Page 13 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 13

PAKISTAN                                                                                                          APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P13
                   Bilawal’s Remarks on PM Khan,                                                      Go Home or Face Lockdown

         Asad Umar Spark Ruckus in the Assembly                                                        of Islamabad, Fazl Tells PTI

                                                                                Bilawal also objected
                                                                            to retired Brig Ijaz Shah’s
                                                                            appointment as the new
                                                                            interior minister, ques-
                                                                            tioning how the position
                                                                            could be given to him,
                                                                            “when there are allega-
                                                                            tions that he was involved
                                                                            in Daniel Pearl’s murder.”
                                                                                “Are you trying to
                                                                            send  a  message  to  the
                                                                            world  that  we  have  ter-
                                                                            rorists  and  terrorists’
                                                                            abettors in our cabinet?”
                                                                            he asked. “Th  is cannot
                                                                                Bilawal also took aim
                                                                            at the new federal cabinet,
                                                                            calling it a combination
                                                                            of Musharraf and PPP’s
        The PPP leader, in a fi ery speech on the fl oor of theAssembly, criticised Umar and referred to   teams, a reference to the   Islamabad:  Jamiat Ulema-e-  that people have lost billions of
        him as “an educated but illiterate” person (parha likha jahil). He also used his oft-repeated   many old faces on the   Islam-Fazl  (JUI-F)  chief  Mau-  rupees in the stock market during
        slur for the prime minister, calling him a “selected” leader, triggering a ruckus in the parlia-
        ment                                                                treasury benches.     lana Fazlur Rehman on Saturday   the last eight months because of
                                                                                Th  e PPP chairman,   warned  that  his  party  will  lock   the government’s poor economic
        Islamabad:  Th  e  rul-  iser, following the ruling   Allegations such as these   sporting a grin, said that   down the federal capital if the   policies. He also demanded an
        ing  Pakistan Tehreek-i-  party’s protest,  expunged   are  nothing  new  for  us.   “if anyone had to go   Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)   inquiry into the Bus Rapid Tran-
        Insaf’s (PTI) MNAs on   both of Bilwal’s remarks   Th  e government thinks   home, it should have been   government did not step down, a   sit (BRT) project in Peshawar.
        Monday left  their seats   from the record of the   we will get scared with   the prime minister,” call-  private TV channel reported.  “Th  e project which was estimat-
        and chanted slogans af-  proceedings, reminding   such threats. Th  ey are   ing him “incapable and   “We demand that fresh elec-  ed to cost Rs 30 billion has now
        ter taking exception to   the PPP leader that “this   mistaken. When we were   unworthy”.  tions should be held in the coun-  touched Rs 100 billion,” he noted.
        PPP  Chairman  Bilawal   house has elected him   not deterred by dictators   Bilawal said that the   try,” the JUI-F chief told reporters   “Th  e National Accountability Bu-
        Bhutto-Zardari’s remarks   (the premier); he cannot   such as Zia and Mush-  PPP “has been taking part   aft er a meeting of the Muttahida   reau (NAB) has been rounding up
        regarding former fi nance   be called selected.”  arraf, why would these   in the house’s proceed-  Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), an alli-  politicians belonging to the oppo-
        minister Asad Umar and     “Th  ey have realised   puppets scare us?”  ings very reasonably” but   ance of religious parties.  sition parties, while the minister
        Prime  Minister Imran   very late that I have been   Bilawal reiterated his   warned that the ruling   Fazl, who is also the presi-  and offi  cials responsible for the
        Khan during a session of   using the word ‘selected’,”   demand for the “sacking   party would be in trouble   dent of the MMA, said all opposi-  BRT fi asco are roaming free,” he
        the National Assembly.  said Bilawal, referring to   of those ministers who   “if we were to resort to   tion parties are on the same page   lamented.
            Th  e PPP leader, in a   his repeated use of the   have ties with proscribed   protests.”  on holding fresh elections. He   Fazl pointed out that the PTI
        fi ery speech on the fl oor   slur on the fl oor of the   organisations and terror-  PPP  lawmakers  said the country is stuck in eco-  does not have its own ministers
        of the assembly, criticised   house. “Why are they ob-  ists”.      returned the treasury   nomic and political crises for the   and has instead chosen people
        Umar and referred to him   jecting now?”         He warned that if “I,   benches’ uproar dur-  last eight months. “Th  e country is   who were part of the Pakistan
        as  “an educated  but illit-  ARTICLE CONTIN-  as my party’s parliamen-  ing Federal Minister for   being run by a few selected tech-  People’s Party (PPP) government.
        erate” person (parha likha   UES AFTER AD     tary leader, am not al-  Power Omar Ayub Khan’s   nocrats … the elected minister   “Th  e  current  government  lacks
        jahil). He also used his   He  recalled  that  “I   lowed to speak, then your   rebuttal by approaching   [Asad Umar] failed to present the   the ability to pull the country out
        oft -repeated slur for the   was called a traitor [in   prime minister will also   his seat and tearing up the   annual  budget,”  he  maintained.   of the prevailing crises,” he added.
        prime minister, calling   this house] when I was   not be allowed to speak   session’s agenda.  “Now an International Monetary   Th  e  JUI-F  chief  noted  that
        him a “selected” leader,   not here. Shaheed Bena-  [in this house].”   Following the com-  Fund  (IMF)  budget  will  be  pre-  the presidential form of govern-
        triggering a ruckus in the   zir Bhutto, Zulfi kar Ali   “We will not even let   motion, the Speaker ad-  sented instead of that of the gov-  ment is a symbol of dictatorship
        parliament.            Bhutto and Fatima Bhutto   him enter [the building],”   journed the session until   ernment,” he added.  and such measures should be
            Speaker Asad Qa-   were also called traitors.   he threatened.  11am on Tuesday.          Th  e JUI-F leader claimed   avoided.
                   Pakistan Deplores India’s Unilateral                                                  PIA Reaches Break-Even

