Page 28 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 28

P28  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                            PAKISTAN
        GEMS FROM P25                 the overseas buyers themselves with  no genuine religion can promote violence  ‘Qatal ki Raat’ (the night of murder).  tigation.
        cards them: Satan catches up with  a home, which they will only use at  or terror against those who differ with its  It clearly contradicts the position of   No prior info about attacks: US
        him, and he strays, like so many oth-  most for one to two months of the  basic tenets. No one is born with hatred  Indian officials, who had tried to give   US Ambassador Alaina Teplitz,
        ers, into grievous error. Now had We  year,” he said. The DJ Group chair- as part of his or her gene. People learn to  an impression that there were no such  meanwhile, told reporters that “clear-
        so willed, We could indeed have ex-  man said his group had mastered  hate, based on what they learn in their  plans of India and instead had blamed  ly there was some failure in the sys-
        alted him by means of [those] mes-  the art of investment in the Ce La Vi  families, religious institutions, schools,  Pakistan for ‘whipping up war hyste-  tem.”
        sages: but he always clung to the  development with focus on encour- and social and political circles. People are  ria’.”  Teplitz said the US had “no
        earth and followed but his own de-  aging people not simply to buy prop- often instigated to use violence and terror   Dr Faisal said  such nuclear  prior  knowledge”  of  a  threat  before
        sires.                        erty but to buy for their future.  to silence others or to intimidate a whole  brinksmanship must be discouraged,  the bombings. She said a team of FBI
            Thus, his parable is that of an   He promised an additional in- community.            adding that in the interest of the re-  agents and US military officials were
        [excited] dog: if thou approach him  vestment of 500 million pounds ($   It is this notorious brainwashing  gion, both countries should resume  helping in the investigation.
        threateningly, he will pant with his  650 million) into Pakistan by the  done in the name of religion that needs to  dialogue and discuss confidence-  The IS has lost all the territory it
        tongue lolling; and if thou leave him  end of 2020 saying his group will ex- be challenged and eliminated. Every reli-  building and restraint measures for the  once held in Iraq and Syria and has
        alone, he will pant with his tongue  ecute housing projects in Lahore and  gious community has to play a proactive  long-term strategic stability in South  made a series of unsupported claims
        lolling. Such is the parable of those  Gwadar and food franchise business  role in controlling its hate mongers, but  Asia.  of responsibility around the world.
        who are bent on giving the lie to  across Pakistan.         the most effective way is to challenge the
        Our messages. Tell [them], then, this  TERROR FROM P26      promoters of violence and terror through   FORCE FROM P1        PM’s ‘Sexist’
        story, s that they might take thought. and Tanta, killing at least 45 people. The  interfaith efforts. The religious com-  down with his counterpart  here
            Evil is the example of people  attack was claimed by the Islamic State  munity must come together to fight this  and discuss (security) cooperation,”
        who are bent on giving the lie to Our  group.               menace that has become a political tool  Khan said, although no details were  Remarks against
        messages: for it is against their own   June 15, 2017: A suicide bomber  to divide people and spread hatred and  given on the joint force.
        selves that they are sinning!  killed four people at a Shiite mosque in  violence. If such an initiative is not taken,   “We trust that both countries   Bilawal Erupt in
                                      Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul. Among  then we all will suffer.   will not  have  terrorist  activities
        BUDGET FROM P11               the dead is a leader of Afghanistan’s ethnic   The attack on the Christians of Sri  from their soil ... We will not allow   Controversy
        press release said, adding that “both  Hazaras, who are mostly Shiite Muslims.  Lanka was, in fact, an attack on Islam and  any damage to your country from
        sides expressed their commitment for   Aug. 1, 2017: A suicide bomber  Judaism and Buddhism as well as Hindu-  our soil,” said the Pakistani premier  Islamabad: Prime Minister Imran
        moving the discussions forward. It  stormed into the largest Shiite mosque  ism and only when these communities  who began a two-day visit on Sun-  Khan  and  Pakistan  People’s  Party
        was agreed that an IMF mission will  in Afghanistan’s western Herat province,  and their leaders come together to fight  day.  Bilawal Bhutto Zardari are fierce
        visit Pakistan by the end of April.”  opening fire on worshippers before blow- terror, the monster can be tamed.  Stressing that “no third coun-  political opponents but things be-
            Shaikh’s appointment had been  ing himself up, killing at least 90 people.  SHURA FROM P1  try” could harm Iran-Pakistan ties,  tween the two just got seriously
        notified Friday after the president  Hundreds more were wounded in the  terrorism has no place in any faith.  Rouhani said Tehran was ready to  heated.
