Page 24 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 24

P24  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                    COMMENTARY
                              2019 Planning Ideas - 3

              n By Saghir Aslam                                      do not aff ect eligibility for Medicaid
              Rawalpindi, Pakistan                                   benefi ts (Note: Medicaid pay-back
                                                                     rules may apply upon the benefi cia-
            (The following information is                            ry’s demise.) Account balances great-               FOUNDATION
        provided solely to educate the Mus-                          er than $100,000 and distributions   P.O. BOX 5481, Santa Clara, CA 95056 | (408) 244.3282 |
        lim community about investing and                            for housing costs may aff ect eligibil-
        fi nancial planning. It  is hoped that                       ity for SSI benefi ts.
        the Ummah will benefi t from this ef-                           If you have a family member      FIDYA
                    fort through greater                             who may be eligible for ABLE ac-
                    fi nancial  empower-                             count contributions, talk with your   Compensation for Missed
                    ment, enabling the                               tax and legal advisors to determine    Fasts During Ramadan
                    community to live in   poses. A limited number of states   if this type of account is suitable for   For those who are unable to fast (elderly,
                    security and dignity   allow contributions through the Tax   your situation.      terminally ill, pregnant, breastfeeding etc.),
                    and fulfi ll their reli-  fi ling deadline to claim or prior year                 a compensation must be given by feeding
                    gious and moral obli-  state tax deduction.         Benefi ts of savings accounts   a poor person for every day of fasting not
        gations towards charitable activities)   •   ESA contributions for 2018   Take advantage of employer-  observed in Ramadan.
                                      can be made up to April 15, 2018cus-  provided  tax-advantaged  benefi t   Young  and  healthy  people  who  miss  any
            Retirement plan accounts   to                            programs:                        days  of  fasting  due  to  illness  or  traveling
            Consider the tax benefi ts of re-  •   529 or ESA distributions   •  Flexible  Spending  Ac-  should make up those days after Ramadan
        tirement plan strategies:     must occur in the same tax year as   counts (FSAs) and Health Savings   or after regaining their strength.  Currently,
            •   In 2018, you can defer   the payment of qualifi ed education   Accounts (HSAs) typically require   the suggested minimum cost for Fidya in the U.S.A. is approx. $3.50 for
        $18,500 ($24,400 if you’re age 50 or   expenses to be eligible for tax-free   annual re-enrollment.  each day of missed fasts, however, donors may give more if they are
        older) of your compensation by the   treatment.                 •   Review 2018, out –of-     able, and the poor will benefit.
        calendar year-end deadline for many   •   Qualifi ed expenses for 529   pocket expenses and adjust 2019   Hidaya distributes Fidya by providing dry ration meals to the poor.
        employer-sponsored retirement plan   plan purposes now include up to   contribution amounts accordingly.
        accounts.                     $10,000 per year per benefi ciary for   •   If you have not fully funded   Donate online via check or card at
            •   Consider your current and   tuition for grades K-12.  your HSA in 2018, you may still be
        future  tax  rates,  evaluate  whether   •   For students attending col-  able to do so. Talk with your health
        contributions to a Traditional 401(k)   lege in the 2019-2020 school year,   plan administrator about eligibility
        or Roth 401(k), if available, will pro-  the  fi nancial aid  application  period   to make additional contributions.
        vide more tax benefi ts.      opens October 1, 2018. Note this   •   Generally, FSA funds must      or call us at (408) 244-3282
            •   If available, consider start-  date since early applications typically   be used within the same plan year   Hidaya Foundation is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with Tax ID # 77-0502583
        ing or increasing contributions to   receive better fi nancial aid off ers.   unless your employer off ers a grace
        your employer’s nonqualifi ed de-  •   If your planning to make   period or carryover. If you fi nd your-
        ferred compensation (NQDC) plan.   some changes to your child’s income   self  with FSA funds near year-end
            •   Evaluate converting a Tra-  and talk with your tax advisor to un-  and do not anticipate needing them,   Exchange Rates for Currency Notes*
        ditional IRA to a Roth IRA.   derstand the impact of the new “kid-  see IRS publication 502 for permit-
            •   With the passing of the Tax   die tax” rules.        ted medical expenses, such as fi rst
        Cuts and Jobs Ac of 2017, amounts                            aid kits, bandage, contact lenses and   Countries         Buying        Selling
        converted in 2018 or later are ir-  Understanding the ABLE ac-  solutions, etc. You may fi nd some                                  Rs.             Rs.
