fices for achieving peace in the re- The jury selected Sharmeen be- PTI government would not need fi- that if that was the case and you have
AYUB FROM P7 gion. He noted that terror activities cause of her “increasingly insistent nancial assistance from international evidence, I will apologize personally
to be doing well. In all, Ayub Khan had marginally decreased following and effective leadership not just in agencies. and that I don’t deserve to be in the
built over a hundred large and small Pakistan Army’s operations against changing minds, but in addressing He went on to say that after tak- assembly,” he said. “[But] I told them
dams. The World Bank and the Harvard terrorists. He claimed the terrorists the facts that create outcomes that ing tough decisions in the first six to produce their evidence.
Group gave the example of Pakistan as who were against women’s educa- should be unacceptable in the 21st months of his government’s tenure, “However, if this is not true, it is
an economy on the verge of take-off. tion had targeted Nobel Laureate century.” the masses would be given relief not just me you [NAB] are accusing
South Koreans came to visit Pakistan to Malala Yousafzai. Sharmeen’s filmography is ex- which would usher in a new era in but you are also accusing China and
study the secrets of its economic success. The DG ISPR told Pakistani tensive as since 2000 she has made the country’s history. Turkey, our most trusted friends.”
Pakistan stretched from the Middle East students to be proud of their coun- more than a dozen multi-award In the meeting with media rep- SHAHBAZ, P26