Page 15 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 15

PAKISTAN                                                                                                          APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P15

            ‘Pakistan Stands with Sri Lanka’: Qureshi Calls                                         Iran, Afghanistan Asked to Take

          Sri Lankan Premier to Condemn Terrorist Attacks                                           Action against Terrorist Groups

                                                                                                  Islamabad: Foreign Minister Shah   managed better than before.
                                                                            Sunday”.              Mahmood Qureshi on Saturday       •   Based on the consultations
                                                                                “My profound condo-  said that Pakistan expected both   between Iran and Pakistan, joint
                                                                            lences go to our Sri Lankan   Iran and Afghanistan to take action   border centers are being established.
                                                                            brethren. Pakistan stands   against the terrorist groups respon-  •   It has been decided that
                                                                            in complete solidarity with   sible for the Ormara massacre.   the border with Iran will be fenced
                                                                            Sri Lanka in their hour of   Addressing a press conference   the way the Pak-Afghan border was
                                                                            grief,” he tweeted.   in Islamabad, Qureshi said that the   being fenced. Qureshi added that
                                                                                Leader of the Opposi-  whole country was “angry and up-  the process has started.
                                                                            tion and PML-N President   set” over the incident and wanted to   •   Qureshi said that it was
                                                                            Shehbaz Sharif also ex-  know why this incident had taken   decided that border patrolling exer-
                                                                            pressed grief at the “tragic   place and who was behind it.  cises would be synchronized.
                                                                            Easter carnage” in Sri Lan-  At  least 14 passengers  were   •  Heli-surveillance  would
                                                                            ka. “We mourn the loss of   picked out with the help of their   be done between the two countries
                                                                            innocent lives. Stand by Sri   National Identity Cards (NICs),   to prevent further incidents.
                                                                            Lanka and the Christian   forcibly  offl  oaded  from  their  bus   “We also expect that our broth-
                                                                            community around the   and then shot dead by unidentifi ed   er and friend will take visible ac-
                                                                            globe in this hour of grief,”   assailants on the Makran Coastal   tion,” Qureshi said, adding that, as
                                                                            he said.              Highway in Ormara, Balochistan   a result of such visible action, Paki-
                                                                                Condemning the at-  early on Th  ursday.        stan will be successful in eliminat-
                                                                            tacks, PPP Chairperson Bi-  Qureshi confi rmed that “BRA”   ing elements that have intentions of
                                                                            lawal Bhutto Zardari said,   — an alliance of a number of Baloch   conducting terrorism in Pakistan.
                                                                            “As always, the purveyors   terrorist organizations — had come   A day earlier, Iranian Foreign
        Islamabad:    Foreign   Maheen Hassan, Muzna     Qureshi added that   of terror have chosen to tar-  forward and claimed responsibility   Minister Zarif had publicly con-
        Minister Shah Mahmood   Humayun and Atika Atif   Pakistan “condemns ter-  get innocents on a holy day.   for this “ghastly event”.  demned the attack. In a post shared
        Qureshi on Sunday called   - sustained minor injuries   rorism in all its forms and   Th  oughts & prayers with all   He claimed that “on the basis   on Twitter, Zarif wrote: “Strongly
        Sri Lankan Prime Minis-  and were discharged aft er   manifestations and com-  the families for whom this   of verifi ed information” the training   condemning the recent terrorist at-
        ter Ranil Wickremesinghe   receiving treatment.   pletely understands the   #Easter has become one of   and logistical camps of this new al-  tack in Pakistan, just as PM [Imran
        to  condole  and  condemn   In his call to Wick-  trauma and agony suff ered   mourning”.  liance were based inside Iran’s bor-  Khan] embarks on his fi rst, historic
        the terrorist attacks that   remasinghe, Qureshi ex-  by the people of Sri Lanka   “Th  e people and Gov-  ders.        visit to Iran.”
