Page 25 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                       OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25
                                            Responsible Living                                                                    Gems from the

                                                                                                                                    Holy Qur’an

          n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi

             eople, be mindful of your
             Lord and fear a day when
        Pno parent will take the place
        of their child, nor a child take the
                    place of their par-
                    ent, in any way.
                    Allah’s  promise
                    is true, so do not
                    let the present life                                                                                             From the traanslation by
                    delude you, nor                                                                                              Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss)
                    let the Deceiver
                    delude you about                                                                                                About the translator:
        Allah. Knowledge of the Hour [of                                                                                            Muhammad Asad, Leopold
        Resurrection] belongs to Allah; it                                                                                      Weiss, was born of Jewish parents
        is He who sends down the reliev-                                                                                        in Livow, Austria (later Poland)
        ing rain and He who knows what                                                                                          in 1900, and at the age of 22 made
        is hidden in the womb. No soul                                                                                          his fi rst visit to the Middle East. He
        knows what it will reap tomorrow,                                                                                       later became an outstanding foreign
        and no soul knows in what land                                                                                          correspondent for the Franfurter
        it will die; it is Allah who is all                                                                                     Zeitung, and aft er his conversion to
        knowing and all aware.                                                                                                  Islam travelled and worked through-
            Th  ese are the last two verses                                                                                     out the Muslim world, from North
        from Surah Luqman. In this Surah                                                                                        Africa to as far east as Afghanistan,
        Tawhid and Akhirah are the two                                                                                          India and Pakistan. Aft er years of
        main themes. Th  e Surah speaks to                                                                                      devoted study he became one of the
        all human beings, but it is especially                                                                                  leading Muslim scholars of our age.
        addressed to youth and the parents.                                                                                     His translation of the Holy Qur’an is
        Th  rough the wise man Luqman’s                                                                                         one of the most lucid and well-ref-
        advices, the parents are told  how                                                                                      erenced works in this category, dedi-
        to raise their children and how to                                                                                      cated to “li-qawmin yatafakkaroon”
        educate them. Youth are also  told                                                                                      (For people who think).
        to think for themselves and follow   moment here is very important. We   Christian, but he was, probably, an   is nothing but the annihilation and
        the  right  path.  Th  en  we  have  the   can succeed or fail both temporarily   agnostic. He migrated to the United   extinction?  Chapter 80, ‘Abasa, Verses
        last two concluding ayat telling all   and eternally by our own actions in   States and died in 1957. He had his   Are the words of the people   1-10
        people to be mindful of their Lord   this world. So every person should   famous poem:    true or lies?                     [ 1 ] He frowned and turned
        and fear the day when neither the   live in a responsible manner. Follow   I  came  not  knowing  where-  Is it true that some people   away  because  the  blind  man  ap-
        parents can help their children, nor   your Creator who created you and   from, but I came.  know? I do not know!       proached him.
        the children can help their parents.   who has placed you here. He knows   And I saw a pathway in front of   Th  e poet very eloquently has   Yet for all thou didst know, [O
        Every person will be responsible for   what is best for you. He has sent His   me, so I walked.  described the philosophy of ag-  Muhammad,] he might perhaps
        his/her own self. Th  e Day of Judg-  Prophets and Messengers to guide   And I will remain walking,   nosticism. But agnosticism creates   have grown in purity, or have been
        ment will indeed come. Th  is is the   you and show you the right path.   whether I want this or not. How did   anxiety and does not give any moral   reminded [of the truth], and helped
        promise of Allah. Do not be de-  Finally,  he  sent  before  the  end  of   I come? How did I see my pathway?   guidance. It cannot help us live in a   by this reminder.
        ceived by the life of this world and   this world His last and fi nal Prophet   I do not know!  responsible manner. Th  e only way   Now as for him who believes
        do not be deceived by the devil.   Muhammad – peace and blessings                                                       himself to be self-suffi  cient [ 2 ] – to
        Th  en fi ve things are mentioned that   of Allah be upon him and upon all                                              him didst thou give thy whole atten-
        are only known to Allah: the exact   His Prophets and Messengers.  Islam emphasizes that this world is transitory and   tion, although thou art not account-
        knowledge of the Last Hour, the   What is responsible living?    our life time here is limited. Allah reminds that      able for his failure to attain to purity;
