Page 8 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 8

P8  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                               OPINION
            n By C. Naseer Ahmad             What the Swiss Touch Can Teach Us                                                  for Civil and Human Rights along
               Washington, DC                                                                                                   with the Swiss Consulate General
                                                                                                                                and the UN to discuss the idea of
             here are more people living                                                                                        building sustainable cities in At-
             in Karachi than the entire                                                                                         lanta. ‘Empowering Young Voices
        Tcountry of Switzerland, ac-                                                                                            in Foreign Policy’ in New York
        cording to the most recent cen-                                                                                         City  brought  together  key  stake-
                    sus fi gures. If we                                                                                         holders to discuss how to inspire
                    combine the pop-                                                                                            the next generation. ‘Humanitar-
                    ulation  of  Lahore                                                                                         ian Protection in the Digital Age’
                    and Karachi, then                                                                                           in San Francisco and ‘Innovation
                    there are probably                                                                                          and  Humanitarian  Aid’  in  New
                    three  times  more                                                                                          York City were great events for
                    people than the                                                                                             discussing topics that are most rel-
        entire population of Switzerland.                                                                                       evant today.
            But when you take into ac-                                                                                              ‘Keeping up with Digital In-
        count other factors, such as  per-                                                                                      formation’, a unique event at the
        sonal income, the ranking of                                                                                            National Archives in Washing-
        universities and happiness index,                                                                                       ton,  addressed  the  ‘challenge  of
        Switzerland - a country lacking   Touch, Project Manager.   ing but frigid heights in famous   In the United States, this   storing, preserving and securing
        natural  resources  like  natural  gas   Using two identical tables   winter skiing resort Zermatt near   campaign started from iconic sur-  mountains of record - both digital
        and oil - surpasses at every level.   known as the ‘Swiss Touch’ tables   the Matterhorn. It was a revealing   roundings near the Lincoln Me-  and physical.” To explore ideas on
        Th  is should give some food for   as vehicles for discussion, the   conversation about climate change   morial on the Mall. People from   how to build smart communities
        thought not just for national and   campaign embodies the ‘duality of   with input from people who are   diff erent walks of life came up to   in future, the Swiss Touch cam-
        provincial leaders but also head of   contemporary Switzerland as a na-                   the Swiss Touch table to converse   paign brought together experts
        households concerned about their   tion that embodies tradition and a   ‘Keeping up with Digital   with HE Ambassador Martin Da-  from ETH Zurich, DC Offi  ce of
        families’ future.             fertile ground for innovation. Th  is   Information’, a unique event   hinden about whatever question   Planning and the National Plan-
            For a lot of people in Pakistan,   sets the stage for a ‘neutral ground               they could think of at the moment.  ning Commission at the iconic
        Switzerland might be a country   for free discussion.’         at the National Archives       Th  ese tables travel across the   National Building Museum.
        where the rich and well connect-  Th  ese tables are made of aged   in Washington, addressed   United States for events organized   Th  rough these series of events
        ed hide their money. Some might   wood from the old Hörnlihütte at   the ‘challenge of storing,   by the network of Swiss diplomats   centered on the Swiss Touch table,
        know about the Swiss Family Rob-  the foot of the Matterhorn.  Skilled   preserving and securing   meeting and discussing various   the information provided is both
        inson, Swiss Cheese, the high pre-  Swiss product designers hand-  mountains of record - both   topics with experts in diff erent   timely and useful.
        cision Swiss watches or the scenic   craft ed these tables of the material   digital and physical.” To   fi elds. Sometimes these events are   Th  is ingenious way reintro-
        views from the Jung Frau moun-  from the Swiss ash tree and are                           hosted by quasi-governmental or-  duces Switzerland, a country that
        tain in Bollywood movies.     sustainable.                  explore ideas on how to build   ganizations like SwissNex.   ranks high is so many categories
            Th  ere is a lot to know and   Built  with  quintessential  smart communities in future,   During  March  through June   from top ranked universities to
        learn about Switzerland. So for   Swiss innovative methods, these   the Swiss Touch campaign   2019 in San Francisco, the cam-  the happiness index of its citizens
        those who are interested, Switzer-  tables serve as a medium to both   brought together experts   paign showcases ‘Swiss Touch   not to mention the list of Nobel
        land seems to have come up with a   tell the Swiss story as well as hav-  from ETH Zurich, DC Offi ce   Builds a House.’ Th  is interesting   Prize winners and technical inno-
        brilliant way to share the country’s   ing a meaningful and stimulating                   eff ort provides a visual journey   vations.
        message via the ‘Swiss Touch’ cam-  conversation. Th  ese tables can   of Planning and the National   through  research  on  the  digital   How wonderful it would be if
        paign communicating the message   project  images  and  live  stream   Planning Commission at   transformation of architecture and   the civil society and governmen-
        in a beautiful way covering a host   content enabling the wood surface   the iconic National Building   construction.   tal leaders learn something from
        of topics ranging from drones, 3D   to act as a touch screen, thereby   Museum                Th  ere  are  tremendous  ideas   the Swiss Touch instead of being
        printing, performing arts, sports   encouraging interaction from us-                      explored  and  discussed  at  the   focused on ideological purity and
        to cyber security. Th  is eff ort is ‘at   ers, both online and offl  ine.  experiencing or witnessing the ef-  Swiss Touch events throughout   the expensive and counterproduc-
        the heart of the public diplomacy’   Th  e fi rst conversation actu-  fects of this phenomenon on their   the United States. For instance,   tive military competition with a
        in US, says Sarah Shafi k, Swiss   ally took place in the command-  business or daily life.  the Swiss Touch joined the Center   neighboring country.

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