        rocked the country on   pressed “his deepest con-  today”.          ernment of Pakistan stand   Qureshi added that following
        Easter Day.            dolences on behalf of Prime   “Being a victim of pro-  by the people and Govern-  investigations  and  confi rmation,   British Pakistani Plans
            A devastating series   Minister Imran Khan and   longed terrorism itself Pak-  ment of Sri Lanka at this   this information has been shared   $650m Investment
        of eight bomb blasts ripped   the people of Pakistan in   istan stands with Sri Lanka   moment of tragedy and   with Iranian authorities.
        through high-end hotels   the wake of terrorist at-  in its diffi  cult hour.”  against terror,” Foreign Of-  He  informed  that the  location   by Next Year
        and churches holding Eas-  tacks in Sri Lanka”, said   Th  e foreign minister,   fi ce spokesperson Dr Mo-  of the camps has also been identi-
        ter  services in Sri Lanka,   a statement issued by the   on behalf of the Govern-  hammad Faisal tweeted   fi ed.      Islamabad:  As the government
        killing nearly 160 people,   ministry. “He conveyed   ment of Pakistan, also ex-  soon aft er news of the at-  Th  e  foreign  minister  said  that   looks to the private sector for help
        including dozens of for-  sympathies for the families   tended all out help and   tacks broke.  Pakistan expects Iran to take action   to  address  the  growing  housing
        eigners. Nearly 500 people   who lost their loved ones in   support to the Sri Lankan   Minister for Human   against these outfi ts. Additionally,   shortage in the country, a London-
        were injured in the attacks.  the tragedy and prayed for   government and people.  Rights  Shireen  Mazari  he said  that Pakistan also expects   based major international property
            Four Pakistanis were   the speedy recovery of the   Prime Minister: Ear-  condemned the attack in a   action to be taken by Afghanistan   investment company has unveiled
        among the injured, accord-  injured. He stressed that   lier, Prime Minister Imran   tweet, saying that terrorism   as the BRA’s presence and leadership   its plans to venture into real estate
        ing to the Foreign Min-  Pakistan fully understands   Khan strongly condemned   needs a strong united glob-  has also been identifi ed there.  development.
        istry. All four - including   the pain of their Sri Lankan   the “horrifi c terrorist at-  al approach to be eff ectively   Qureshi said that Islamabad   British Pakistani Khalid Iqbal
        three women identifi ed as   brethren.”      tack in Sri Lanka on Easter   defeated worldwide.   expected Kabul to help the country   Bhatti told reporters that having de-
                          Our Nuclear Weapons Are Not for                                         with the same spirit that Pakistan   livered $200 million real estate proj-
                                                                                                                                ects in the last fi ve years and execut-
                                                                                                  was demonstrating for establishing
                          Diwali, Modi Th  reatens Pakistan                                       peace and stability in Afghanistan.  ing many more all over the world,
                                                                                                      He shared that specifi c forensic
                                                                                                                                his Daniel Johns Group was going to
                                                                                                                                ern luxury apartments, penthouses
                                                                    tured.                        evidence was available, which could   put up $130 million worth of mod-
                                                                                                  be shared to trace these “criminals”.
                                                                        However, as a gesture of peace,   “Th  ey’re criminals who have   and  commercial  shops  under  one
                                                                    prime minister Imran Khan decided   done this incident,” Qureshi reiter-  roof in Islamabad’s Bahria Enclave.
                                                                    to return Wing Commander Abhi-  ated.                           “As we say we don’t just build
                                                                    nandan within 72 hours of his cap-  Th  e foreign minister revealed    properties,  we  build  futures,  the
                                                                    ture to India.                that he had spoken to his Iranian   ultra-modern nine-storey Ce La
                                                                                                  counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zar-  Vi development consisting of 357
                                                                     No Pakistani Soldier, Citizen   if, prior to the press conference and   luxurious apartments, prime offi  ce,
                                                                     Killed in Air Strike: Sushma   shared the sentiments of the Paki-  retail and leisure space over one mil-
                                                                                                  stani people as well as the expecta-  lion square feet will not be merely a
                                                                    Islamabad: Hours              tions of the government.      building, it’ll be a community, which
                                                                    aft er an Indian                  According to Qureshi, Zarif too   everyone will be proud of,” he said.