        time and amount of rain, the nature   Responsible living means that we                                                  but as for him who came unto thee
        of the babies in the wombs, what   should understand:       we should not be deluded by the life and glitter of         full of eagerness and in awe [of God]
        will  happen  tomorrow  and  where   1. Who brought us to this                                                          – him didst thou disregard!
        and in what condition one is going   world?                  this world. Th  is is not the permanent world and              Nay, verily, these [messages] are
        to die.  Allah is all knowing and all   2. Why are we here?          we are not going to be here forever                but a reminder: and so, who is will-
        aware.                            3. Where are we going?                                                                ing may remember Him in [the light
            Islam emphasizes that this    4.  What  will happen  aft er                                                         of His] revelations blest with dignity,
        world is transitory and our life time   death?                  Am I new or am I old in this   to live in a responsible manner is   loft y and pure, [borne] by the hands
        here is limited. Allah reminds that   Th  ere are people who live their   existence?      to listen to the words of Allah, pay   of messengers noble and most virtu-
        we should not be deluded by the life   lives without thinking and learning   Am I free and unrestrained, or   attention to them and live by them.   ous.
        and glitter of this world. Th  is is not   the answers to these questions and   do I walk in chains?  Responsible living means to use
        the permanent world and we are not   there are some who invent their   Do I lead myself in my life, or   to your eyes, ears, mind and your   Translator’s Notes
        going to be here forever. Th  is world   own answers without paying at-  am I being led?  physical body in the right manner.   [ 1 ] One day, as recorded in
        will go  away  and we  are all going   tention to the words of their Cre-  I wish I know, but… I do not   We must always keep in our mind   many well-authenticated Tradi-
        to leave sooner or later. Th  is world,   ator. Th  ere was a famous Lebanese   know!     that we shall be questioned about   tions, the Prophet was engrossed
        however, is very important. Every   poet Elia Abu Madi. His family was   And my path, oh what is my   our words, deeds and even thoughts.   in a conversation with some of the
                                                                                   path? Is it long   Allah reminds us in the Qur’an:  most infl uential chieft ains of pagan
                                                                                   or is it short?    O Man, what has lured you   Mecca,  hoping  to convince them
                                                                                       Am I as-   away from your generous Lord,   – and through them, the Meccan
                                                                                   cending in it,   who created you, shaped you, pro-  community at large – of the truth
                                                                                   or am I going   portioned you, in whatever form He   of his message. At that point, he was
                                                                                   down and sink-  chose He framed you?         approached by one of his followers,
                                                                                   ing?               Yet you still take the Judgment   the blind ‘Abd Allah ibn Shurayh
                                                                                       Am I the   to be a lie! Over you stand watch-  –  known aft er his  grandmother’s
                                                                                   one   who  is  ers, noble recorders          name as Ibn Umm Maktuum – with
                                                                                   walking on the     who know what you do: the   the request for a repetition or elu-
                                                                                   road,          good will live in bliss, and the wick-  cidation of certain earlier  passages
                                                                                       Or is it   ed will burn in the Fire.     of the Qur’an. Annoyed by this in-
                                                                                   the road that is   They  will enter it on the Day   terruption of what he momentarily
                                                                                   moving?        of Judgment. And they will fi nd no   regarded as a more important en-
                                                                                       Or are we   escape.                      deavour, the Prophet  “frowned and
                                                                                   both standing,     What will explain to you what   turned away”  from the blind man
                                                                                   but it is the time   the Day of Judgment is?  and was immediately, there and
                                                                                   that is running?   Yes! What will explain to you   then, reproved by the revelation
                                                                                       I do not   what the Day of Judgment is?  of the fi rst ten verses of this surah.
                                                                                   know!              The Day when no soul will be   In later years he oft en greeted Ibn
                                                                                       Is there be-  able to do anything for another; on   Umm Maktuum with these words
                                                                                   yond grave and   that Day, command will belong to   of humility: “Welcome unto him on
                                                                                   death resurrec-  Allah                       whose account my Sustainer has re-
                                                                                   tion, then life     (Al-Infi tar 82:6-19)    buked me (aatabanii)!”
                                                                                   and eternity?       (Khutbah at ISOC – Rajab 21,   Indirectly, the sharp Qur’anic
                                                                                       Or   there  1434)                        GEMS, P28
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