Page 21 - Pakistan Link - October 19, 2018
P. 21

COMMENTARY                                                                                                     OCTOBER 19, 2018  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P21
                                                   Rising Education in Pakistan                                                 the goalposts were always moving.
              n By Nayyer Ali MD

                                                                                                                                It was hard to build an adequate
            ince the country was found-                                                                                         education system as the number
            ed, illiteracy and limited ac-                                                                                      of children would rise sharply
        Scess  to education has been                                                                                            ever year.  But in the last 15 years
        a hallmark of Pakistani society,                                                                                        or so, falling fertility rates means
                      and has contrib-                                                                                          that process has nearly halted.
                      uted  massively                                                                                           The number of babies in Pakistan
                      to its slow pace                                                                                          has stopped growing for the most
                      of  development.                                                                                          part, which means that the educa-
                      The   dramatic                                                                                            tion system is no longer chasing
                      success of East                                                                                           a moving target.  With proper in-
                      Asian   Tigers                                                                                            vestment, and with a government
                      like Taiwan and                                                                                           that does not treat education as a
                      South Korea and                                                                                           dumping ground for patronage
        Singapore was built on a founda-                                                                                        jobs, Pakistan can create a univer-
        tion of universal primary educa-                                                                                        sal system learning that gives its
        tion that began in the 1950’s and                                                                                       children the tools they will need to
        1960’s.    Pakistan,  on  the  other                                                                                    succeed.
        hand, is among the worst per-
        formers in South and East Asia,                                                                                          UYGHUR FROM P8
        though not quite as bad as Af-                                                                                           scholars should visit Xinjiang to
        rica.  This poor performance has                                                                                         help.
        led to a climate of defeatism and                                                                                           CPEC is a $62 billion invest-
        despair when it comes to Paki-                                                                                           ment by China. It is a game-chang-
        stan’s education system, and this                                                                                        er for Pakistan, economically, no
        is in fact unwarranted.  Pakistan                                                                                        doubt. Yet, why is President Xi
        has made huge strides in educa-                                                                                          Jinping dealing with a country that
        tion at all levels, and its failure to                                                                                   is 90% mentally ill, being that he
        achieve 100% literacy should not                                                                                         thinks that Islam is a mental ill-
        obscure the massive expansion of                                                                                         ness  and  the  majority  in  Pakistan
        education that has occurred and   nied an education.  Partly this is   be wonderful it that performance   the profound underinvestment   is infected by an “ideological virus
        is continuing.                because if only one school is being   could be matched nationwide.  in  education  that  has hampered   called Islam”? We should not forget
            For perspective, West Paki-  built in a location, it tends to serve   While these enrollment num-  Pakistan since its birth.  Under   that China voted against Pakistan
        stan in 1947 had about 35 mil-  boys.  But more importantly is the   bers are encouraging at the pri-  Musharraf, education was expand-  in FATF, the Financial Action Task
        lion people, but less than a million   cultural prejudice against the value   mary level, quality of  education   ed substantially, and education   Force.
        children were in school.  Primary   of educating girls.  This is slowly   also matters.  The habit of both   spending reached 2.7% of GDP in   Canceling the Dutch cartoon
        school enrollment rate was only   eroding, and in the cities certainly   the PPP and PML-N to use teach-  2008, but then declined to 2.1%   contest was important, and kudos
        20%, with 770,000 students, of   most young men who are literate   ing jobs as a source of patronage   under the PPP.  PML-N govern-  to Religious Affairs Minister Qadri
        which only 110,000 were girls.    would like a wife who is also edu-  led to widespread ghost schools or   ment has raised it back to 2.7%, but   for protesting to China. Seems Paki-
        There were 200,000 secondary   cated.  And educated mothers tend   teachers with little or no interest or   this is just making up lost ground.    stan is trying to be the voice of the
        school students, and only 20,000   to make sure their daughters go to   capacity to teach.  This problem is   Pakistan should be spending 4% of   Muslim world. These efforts are a
        were female, and a grand total of   school.  This bias is being slowly   being addressed in two ways.  First,   GDP on education, which it could   good  start  but  have  not  continued
        17,000 students were attending any   broken down, but it needs to be   if families can afford it, they tend   do if it had the political will.  The   with  the war  in Yemen.  More on
        sort of university.           fully obliterated.  Many NGO’s   to send their children to private   nation is dramatically undertaxed,   that travesty another day.
            By 1997 primary school en-  provide education in more conser-  schools where they can ensure the   and the money is there if the gov-   (Dr Mahjabeen Islam is a
        rollment had reached only 65% of   vative rural areas to girls, and they   teacher is actually showing up and   ernment chooses to mobilize the   writer and an addiction and fam-
        students, but that was in the con-  are doing some great work.  doing something.  Second, in Pun-  resources.            ily medicine physician practicing in
        text of a quadrupling of the popu-  So how close is Pakistan to   jab in particular, the government   While the issue of out-of-  Ohio. -  mahjabeen.islam@gmail.
