Page 17 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 17

COMMUNITY                                                                                                         APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P17
             Community Link

         VOL. 29/17                                                 Friday, April 26, 2019                                               21  Sha’ban 1440

          PAGE  18                                PAGE  19                                 PAGE 20
                                                   PAGE  egum
                                                                                           PAGE  17
         S. Haider Honored                       Building Bridges                        Princess Yasmin                          For news,

         with Prestigious                        of Understanding                        Aga Khan                                 updated round
                                                                                                                                  the clock, visit
         Jehlinger Award                         in Divisive Times                       Discusses Mother               

               Sarwar Foundation Fundraiser in Sacramento a Huge Success

              n By Ras H. Siddiqui    Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, who   He  subsequently  gave  up  his  British   amongst others spoke on the occasion,   in the new environment (very diff erent
                                      is also the current Governor of Pun-  citizenship and became the Governor   but due to space constraints this report   from Britain), and even her Urdu skills
             he   Sarwar   Foundation  jab province in Pakistan. One does not   of Punjab (2013 to 2015) when he was   will focus on what was said by Punjab’s   she thought would be questioned. But
             (https://sarwarfoundation.  know if there is, or has been, another   a member of the PML-N and became   First Lady Mrs Perveen Sarwar and the   seeing the need that exists changed
        Torg/)  is a remarkable  orga-  person like him, one who has been   a member of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-  Governor.  And before  we get  to  that   her perceptions as she embarked on
        nization doing some great work in   both a member of the British Parlia-  Insaf (PTI) in 2015.  one is happy to report that this event   a path to help and create Hunargahs
        Pakistan. It has been active for some   ment  and  an  elected  Pakistani  Sena-  A fundraiser for Sarwar Founda-  had a substantial representation from   (skill training centers) for women. She
        time now and is addressing a variety   tor, but he seems to have succeeded in   tion was arranged on April 14, 2019 at   the Sikh community from the region,   said that people wanted to educate
        of issues that are in need of attention   capturing the imagination of people in   the Hilton Sacramento by prominent   a welcome sign for all of us.   their kids but had to make diffi  cult
        in the country including clean wa-  both countries. Born in the Faisalabad   members of the local Pakistani-Amer-  Mrs Sarwar thanked the gather-  choices (sometimes between food and
        ter, health, women’s empowerment   area of Punjab and belonging to the   ican community and it was extremely   ing for their presence and spoke of   education) due to their abject poverty.
        and  education.  In  a  country  where   Arain clan, Sarwar went and settled   well attended. Th  e event emcee was   the decision-making process in her   Water-borne diseases are also a major
        these issues have been sidelined for   in Scotland in 1976 and was extremely   Tariq  Mirza  and  the  recitation  from   household on their move back home   issue along with childhood diabetes
        too long due to fi nancial limitations   successful in launching a cash-and-  the Holy Qur’an and translation were   from Britain. She asked (Sarwar) how   (children living on only cheap Gur and
        many organizations have taken up   carry business chain there. He also   provided by Imam Aamir Hussain.   she could leave her children and move   Rice diets). She added that Hepatitis is
        this challenge. Sarwar Foundation is   became a British citizen and made   Many local and regional leaders of   back to Pakistan. Th  ey discussed the   also a major challenge which Sarwar
        certainly one of them.        an equally successful political career   the community attended this program   plight of many children and women in   Foundation is trying to address with
            What is really unique about this   in the process. As a member of the   and some including Javaid Akhtar,   their home country and said that they   some of its limited resources. Mrs Sar-
        foundation is that it was founded   Labor Party from Glasgow, he repre-  Deputy Consul General Shoaib Sar-  made up their minds on that basis (to   war thanked those in attendance and
        by the fi rst Muslim to be elected as   sented the area from 1997 to 2010 and   war, Gurjatinder Randhawa from the   applause). She said that when she ar-  praised the Pakistani-American
        a  Member  of  Parliament  in  Britain,   retired that year to move to Pakistan.   Sikh community and Arshad Farooq   rived in Pakistan, she was a little scared   FUNDRAISER, P18

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