Page 18 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 18

P18  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                       COMMUNITY
                 People of Kashmir Are Not the Problem                                                       Call Today to Support a

                         but Part of the Solution: Dr Fai                                             New Senate Bill for the Rohingya
                                                                                                       hanks to your eff orts, we re-  one man, Senate Majority Leader
        Washington,  DC:  “Kashmir  has  been  internationally                                         cently had success when the   Mitch McConnell. Th  is time we
        recognized as a disputed territory since the adoption of                                  TUS House passed a resolu-    must show him that a strong bill is
        the United Nations resolutions in 1948 and 1949. Th  e                                    tion declaring that what Rohing-  both necessary and inevitable.
        most tragic aspect of the present situation is the infl ex-                               yas are facing is a genocide. How-  Genocidal policies are still in
        ible position taken by the Government of India – its re-                                  ever, the US Senate has not voted   eff ect in Burma and a soft  approach
        fusal to recognize the internationally mandated status of                                 on a bill which passed the Senate   to the crisis will only embolden
        Kashmir and its stubbornness of parroting that Kashmir                                    Foreign Relations committee.    other war criminals in Burma and
        is its integral part.                                                                        Last week Senator Benjamin   around the world. Your voice mat-
            “India’s  obduracy  has  become  an  impediment  in                                   Cardin  (D-MD) introduced  a  new   ters, and numbers matter. Delay
        creating an atmosphere of peace and stability in the                                      bipartisan bill to protect the Ro-  costs lives.
        region of South Asia. Peace will come to Kashmir only                                     hingya, recognize and restore their   Please  contact  your  Senators,
        when the Government of India abandons its brutal ac-                                      rights and hold the perpetrators of   and ask them to support S. 1186 if
        tivities and harsh rhetoric and realizes that the people                                  war  crimes and  genocide  account-  they do not already:
        of Kashmir are not the problem, but rather part of the                                    able.                             Tell your Senator the following:
        solution.” Th  is was sated by Dr Ghulam Nabi Fai, Secre-                                    While Burma Task Force         “Please co-sponsor this bill
        tary General, World Kashmir Awareness Forum, during                                       would prefer to see an even stronger   without delay.  Th  is legislation is
        the 44th Annual Convention of Islamic Circle of North                                     bill, we recognize that in its present   about our basic values as a nation.
        America (ICNA). Dr Fai was speaking on the topic of   ing from New Delhi, or the allure of a quick fi x to Paki- form the legislation would have a   Genocide demands a bipartisan
        “Kashmir: Its international dimension.’      stan. Th  e problem between India and  Pakistan as clearly  strong impact on the Burmese gov-  response. In the past, US sanc-
            It is the people of Kashmir who suff er. Th  eir calls for   defi ned and understood by the experts, remains the dis- ernment. It proposes sanctions on   tions helped lead to gradual steps
        self-determination have been brutally suppressed by the   pute over Kashmir. Th  e fi nal settlement to this confl ict  vast Burmese military-owned busi-  to democratize Burma. Now, as the
        Indian armed forces. India has deployed over 700,000   to the satisfaction of all parties concerned will guarantee  nesses, especially in the gemstone   genocidal Rohingya persecution
        of its military and paramilitary forces to Kashmir to   peace and stability not only in Kashmir but also in the  trade, and for the fi rst time, names   continues, strong sanctions on the
        quash the people’s call for freedom and justice. Th  ese   whole region of South Asia and beyond. -  gnfai2003@ Military chief General Hlaing as   Burmese military are needed more
        troops have unleashed a reign of terror on the civilian                       someone who should be sanctioned.   than ever. Th  e current bill should
        population. Amnesty International and other interna-                                      It is also commendable that the bill   not be watered down in any way.
        tional NGO’s, including the report issued by the United  Coke Studio Star Sara Haider  clearly asks for Rohingya citizen-  To do that is to send a message that
        Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights, have   Honored with Prestigious                ship, lands and properties to be re-  genocide is now OK.  But this crisis
        graphically documented gross human rights violations                                      stored.  Despite bipartisan support,   cannot be business as usual.”