        lation and a massive increase in the   universal primary school enroll-                   school children is still a giant prob-  com)
        number of children.  The number   ment?  Closer than you think.    Pakistan has made      lem, it is getting better.  From 2012
        of school-age children rose from   School enrollment numbers are                          to 2016, in the 5-9 age group the   IMRAN FROM P4
        under 4 million in 1947 to 20 mil-  provided using two different met-  huge strides in    number of out-of-school boys has   belong, may be the easier part of
        lion in1997.  In 1997 there were   rics, “Net Enrollment  Ratio, or                       dropped from 3 million to 2 mil-  the equation. Selling his package of
        15.5 million children in primary   NER”, and “Gross Enrollment Ra-  education at all      lion, and for girls from 4 million   more hardship and suffering as the
        school, 6.5 million were girls, and   tio or GER”.  If primary school age   levels, and its failure   to 3 million.  In the 10-12-year age   price for eventual prosperity will be
        at the university level the numbers   is defined as ages of 5-9 years, then               group, the drop has been smaller,   a tougher nut to crack. It will take
        were now about 1 million students,   NER is what percent of children   to achieve 100%    from 3.2 to 3 million for boys, and   all the savvy and guile on his part
        with 350,000 girls.           in that age group are enrolled in                           from 3.5 to 3.2 million for girls.    to convince the people that corrup-
            In 2016, the last year for which   school.  But there are many chil-  literacy should   At age 13-16, the number for boys   tion has gone down to the bones of
        there is data as no PSLM survey   dren, especially in Pakistan, who   not obscure the     has fallen from 7 to 5.5 million   Pakistan. The cancer has spread to
        was conducted in 2018 due to the   attend primary school at a delayed                     and for girls from 7 to 5.7 million.    all parts of the body and it will take
        census, there were almost 19 mil-  age.  They may start at age 8 and   massive expansion   GER ratio at the secondary school   nothing less than massive surgery to
        lion children in primary schools,   attend to age 13.  If we count the                    level meanwhile has risen from 20   root it out. This will be taking a huge
        over 8 million were girls.  Almost   total number of students actually   of education that   to  34%,  still  a  long  way  to  100%.    gamble on Imran’s popularity.
        80  times  as  many  girls  were  at-  in primary school and divide by   has occurred and is   In the 25-34-year age group, 15%   It will be a hard sell, to say the
        tending school as in 1947.  At the   the number of students in the 5-9                    now have some sort of tertiary or   very least. The people’s reaction to
        secondary school level there were   age group, we get the GER.  From   continuing         university degree.             the bitter pill rammed down their
        6.5 million students, of which 3   2012 to 2016, Pakistan’s NER rose                          Another impediment to edu-  throat will decide if Imran’s charm
        million were girls.  University en-  from 68 to 77%, but its GER rose                     cation is the lack of drinking wa-  remains undiminished or has run
        rollment is now over 3 million stu-  from 86 to 97%.  This means that   in the last few years has been turn-  ter, toilet facilities, and electric-  out of its magic. Testing times ahead
        dents, with several hundred thou-  just about all Pakistan children   ing over primary schools to NGO’s   ity in schools.  While this is not a   for both the people of Pakistan and
        sand more in vocational schools.   are at some point attending pri-  to  operate,  which  leads  to  better   problem at the high school level, it   their messiah.
            Pakistan’s  literacy  rate  has   mary  school,  but not  necessarily   performance.  Currently 37% of   remains a problem in some of the   -
        been rising.  Adult literacy as of   between the ages of 5-9.  NER in   students attend private schools and   provinces at the primary school   (The writer is a former ambas-
        2015  was  60%,  with  youth  litera-  2016 was 83% for boys and 71%   this number is rising.  level.  Punjab has done a great job   sador and career diplomat)
        cy (age 15-24) up to 72%.  These   for girls, while GER was 105% for   Despite the massive increase   in getting electricity in 90% of pri-
        rates have probably ticked up a   males and 90% for females.   in education over the last 70 years,   mary schools, and water in 100%,   US Must Stay in Afghanistan
        few points in the last three years,   Punjab  and KP  are doing   there is still a crushing problem of   but overall the numbers are about   Until Peace Is Achieved
        but we will need another PSLM   particularly well.  Punjab had an   children not in school.  If we take   60% for electricity and 70% for wa-
        survey to verify that.  Male youth   NER of 88% for boys and 83% for   as baseline that all children should   ter.  These basic infrastructure bar-  London: Inter-Services Public Re-
        literacy has reached 80%.  The rise   girls, while GER was over 100%   be in school from age 5 to 16, and   riers need to be overcome.  lations (ISPR) Director General
        of smart phones and text messag-  for both.  KP had an NER of 95%   receive 12 years of education, then   While Pakistan’s education   Major General Asif Ghafoor Tues-
        ing has made the value of literacy   for boys and 74% for girls, with an   in 2015 there were 22.6 million   system is still woefully inadequate   day said Pakistan wants US forces to
        much more immediate, and hope-  amazing GER of 130% for boys   Pakistani children out of school.    to meet the needs of its 50 million   stay in Afghanistan until complete
        fully this will increase the desire   (lots of illiterate teenagers are at-  At age 5-9, 23% of children are still   school-age children, it has made   peace is achieved in the war-torn
        of children to educate themselves   tending primary school) and 95%   not in school (5 million out and 17   huge progress since its miniscule   country.
        when given the opportunity.   for girls.  Sindh has a GER of 90%   million in school).  At age 10-12,   beginnings 70 years ago.  A well-  “Peace in Afghanistan is im-
            There is still a gender disparity   for boys but still an abysmally low   there are 6 million in school and 6   educated workforce is critical to   perative for lasting peace in Paki-
        in education which extends from   70% for girls, which reflects rural   million out, and at age 13-16 there   making rapid economic growth   stan and the whole region,” the ISPR
        primary school all the way to uni-  Sindh’s cultural bias against female   are only 5 million in school and 11   possible, the key ingredient in cre-  chief, who arrived in United King-
        versity.  At each level boys make up   education, paradoxically more in-  million out.  In the youngest age   ating  a modern industrial econ-  dom last week as part of a military
        about 56% of the students, which   tense than what is seen in KP.  The   group, 14% of children in Punjab   omy and an affluent society.  The   delegation headed by Chief of Army
        means that there is a significant   statistics for Islamabad look like   and 15% in KP are out of school.   rapid population growth Pakistan   Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa,
        fraction of girls who are being de-  a First World country, it would   This lack of schooling reflects   experienced for decades meant   US, P28
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