        accorded his assent to the prime  attack,  which  happened  during  evening  We stand to speak loud and clear in  boost trade and business ties with   After Bilawal pointed fingers
        minister’s suggestion that Shaikh be  prayers.              condemning the terror attacks in Sri  Islamabad.            at IK’s Oxford education post his
        appointed his adviser on finance, rev-  Aug. 3, 2018: Suicide bombers dis- Lanka and send our condolences to   “Iran is ready to meet Paki-  ‘Germany and Japan sharing a bor-
        enue and economic affairs. He will  guised in burqa robes attacked a Shiite  the victims’ families and loved ones  stan’s oil and gas demands ... (and)  der’ snafu, the PTI founder hit back
        serve as the de facto finance minister  mosque in eastern Afghanistan, killing 27  and to the entire country of Sri Lan- we are ready to increase (electric-  at Bilawal during a recent speech in
        after  Asad  Umar  was  asked  to  step  people.            ka.                           ity) exports to Pakistan ten-fold,”  Wana in which he referred to him as
        down from the position. The decision   Aug. 25, 2017: Militants storm a   The Shura Council has conveyed  Rouhani said.  “Bilawal Bhutto sahiba”.
        had come amidst a major cabinet re- packed Shiite mosque in Kabul during Fri- this message in its letter of support         “I came into power through
        shuffle by the PTI only eight months  day prayers. The attack ends with at least  and condolences to the Sri Lanka  PAKISTANIS FROM P1  struggle and hard work unlike Bi-
        into its tenure.              28 worshippers killed and 50 wounded,  Consul General in Los Angeles. We  provide every possible  support for  lawal ‘Sahiba’ (miss) who, using the
            Dr Abdul Hafeez Shaikh is an  many of them children. Two of the assail- ask our constituents to widely spread  elimination of this menace.  will of her mother became the head
        internationally  renowned  economist  ants blow themselves up and another two  these letters and statements of sup-  He also reiterated Pakistan’s of-  of  a  political  party,”  he  said  at  the
        with more than 30 years of experi- are shot dead by Afghan security forces.  port issued by the Muslim Council  fer of assistance to Sri Lanka for tak-  public gathering.
        ence in economic policymaking,    Sept. 29, 2017: A suicide bomber  of Sri Lanka, CAIR, ICNA, MPAC,  ing counter-terrorism measures.  Sahiba is a title in Urdu which
        management and implementation.  blew himself up outside a Shiite mosque  SMC, USCMO, ICSC, and many oth-  Sri Lanka’s leaders have vowed  means miss or madam.
            He last served as the finance  in Kabul, killing five. The attack took place  er Islamic organizations in Southern  to overhaul the security apparatus   Minutes after the premier’s re-
        minister from 2010 to 2013 during  as worshippers were leaving the mosque  California.    amid a series of intelligence lapses  marks, social media users from dif-
        the PPP government’s rule.    after Friday prayers.             We pray to God Almighty to  before the attacks. They have said  ferent walks of life including Bilawal
                                          Oct. 20, 2017: ISIS claimed a suicide  bestow His mercy upon the victims  that  some  of  the  country’s  security  slammed the prime minister for his
        SUSHMA FROM P15               bomber attack, killing 31 and wounding  and their families and to give them  units were aware before Easter of  statement.
        never,” added Gen Ghafoor’s tweet.   29 people, at a Shiite mosque in Kabul.  strength and patience during this dif- possible attacks, but did not share   “What was that about small
            Speaking at a women’s rally in   Nov. 5, 2017: Dressed in black tacti- ficult time. We also pray that He gives  those warnings widely.  men in big offices? #PMSelect,” the
        Ahmadabad, India’s External Affairs  cal-style gear and armed with an assault  us, the peaceful majority of the hu-  In an address to Parliament, Ru-  PPP chairman tweeted.
        Minister  and  BJP  leader  Sushma  weapon, 26-year-old Devin Kelley opened  man race, the strength to overcome  wan Wijewardene, the state minister   Former defense minister Kha-
        Swaraj had acknowledged that no  fire at the First Baptist Church of Suther- this evil and stop it from poisoning  of defense, said “weakness” within  waja Asif also reacted to the pre-
        Pakistani soldier or citizen had died  land Springs, Texas, killing 26 people and  our world.   Sri Lanka’s security apparatus led to  mier’s statement, saying “this is his
        in the Balakot air strike.    wounding about 20 others.         We call upon all faith leaders to  the failure to prevent the nine bomb-  real language”.
