Page 1 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
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Pakistan Link
The Largest Circulated Pakistani-American Newspaper in North America
VOL. 29/17 21 Sha’ban 1440 Friday, April 26, 2019 US & Canada $1.00
Modi’s Election Govt. to Go ahead No Pakistani For news,
Strategy Is with Tax Amnesty Soldier or Citizen updated round
the clock, visit
Well Tested Scheme Killed in Air Strike
Shura Council Mourns Loss Pakistanis ‘Stand with Th eir Sri Lankan Brethren’ PM Khan to Leave for
of Innocent Lives in Sri Lanka China on Th ursday
Garden Grove, CA: Th e Islamic Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran
Shura Council of Southern Califor- Khan was due to leave for China on
nia and its 78 member organizations Th ursday to attend the second Belt
have extended “condolences and and Road Forum for International
prayers to the innocent victims of Cooperation scheduled to be held
the terror attacks in Sri Lanka this from April 25-27 in Beijing.
past Sunday.” A high-level delegation com-
A statement issued by the Shura prising federal ministers and senior
stated: In the modern era, with all the offi cials will accompany the premier
advancement of our human civiliza- during his visit.
tion, we are still witnessing the un- On the fi rst day, he will attend
civilized, barbaric terror of attacking the inaugural session of the forum
places of worship and the killing of and deliver a keynote address be-
innocent and peaceful worshipers. sides attending the state banquet to
From Pittsburgh to Christchurch, be hosted by Chinese President Xi
and now in Colombo, extremists are Jinping in honor of world leaders.
competing in showing off their evil Along with other leaders, PM
by targeting innocent unarmed hu- Khan will attend the leaders’ round-
man beings. Innocent people end table sessions on the forum’s second
up paying the price for their satanic day.
vicious cycle of unjustifi ed revenge Th e prime minister will also
and aggression. hold meetings with President Xi and
Th ose who assemble in the Prime Minister Khan reiterated Pakistan’s offer of assistance to Sri Lanka for taking effective counter-terrorism measures his Chinese counterpart Li Keqiang
houses of God, seeking peace and to promote bilateral relations be-
tranquility, should not have to ex- Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran his heartfelt condolences to the be- Th e prime minister said that tween the two countries.
perience terror and violence. Th eir Khan, in a telephone conversation reaved families and prayed for the terrorism knows no boundaries, no Meanwhile, China’s Foreign
loved ones should not have to suff er with his Sri Lankan counterpart Ra- speedy recovery of the wounded. religion and threatens the peace of Minister Wang Yi on Wednesday
the unbearable pain of losing them. nil Wickremesinghe on Wednesday, Prime Minister Imran said that the entire region and the world. appreciated Pakistan’s eff orts “in
Th e Muslims of Southern California strongly condemned the string of the people of Pakistan are deeply He said that Pakistan con- fi rmly combating terrorism and ex-
express their sadness and reject this bombings in Sri Lanka that claimed grieved over the loss of precious demns terrorism in all its forms and tremism”, noting that Islamabad had
evil and clearly announce that the lives of at least 359 people. lives and “stand with their Sri Lank- manifestations and will continue to Beijing’s support in the
SHURA, P28 Th e prime minister conveyed an brethren at this hour of grief.” PAKISTANIS, P28 PM, P28
Joint ‘Rapid Reaction Force’ Pak Navy Test-Fires Indigenously Developed Cruise Missile Pakistan Strongly Denounces
for Border Security Modi’s Nuclear Th reat
Tehran: Iran’s President Hassan Islamabad: In an impres- Islamabad: Pakistan has reacted
Rouhani announced Monday that sive fi repower display, live strongly to Indian Prime Minis-
he and visiting Pakistani Prime weapon fi ring was con- ter Narendra Modi’s recent anti-
Minister Imran Khan agreed to set ducted by Pakistan Navy’s Pakistan statements, terming them
up a joint border “reaction force” to Fast Attack Craft (Missile) “highly unfortunate and irrespon-
counter terrorism. in the North Arabian Sea sible”.
“We agreed to create a joint on Tuesday. Modi, while addressing an elec-
rapid reaction force at the borders Th e indigenously-de- tion rally in Rajasthan’s Chittorgarh
for combatting terrorism,” Rou- veloped cruise missile has on Sunday, claimed that New Delhi
hani told a joint news conference, anti-ship missile and land had stopped its policy of being fright-
following months of increased ten- attack capability. ened by ‘Islamabad’s threats’ and said
sions over attacks on both sides of Vice Admiral Kaleem that its nuclear capabilities were not
the two countries’ frontier. Shaukat, Vice Chief of being kept for Diwali.
Th e border skirts the volatile the Naval Staff , witnessed Responding to the threats, For-
southeastern Iranian province of the live fi ring onboard a eign Offi ce spokesperson Dr Muham-
Sistan-Baluchistan which has been Pakistan Navy ship. Th e mad Faisal on Monday said Pakistan
the scene of frequent attacks on missile accurately hit its considered these remarks as “highly
Iran’s security forces. target on land, signifying unfortunate and irresponsible”.
Khan’s visit to Iran, the fi rst the impressive capabilities “Such rhetoric for short-term
since he took offi ce last year, comes of the indigenous system, political and electoral gains, with
aft er gunmen based in Iran killed the Directorate of Pub- The successful live weapon fi ring has demonstrated the credible fi repower of the Pakistan Navy complete disregard to its eff ects on
14 passengers last week in its own lic Relations of Pakistan strategic stability in South Asia is
Balochistan province. Navy said. again demonstrated the impeccable level of indi- Pakistan’s defense indus- regrettable and against norms of re-
“Th e security chief will sit Th e successful live credible fi repower of the genization in high-tech try, which is a clear sponsible nuclear behavior,” he said in
FORCE, P28 weapon fi ring has once Pakistan Navy and the weaponry achieved by MISSILE, P28 THREAT, P28