Page 21 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 21

COMMENTARY                                                                                                        APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P21

          n By Prof Dr Nazeer Ahmed     The Aftermath of the Christchurch Massacre,                                             stitutions that had grown up over
                 Concord, CA                                                                                                    a period of five hundred years in
                                                                                                                                the golden period of Islam were
            eldom has a civilization        An Opportunity for Internal Renewal  - 1                                            destroyed. Libraries burnt. Ulema
            stood at a crossroads as does                                                                                       beheaded.  Dams  and  canals  lev-
        Sthe Islamic civilization to-                                                                                           eled.  Agriculture  disappeared.
        day. On the one hand, there are                                                                                         Towns  and  villages  became  pas-
                    challenges that the                                                                                         tureland for Mongol horses. In
                    Ummah has sel-                                                                                              one instance, in the city of Bamyan
                    dom  faced  in  the                                                                                         in Afghanistan, Genghiz Khan
                    last 1500 years. On                                                                                         slaughtered  all  the  men,  women
                    the other hand, it                                                                                          and children. Not even the don-
                    has seldom had an                                                                                           keys were spared; so much so that
                    opportunity for in-                                                                                         the Mongols called it the City of
        ternal renewal as it does today.                                                                                        Sorrow.
            Scan the horizon from the                                                                                               And yet, in the midst of this
        east to the west and you will notice                                                                                    darkness, Divine light made its
        that Darul Islam has become Da-                                                                                         appearance. The Qur’an declares:
        rul Harab. The lush paddy fields of                                                                                     Throw the Truth upon Falsehood,
        Myanmar weep over the genocide                                                                                          and lo! Falsehood is crushed, and
        of the Rohingyas. On the plains                                                                                         it is pulverized. How did the world
        of Hindustan, you can be lynched                                                                                        of Islam overcome the challenges
        for a rumor that you ate beef.  In                                                                                      of  the  time?  What  can  we  learn
        the mountains of Afghanistan,                                                                                           from the thirteenth century that
        you are as likely to be killed by a                                                                                     we can adapt to this century so
        bomb dropped from the air as                                                                                            that we too can experience a spiri-
        by a suicide bomber who is your                                                                                         tual triumph?
        neighbor.  Iraq has become an or-                                                                                           It is not the body that con-
        phanage thanks to the devastations                                                                                      tains the spirit; it is the spirit that
        wrought by a merciless American                                                                                         surrounds  the  body,  inside  and
        invasion.  In Yemen, a Saudi-led   (The  Qur’an).  The  current  tra-  back to the center. Then came the   defeated the conquistadores and   out. Oppression brings darkness.
        coalition has rained havoc on a   vails offer an historic opportunity   golden period of Islam when sci-  reestablished Muslim sovereignty   And at the darkest hour, Divine
        hapless population.  The horn of   for an internal renewal of Islamic   ence and civilization thrived until   in Southern Spain. It was a period   light heralds  the  onset  of  a  new
        Africa has long been embroiled in   civilization.  Just as we use reaction   the thirteenth century.   of triumphs.     dawn.  Moses appears  within  the
        civil and foreign imposed strife.   wheels to correct the course of a   The challenges faced by Mus-  Yet, within the span of a gen-  household of the Pharaoh. Justice
        In the ancient hills of Syria, you   spacecraft that is losing altitude, or   lims today are similar  in many   eration after the year 1200, the   triumphs over oppression. Truth
        witness a devastated land on its   correct the attitude of an airplane   ways to those faced by Muslims in   Muslim world encountered catas-  prevails over falsehood. Human
        knees. Westward in North Africa,   in a nose dive by applying a torque   the thirteenth century. If one was   trophe after catastrophe. It is not   history revolves around this prin-
        you find Libya, a country crushed   to a gimbal or an electric pulse to a   alive in the year 1200, one would   commonly appreciated that the   ciple.
        by the weight of NATO bombard-  control system, a civilization needs                      Crusades and the Mongol inva-     While the political structures
        ment.   In a  vast swath  of earth,   an occasional correction to keep it   Yet, in the midst of   sions took place at the same time   were  destroyed  by  the  Mongols,
        stretching from Yangon to Tripoli,   on-course its heavenly mandate.   this period of trial   and the simultaneous onslaughts   and the madrassahs burned, the
        it is the same story, destruction af-  The Islamic civilization has lost its              of Christian Europe and the Sha-  people of the spirit, those who had
        ter destruction.              heavenly vision and has veered off-  and tribulation,       manist Mongols well-neigh anni-  stayed outside of the state struc-
            From New Zealand to San Di-  course. The subject is broad-based,   we have also seen   hilated the world of Islam. In 1212,   tures, were spared. These were the
        ego, Muslims feel under pressure.   embracing history, economics, so-                     at the battle of Las Novas de Tolosa,   awliyah - the people of the spirit.
        Yet, in the midst of this period of   ciology, politics, technology and   an outpouring   Muslims lost Spain. It took a while   They were the men and women
        trial and tribulation, we have also   interstate relations. However, as   of compassion,   for the Conquistadores to capture   who would encapsulate a heart
        seen an outpouring of compas-  Mevlana Rumi said: You are not   comradery and love,       Cordoba (1236) and Seville (1248)   and transform it in the mold of
        sion, comradery and love, from   a drop in the ocean, you are the                         but Spain was essentially lost in   its own essence. Every human be-
        every corner of the globe. Even   ocean in a drop. So, let us drive   from every corner   1212. In 1219, Gengiz Khan de-  ing has an essence (it is the khudi
        those who were not sympathetic   into the subject.             of the globe. Even         scended from Mongolia and in a   expounded by Allama Iqbal). A
        to the Muslims in the past have   A brief excursion through                               span of two years obliterated more   spiritual master grabs a heart and
        expressed their abhorrence of the   Islamic history shows that the   those who were       than half of the Islamic world. A   molds it in the shape of its inher-
        massacre in New Zealand. The   Ummah has faced many crises     not sympathetic to         vast swath of Eurasia including   ent, God-given essence.
        other day, at an interfaith gather-  from the time of our Prophet Mu-  the Muslims in the   Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turk-   In the aftermath of the Mon-
        ing in Pittsburg, CA organized by   hammed (sas). The passing away                        menistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan   gol  devastations  there  ensued  a
        my  good  friend  and  community   of the Prophet was a great crisis   past have expressed   up to the river Indus, Iran, Iraq,   tug-of-war between  Christianity,
        leader Mohammed Chaudhry Sa-  and the Suhaba overcame it with   their abhorrence          Anatolia and Syria lay in ruins. The   Buddhism and Islam for the soul
        heb, a Catholic priest got on his   the establishment of the Khilafat.                    Mongols were only stopped on the   of the Mongol. The Christians
        knee  and  asked  for  forgiveness   The assassinations of Uthman and   of the massacre in   outskirts of Jerusalem at the Battle   in  the  fray  represented  different
        from a largely Muslim audience.   Ali (r) were big challenges. The   New Zealand          of Ayn Jalut in 1261 by Sultan Bay-  denominations, the Latins from
        A Catholic priest on his knee ask-  offshoot was the onset of the civil                   bars of Egypt. So, within the span   Rome, the Orthodox of Constan-
        ing  Muslims  for  forgiveness  for   wars. The resultant schisms were   be awed at the expansive power of   of one generation, the Islamic em-  tinople (modern Istanbul) and
        the massacre in far-away Christ-  never resolved, and they continue   Muslim empires. Only fourteen   pires that extended from the Gua-  the Armenians. For fifty years, be-
        church! This is indeed astounding   to haunt the world of Islam even   years earlier, in the year 1186, Sala-  dalquivir River in Spain to the Ya-  tween 1252 and 1302, the competi-
        in this age of Islamophobia.   to this day. The eighth century   huddin had recaptured Jerusalem.   muna River in India shrank to the   tion between the three great faiths
            The heavens reveal their Signs   witnessed a challenge from Greek   Only nine years earlier, in  1191,   Ayyubid domains of Egypt and the   was in full swing. It was a galactic
        through history (“Soon shall We   ideas.  The challenge was met by the   the Ghorids had captured Delhi   Mamluke Sultanate of Delhi.   struggle, a historical  hinge that
        show them Our Signs on the ho-  emergence of the Hanbali fiqh and   and had established the sultanate   The destruction was total.   would decide the destiny of Eur-
        rizon and in their own souls until   the intervention of Imam Ahmed.   of Delhi in India. Only four years   Ninety  percent  of the population   asia  and fundamentally  alter the
        it is clear to them that is the Truth”   The Islamic civilization was pulled   earlier, in 1196, the Almohad had   perished.  Political  and  social in-  course of world history.
                          First Pakistani Wedding at Lincoln’s Inn in Its 600-Year History