                                                                    minister admitted             had condemned the incident and    Th  e  DJ  Group  founder  and
                                                                    that no Pakistani             said that it was not just an attack on   chairman said the project was all
                                                                    soldier or civilian           Pakistan. He assured Qureshi of his   about his passion for Pakistan and
        Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Nar-  over 40 offi  cials of India Central   was killed in the air   full cooperation and promised that   ground-breaking approach to prop-
        endra Modi on Sunday claimed that   Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in oc-  strike carried out   Iran would help Pakistan trace the   erty investment, which would cul-
        New Delhi has stopped its policy   cupied Kashmir with New Delhi ac-  on Balakot by the   terrorists.                   minate in an iconic and fi rst-class
        of being frightened by Islamabad’s   cusing banned Jaish-e-Mohammad   Indian Air Force        Zarif hoped that with Prime   development benefi tting both inves-
        threats and said its nuclear capabili-  for being behind the suicide bomb-  on Feb 26, the public aff airs wing of   Minister Imran Khan arriving in   tors and end-users.
        ties are not tailored for Diwali.  ing.                     the military on Th  ursday expressed   Iran on Sunday, there would be a   He said for the fi rst time, fully-
            While addressing an election   Within days of the attack, In-  satisfaction, even joy, that truth had   chance for further deliberations to   serviced and luxury apartments
        rally in Rajasthan, the country’s pre-  dian fi ghter jets violated Pakistan’s   come out at last.   discuss mechanisms that could be   would  be  designed  with  exclusive
        mier said that “India has stopped the   air space and dropped bombs in   “Finally, the truth [has been re-  put into place to avoid such inci-  aesthetics and cutting-edge tech-
        policy of getting scared of Pakistan’s   Balakot. New Delhi claimed it tar-  vealed] under ground reality com-  dents.  nological features. “Uniquely, the
        threats”, according to India Today.  geted the so-called terrorist camps   pulsions,” said director general of   Qureshi shared  six  steps  with   apartments will have relaxing gar-
            “Every other day they used to   of JeM, a claim not only rebutted by   the Inter-Services Public Relations   the media that have already been   den spaces and will benefi t from a
        say ‘we have nuclear button, we have   Islamabad but also by international   (ISPR) Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor in a   taken, keeping the sensitivity of the   fi ve-star shopping mall, the fi rst-ev-
        nuclear button’. What do we have   media and other independent orga-  tweet.              border in mind, in order to make it   er 9D multiplex cinema in Pakistan,
        then? Have we kept it for Diwali?”  nizations.                  However, he expressed the   a “border of peace” and to ensure   award-winning food outlets, and
            Addressing an election rally in   Pakistan  responded  and  hope that the truth about wrong   stability.            fi ve-star UK-branded spa special-
        Rajasthan’s Chittorgarh hours aft er   launched air strikes the next day.   Indian claims about purported suc-  •   A new command has been   izing in skin care and makeup,” he
        a series  of blasts rocked Sri  Lanka   Its fi ghter jets dropped missiles in   cesses on the battlefi eld would also   formed to create ease in vigilance   said.
        on Easter Sunday, PM Modi said,   the open space in order to convey a   come out soon.    and prompt action. Th  e command   Bhatti said he saw Pakistan as
        “India is standing by Sri Lanka and   message to India that Pakistan had   “Hopefully, so will be about   will be headquartered in Turbat and   a strong and vibrant market and
        is ready for any help in the time of   the will and capacity to hit back.   other false Indian claims, i.e. surgi-  has been formed so that the border   therefore, he wanted to off er a place
        crisis.”                      Pakistani fi ghter jets also shot down   cal strike [of] 2016, denial of shoot-  can be manned more eff ectively   predominantly to overseas inves-
            Tensions between the two nu-  two Indian warplanes in a dogfi ght.   ing down of 2 IAF jets by PAF and   than previously.  tors, where they would stay for a
        clear-armed neighbors escalated af-  One of the Indian pilots, who eject-  claim about F16. Better late than   •   A new Frontier Corps has   holiday period at no cost and which
        ter the Pulwama attack, which killed   ed from the downed plane, was cap-  SUSHMA, P28    been raised so that the border can be   INVESTMENT, P28
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