                       Suspension of Cross-LoC Trade                                                          in Operating Profi t

        Islamabad: Th  e Foreign Offi  ce on Sun-  functional Confi dence-Building  Mea-  try of Home Aff airs, the trade was sus-      Karachi:  Pakistan Inter-
        day deplored the unilateral decision by   sures (CBMs) between the two coun-  pended from both Chakothi-Uri  and                national Airlines (PIA) has
        India to suspend cross-Line of Control   tries, which came about aft er arduous   Tetrinote-Chakan da Bagh crossing             claimed that it has come out
        (LoC) trade and rejected the allegations   diplomatic eff orts.  points of the LoC because of the alleged                       of losses at the operational
        regarding its misuse.             “Th  e unilateral suspension of this   “misuse of these routes by unnamed el-                 level aft er quite a long time
            On Th  ursday, the Indian govern-  Kashmir-related CBM indicates that   ements in Pakistan”.                                as its revenues slightly ex-
        ment had suspended the cross-LoC   India is seeking to reverse even the   “Th  e Government of India has                        ceeded the operating cost in
        trade between Azad Jammu and Kash-  modest gains made by the two coun-  received reports that cross-LoC trade                   the quarter ending March
        mir (AJK) and the part of Kashmir it   tries in the diplomatic domain.  routes in Jammu and Kashmir are being                   31, 2019.
        occupies, in a move that evoked strong   “Its suspension without consult-  misused by Pakistan-based elements.                      “PIA has achieved
        reactions from traders who feared the   ing Pakistan is deeply regrettable,” said   Th  is misuse involves infl ows of illegal   breakeven at the opera-
        decision could force them into destitu-  the FO.            weapons, narcotics and currency,” read                              tional level,” Adviser to PIA
        tion.                             Th  e statement further read that   the notifi cation.   CEO Air Vice Marshal Noor Abbas told Th  e Express Tribune. “It, however, may
            Azaj Ahmed Meer, an offi  ce-bear-  the suspension of the trade added to               take three to four years to report a net profi t.”
        er of the traders in Chakothi, had said   the economic hardship of the divided  Younis Habib Passes away  Th  e state-owned airline’s revenue surged to an average of Rs8-8.5 billion a
        that at least 1,200 traders and hundreds   Kashmiris and further squeezes the              month in the January-March 2019 quarter compared to around Rs7 billion a
        of other workers were associated with   segment of people who could modestly   Karachi:  Younis   month in the same period of last year. “Th  e operating cost was slightly lower than
        the trade on both sides of the LoC “who   benefi t from this facility.  Habib, a central   the monthly revenue or was almost equal,” he said.
        will now be economically devastated if   Th  e FO called for restoration of   fi gure in the As-  Th  e adviser informed a notable improvement in fi nancial management came
        the decision is not reversed”.  the trade and urged India to refrain   ghar Khan case      aft er the seat occupancy rate per fl ight increased to around 90% in the period under
            Th  e FO, in a press statement,   from taking unilateral measures. It also   and the Mehran   review compared to less than 70% in the corresponding period of the previous year.
        on Sunday said: “Th  e Indian action is   asked for resolving diff erences through   Bank  scandal,  Moreover, the addition of four planes to the operational fl eet aft er repair,
        based on groundless accusations that   constructive engagement with a view to   died on Wednes-  which took more than a year, reduction in the number of employees, drastic reduc-
        this mechanism is being used for smug-  transitioning from confl ict to coopera-  day at the age of   tion in the ticket reservation cost, increased load factor of cargo and increase in the
        gling, narcotics, fake currency and ‘ter-  tion.            76.                            number of fl ights on profi t-making routes helped achieve these results.
        rorism’.”                         “In our view, there are better ways   Once considered close to the   “Such improvement in operations came following the change of management
            According to the offi  ce, this “lita-  of dealing with issues relating to imple-  top leadership of PPP, he played a   in November 2018 when Air Marshal Arshad Malik took charge as CEO of the
        ny” is all too familiar and in line with   mentation, if any, than resorting to uni-  major role in the removal of Benazir   airline,” he said. “PIA is doing well under the fi ve-year business plan, which got
        New Delhi’s frequent attempts to por-  lateral suspension of important CBMs,”   Bhutto’s government in 1990, and   approval of the cabinet very recently.”
        tray legitimate activities of the people   read the statement.  the success of Islami Jamhuri Itte-  He revealed that PIA had been saving roughly Rs1 billion a month since it
        in Indian-occupied Kashmir as linked   Unilateral decision: Th  e Indian   had (IJI) in the election.Th  e biggest   acquired the new ticket reservation soft ware from Turkey-based fi rm Hitit in Oc-
        to the so-called “terrorism”.  government had suspended the cross-  fi nancial scandal against him came   tober 2018. “Th  e new reservation soft ware is costing half of what PIA was paying
            Th  e statement added that the   LoC trade on Th  ursday. According to   in the form of the Mehran Bank or   to the US-based fi rm Saber.”
        cross-LoC trade has been one of the   a notifi cation issued by India’s Minis-  the Mehrangate case.  “Th  e saving is playing a major role in turning around the airline,” he said.
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