              British Pakistani couple has made                                                                              For the family to celebrate the wedding at
              history by celebrating their wedding                                                                       Lincoln’s Inn has been a dream come true for
        A  at the honorable society of Lincoln’s                                                                         both religious and nationalistic reasons.
        Inn – the alma mater of Pakistan’s founder                                                                            Burhan Faisal told Geo and The News:
        Muhamamd Ali Jinnah.                                                                                             “Along with Lincoln’s Inn own history which
            This is the first in the nearly 600 years old                                                                goes back to more than 1422 what is signifi-
        history of the Lincoln’s Inn that a Muslim Pak-                                                                  cant for Muslims and especially Pakistanis is
        istani wedding utilized the full services of the                                                                 that The Inn recognizes Prophet Mohammad
        Inn and was allowed permission to organize                                                                       (Peace Be Upon Him) as one of the greatest
        the wedding day in their traditional Pakistani                                                                   law-givers to human kind. There has always
        customs.                                                                                                         been  a  genuine  appreciation  of  Islam  by  the
             There is a special context as to why the                                                                    honorable society of Lincoln’s Inn. The found-
        groom Burhan Faisal and the bride Kiran You-                                                                     er of Pakistan Quad-i-Azam Mohammad Ali
        nis were allowed to tie the knot at this historic                                                                Jinnah was published a barrister by this Inn in
        place. Burhan Faisal is the third generation in                                                                  1896.
        the family to be published as a barrister by the                                                                     “Since childhood I have felt an associa-
        society of Lincoln’s Inn. His mother was pub-                                                                    tion with this place. This place holds prestige
        lished as a barrister by Lincoln’s Inn in 2002.                                                                  and history and it appreciates our religion and
        His grandfather Chaudry Arshed Ali, who is                                                                       one of its pupils went on to create a separate
        currently practicing as a Supreme  court Ad-                                                                     homeland for millions of people. I am
        vocate in Pakistan, joined the Inn in 1970.                                                                      MARRIAGE, P24
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