        revocable. You no longer have the   count                    qualifying expenses that will help
        ability to Re- characterize (undo) a   ABLE accounts are tax-advan-  you use up the remaining FSA dol-  USA                142.00           142.50
        Roth conversion. Th  e last day to re-  taged savings accounts for individu-  lars. Discuss your situation with your   UK                      185.00          187.25
        characterize a 2017 conversion is/  als with disability  must have oc-  tax advisor prior to taking FSA dis-  S.Arabia         37.70             37.95
        was October 15, 2018.         curred before turning age 26). Any   tributions.               Japan                     1.26               1.29
            •   If  you  are  working  but   person,  family  member,  or  friend   (Continued next week)   Euro           159.25            159.75
        do  not  have  access  to  an  employer   may contribute to the account, and   (Saghir A. Aslam only explains   UAE                     38.70             39.00
        plan, talk with your fi nancial advi-  balances have the potential to grow   strategies and formulas that he has
        sor about your IRA contribution   tax-deferred. In 2018, total contri-  been using. He is merely providing   (*April 24, 2019)
        options. If self-employed, consider   butions up to $15,000 plus a limited   information, and NO ADVICE is
        setting up a retirement plan to help   amount of earned income are al-  given.  Mr. Aslam does  not  endorse
        reduce your taxable income.   lowed;  contributions  are  not  feder-  or recommend any broker, broker-   US VISA AVAILABILITY IN APRIL 2019
                                      ally  tax-deductible,  but  some  states   age fi rm, or any investment at all,
            Education savings         may allow a state income tax deduc-  nor does he suggest that anyone will       For Pakistan, Bangladesh & India
            Save on taxes while saving for   tion. Balances in 529 college saving   earn a profi t when or if they pur-  Compiled by Hasan Chishti
        education:                    plans may now be rolled to an ABLE   chase stocks, bonds or any other in-
            •   Contributions to Educa-  account up to the annual contribu-  vestments. All stocks or investment
        tion savings Accounts (ESAs) or 52   tion limit. Also, beginning in 2019,   vehicles mentioned are for illustra-
        plan accounts can grow tax-deferred.   these contributions are eligible for a   tive purposes only. Mr. Aslam is not   FAMILY  SPONSORED  PREFERENCES          Pakistan/Bangladesh            India
            •   529  plan contributions   limited tax credit.        an  attorney,  accountant,  real  estate
        must be invested with the vendor in   As long as withdrawals are used   broker, stockbroker, investment ad-  1    Unmarried sons & daughters
        time to be reportable on a 2018 ac-  to pay qualifi ed disability expenses,   visor, or certifi ed fi nancial planner.           Of U.S. Citizens                                                Dec., 01, 2011         Dec., 01, 2011
        count statement to be considered a   withdrawals are tax free. Most im-  Mr. Aslam does not have anything
        2018  contribution  for  gift ing  pur-  portantly, ABLE account balances   for sale.)     2-A Spouses and unmarried
                                                                                                           childrens of permanent residents               March 01, 2017       March 01, 2017
        MODI FROM P6
        the nation’s fabric for a millennium  World countries. Th  eir repudiation  sectors of the future. Ignite’s part-
        and are genetically indistinguishable  now will be a betrayal of all the noble  nership with Facebook, one of the   2-B Unmarried sons & daughters (21 yrs.
        from Hindus.                  values with which India, and indeed  world’s leading AR/VR development           of age or older) of permanent residents    Oct., 22, 2012          Oct., 22, 2012
            Modi is a charismatic and  the Hindu faith, have been associated  platform, will help launch this crucial
        shrewd politician and the BJP has  since ancient times.     4IR technology in Pakistan in a big   3     Married sons & daughters of US citizens   Sept., 22, 2006       Sept., 22, 2006
        cleverly decided to capitalize on his   (Th  e author is a former Assistant  way.”
        popularity in the 2019 elections.  Professor, Harvard Medical School,   LUMS  Vice  Chancellor,  Dr  Ar-
        His main rival is Rahul Gandhi, the  and a health science administrator,  shad Ahmad said, “Innovation is the   4      Brothers & sisters of adult U.S. citizens    Jan.,  01, 2006         July   15,  2004
        48-years old, urbane, Cambridge-  US National Institutes of Health)    backbone of cutting edge research
        educated grandson of India’s iconic                         and quality teaching at LUMS.”
        leader, Jawaharlal Nehru, who is  CAM FROM P7                  He added that the lab provides
        relatively inexperienced in the rough   Th  e fi nal word must go to the  leverage  to  our core  off erings  and   EMPLOYMENT-BASED CATEGORY
        and tumble of Indian politics. Should  prince of Denmark: “Th  ere are more  enables us to achieve another level of   st
        Modi and his BJP, with their retro-  things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio,  training and mentorship as it prom-  1      Priority workers                                              Feb.,  01, 2018          Feb., 22, 2017
        grade agenda, prevail in the com-  than are dreamt of in your philoso- ises to create social capital amongst
        ing elections, as seems likely, India  phy.”                young entrepreneurs that will drive   2     Members of the professions holding
        in time will be transformed into a   (Th  e writer is the Ibn Khaldun  their ideas with no boundaries.           advanced degree or persons of
        country very diff erent from what its  Chair of Islamic Studies at American
        founding fathers, Mahatma Gandhi,  University, Washington, DC, and au-  MARRIAGE FROM P21           exceptional ability                                           Current                      April 12, 2009
        Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and many  thor of Journey into Europe: Islam,  overjoyed that I was able to connect
        stalwarts of the freedom movement  Immigration,  and  Identity,  Brook-  with the history on my big day.”  3      Skilled workers                                                Current                      June  22, 2009
        had envisioned it to be - a secular,  ings Press, 2018)          Burhan’s mother Barrister Zill-            Other workers                                                 Current                       June  22, 2009
        tolerant and pluralistic society.                           e-Huma said that by joining the hon-
            Espousal  of these  sublime  val-  FACEBOOK FROM P23    orable  society  of  Lincoln’s  Inn  she
        ues in the fi ft ies and sixties was what   “Augmented Reality (AR), VR  thought that perhaps she would have   4      Certain special immigrants                           Current                       Current
        made India a leader of, and a model  and Artifi cial Intelligence (AI) are  followed the footsteps of Quaid-i-            Certain religious workers                              Current                       Current
        for, the newly-independent Th  ird  rapidly expanding and will be major   MARRIAGE, P26
                                                                     5      Non-regional centers                                      Current                      Current
                                                                                                             Regional centers                                              Current                       Current
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29