        by Indian military and paramilitary forces in Kashmir.                                    last year’s Senate bill was blocked by   -   Burma Task Force
        In developing economic relations with India, the world   Charles Jehlinger Award
        powers must not ignore these human rights abuses com-
                                                                                                                                off er global leadership. He talks of
        mitted by Indian armed forces with the acquiescence of                                    BRIDGES FROM P19              off er global leadership. He talks of
        the Indian government.                                                                    persuasive proponents of the argu-  “America inspired by the vision of
            Th  e people of Kashmir urge the world powers to                                      ment. On the other hand, through   the founding fathers” and which is
        help resolve the Kashmir confl ict through dialogue.                                      his writings, Professor Ahmad has   “balanced,  respectful,  literate  and
        Th  ey seek neither to support India nor Pakistan, but to                                 repeatedly tackled the challenging   welcoming”.
        support the principle of democracy and freedom. Th  ey                                    experience of being a Muslim in the   Someone who has spent a life-
        demand to be allowed to exercise the right to self-deter-                                 West in these extraordinary times.  time analyzing Muslim societies of-
        mination in an atmosphere free from coercion, intimi-                                         In sync with the rise Daesh, we   fers an interesting take on the rise of
        dation and external compulsion.                                                           have been seeing an alarming rise of   the Right in the West. Even as West-
            Th  e people of Kashmir fi rmly believe that if the tri-                              the Right, both in Europe and Amer-  ern wonks talk of an ideological war
        partite negotiations take place between the governments                                   ica, mainstreaming hate and intoler-  being waged for the “soul of Islam”,
        of India and Pakistan and the genuine leadership of the                                   ance like never before. It is hardly a   Dr Ahmad perceives an existential
        people of Kashmir, political uncertainty and mutual hos-                                  coincidence that the rise of politi-  battle for the “soul of Western mo-
        tilities raging in the subcontinent since 1947 would be                                   cians and their rhetoric equating   dernity”.
        removed and replaced by sincere and lasting friendship,                                   Islam with terror has seen an alarm-  Writing in Huffi  ngton Post,
        cooperation, peace and progress in the region.                                            ing spurt in attacks on Muslims and   ahead of the US presidential election,
            Once peace is established in Kashmir, the Govern-                                     even those looking like Muslims in   he implored the Americans to work
        ments  of India and Pakistan will  have  eliminated the                                   the West.                     to bring their nation and the world
        source of their bitter resentment and establish a sense of                                    Intolerance  towards  Muslims   together:  “Th  ose  American  leaders
        confi dence. Once confi dence is established, the two sides                               has become the new normal with the   who are spreading hatred and preju-
        can more easily be approached on the issue of nuclear                                     faithful being forced off  planes for   dice need to understand the wounds
        non-proliferation. Without that confi dence, however,   oke Studio star Sara Haider has just graduat-  crimes such as “sweating” and saying   they are ultimately infl icting on their
        neither side will have the incentive or the inclination to   ed from the American Academy of Dramatic  “Allah” and sometimes for no reason   own society. I believe each one of
        deter their nuclear weapons build-up. Th  e result of that  CArts, according to a tweet by her sister.  at all. Being a believer seems to be   us has a duty to reach out and build
        build-up, in a region with rising tensions and no end to   Th  e acting institution has produced some of Hol-  reason enough.  bridges.”
        the confl ict in sight, could be disastrous.  lywood’s most well-known actors, including Robert   It’s not diffi  cult to imagine how   And that is what he has been do-
            In addition to the potential threat of nuclear dev-  Redford, Grace Kelly, Danny Devito, Hank Azaria, Anne  critical and challenging the role be-  ing all his life. It goes without saying
        astation, many people outside of Kashmir currently   Hathaway, Paul Rudd, Jessica Chastain, among many  comes for peacemakers such as Pro-  that all this is aimed at what the don
        suff er the real consequences of the continuing confl ict.   others.                      fessor Ahmad, tirelessly working for   calls “building bridges in an uncom-
        Th  e governments of India and Pakistan are spending bil-  According to the tweet, Sara had the honor of deliv-  dialogue and reconciliation between   fortable time”, between the followers
        lions of dollars annually on armaments, troops, security   ering the commencement speech at her graduation and  the West and Islam in such perilous   of two great Abrahamic faiths who
        personnel, and other military equipment to contain the   was awarded the prestigious Charles Jehlinger Award  times.    form nearly half of the world. Given
        confl ict, while tens of millions of their citizens are de-  that is given to the student who developed most “as a   Unlike the likes of Samuel Hun-  the yawning gulf that currently exists
        prived of food, water, electricity, sanitary conditions and   person as well as an artist” and “who displays a profes-  tington and Bernard Lewis, he has   between them, this is nothing short
        other basic necessities. Both of these conditions, real and   sional attitude towards the art”.  argued that confl ict between the two   of a Herculean task. Th  is may be the
        potential, can easily be improved by ending the confl ict   Past honorees include the likes of Robert Redford  great civilizations is avoidable and a   reason  why the Prophet [PBUH]
        in Kashmir.                                  and Spencer Tracy!                           better, more peaceful world is pos-  said, as oft en quoted by Professor
            It is vital for the world powers not to lose sight of   Sara will also have the distinction of being the fi rst  sible. Contrary to popular percep-  Ahmad in his lectures and writings,
        the true objective in determining peace in South Asia.   Pakistani to do an MFA at Th  e Juilliard School in fall.  tion, the don reasons that Muslims   that “the ink of the scholar is more
        Settlement of the Kashmir confl ict is central to the pur-  She has earned a full scholarship.  around the world do not hate the   sacred than the blood of the martyr”.
        pose of stability and security in the region.  Th  e world   Congratulations to Sara on this triple win and mak-  West  and  are  indeed  looking  “in-  (Aijaz Zaka Syed is an award
        powers must not be swayed by the diplomatic row com-  ing Pakistan proud! - Images        tensely” at America, expecting it to   winning journalist)

                                                                                                  sacrifi ces, he said.
                                                                                                                                history. And he added that those who
                                      both the (Muslim) Salaam Alaikum
                                                                    was appreciated by all. He built up on
        FUNDR                         both the (Muslim) Salaam Alaikum   was appreciated by all. He built up on   sacrifi ces, he said.  history. And he added that those who
        community for their successes in this   and (the Punjabi Sikh) Sat Sri Akal. It   the Sadqa-e-Jaria message that Imam   Sarwar said that we should learn   commit violence in the name of faith
        country and their continued generos-  needs to be noted that the Governor   Aamir had earlier mentioned (in Islam   from incorruptible people like Quaid-  need to be condemned.
        ity.                          has been a strong proponent and sup-  it has been defi ned as an act of “Giv-  i-Azam M. A. Jinnah on what leader-  Governor Sarwar concluded
            Aft er a short video on Sar-  porter of the Kartarpur Initiative re-  ing something to somebody without   ship is supposed to be. He added that   his  speech  on  a  strong  Muslim-Sikh
        war Foundation’s work, Governor   cently launched by Islamabad to ease   seeking a substitute in return and with   a place like Toba Tek Singh in Pakistan   brotherhood note. We will end this
        Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar arrived   access of holy sites located in Pakistan   the intention of pleasing God). He   still retains its name till today because   report on that too and hope that the
        on stage and delivered a memorable   for the Sikh community.  said that our life on this earth is short   of the human generosity and good   work of Sarwar Foundation will con-
        half-hour keynote speech in  Urdu,   Governor Sarwar highlighted   and the return on charity lasts much   work of Tek Singh the Sikh whom it   tinue to be assisted by people of all
        Punjabi and English. It is now no sur-  quite a few topics when he spoke and   longer than we do. On giving he also   is named aft er. Legend has it that Tek   nationalities and faiths, so that the
        prise to us now that he became the fi rst   it needs to be said that the translation   spoke on the contributions of Sikhs,   Singh served water and provided shel-  insanity of Toba Tek Singh described
        elected Muslim in the British Parlia-  here may not be literal or precise. He   some 10,000 of whom were here in   ter to tired and thirsty travelers passing   by Saadat Hasan Manto does not con-
        ment and how he got the Scots to vote   thanked everyone including some   California in the early 1900’s and out   through the area. He said that anyone   sume us all in South Asia. From the
        for him. He thanked all the dignitaries   specifi c individuals for making this   of which a great many went back to   who has done good work for humanity   last reports received around $240,000
        present, especially PTI supporters and   visit to the US successful. He also add-  India to fi ght for its independence. We   irrespective of their faith needs to be   was collected this day in Northern
        workers and started his speech with   ed some humor to his address which   need to thank those people for making   honored and their name preserved in   California.
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