            She claimed the air strike had   Nov. 24, 2017: Militants kill 311 wor- condemn all attacks on places of wor- ings.    Journalist  Asma  Shirazi  de-
        been  carried out  in “self-defense”.  shippers in a mosque attack in north Si- ship.         “By now it has been established  plored the PM’s statement and
        “When we carried out the air strike  nai, the deadliest such terrorist attack in   If you would like to help, there is  that the intelligence units were aware  termed it “poor and misogynist”.
        across the border after the Pulwama  Egypt’s modern history.  a Launchgood campaign to help the  of this attack and a group of respon-  While TV anchor Meher
        terror attack, we had told the interna-  Dec. 17, 2017: ISIS attack a church  victims; all donations will be distrib- sible people were  informed about  Bokhari called PM Imran’s remarks
        tional community that we took that  in the Pakistani city of Quetta and kills 16  uted by Muslim Aid USA.  the impending attack,” Wijewardene  “a new low”, BBC’s Secunder Ker-
        step in self-defense only.    people.                                                     said.                         mani termed it an insult to the op-
            “We had told the international   Oct. 27, 2018: A gunman believed to  MISSILE FROM P1     “However, this information has  position leader.
        community that the armed forces  have spewed anti-Semitic slurs on social  manifestation of the government’s  been circulated among only a few of-  There seemed to be some sup-
        were instructed not to harm any Pak- media entered Tree of Life Congregation  resolve to achieve self-reliance in this  ficials.”  port for the prime minister, howev-
        istani citizen or its soldier during the  synagogue in Pittsburgh and opens fire,  field.     The government has said the  er. A few termed the remarks a mere
        strike.”                      killing 11 and  wounding six, including   Speaking on this occasion, Vice  attacks were carried out by Islamic  slip of tongue.
            The minister added: “The army  four police officers.    Chief of the Naval Staff expressed  fundamentalists in apparent retali-  Human rights minister Shireen
        was told to target only the terror   Jan. 27, 2019: Two suicide attackers  his utmost satisfaction on the op- ation for last months’ New Zealand  Mazari also tweeted in favour of her
        camps of the Jaish-e-Mohammad,  detonate two bombs during a Mass in a  erational readiness of Pakistan Navy  mosque massacre but maintains that  party leader, saying “How conve-
        which had taken the responsibility  Roman Catholic cathedral on the largely  Fleet and commended the efforts of  the seven bombers were all Sri Lank-  nient to accept some slip of tongues
        for the Pulwama attack.       Muslim island of Jolo in the southern  all those involved in achieving this  an. A local extremist group, National  and not others!”.
            “And, our army did the same  Philippines, killing 23 and wounding  significant milestone successfully. He  Towheed Jamaat, was initially sus-  A Dawn comment was pretty
        without harming any Pakistani citi- about 100 others. Three days later, an at- emphasized the need to capitalize on  pected to be behind the attacks.  caustic: The PM joins a host of other
        zen or soldier,” she said.    tacker hurls a grenade in a mosque in  indigenous defense capabilities.  The militant Islamic State group  public figures who appear to asso-
            The Indian minister was of the  nearby Zamboanga city, killing two reli-              claimed responsibility for the attacks  ciate femaleness with weakness. In
        opinion that the international com- gious teachers.         PM FROM P1                    and released images that purported  politics especially, those in positions
        munity had supported India over the   March 15, 2019: At least 51 people  implementation of the National Ac-  to show the seven bombers who tar-  of authority often seek demean op-
        air strike.                   are killed in an attack at mosques in the  tion Plan (NAP), according to a joint  geted three churches and three hotels  ponents by calling them ‘women’
                                      New Zealand city of Christchurch.  statement  issued  by  the  two  coun-  on Sunday in the worst violence the  - as if belonging to that gender is a
        INVESTMENT FROM P15               In addition to that hundreds of  tries.                 island nation has seen since its civil  flaw or insult.
        would be managed and rented for the  places of worship were destroyed by either   Yi’s evaluation came following a  war ended a decade ago. The group   Public figures should carefully
        remaining months to deliver reason- authorities or mobs in China, Myanmar,  meeting with his Pakistani counter-  did not provide any other evidence  consider the words they use in their
        able returns.                 Israel, Congo, and India in the last several  part Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who is  for  its claim, and  the identities  of  speeches and statements, but every
            “Our  approach  of  property  de- decades.              currently on an official tour of China.  those depicted in the image were not  few weeks we are served a reminder
        velopment says goodbye to the old   Apparently, religious violence is on                  independently verified.       that this is not the case.
        days of overseas buyers having to  the rise and the religious leadership is fail- THREAT FROM P1  New Zealand Prime Minister   Such misogynistic comments
        first source and buy land, then build  ing to control hatred, terror, and violence  a statement.  Jacinda Ardern told reporters in  coming from a PM are alarming
        the property only then to start the  committed by their followers.  “We would also like to draw at- Auckland today that she’d had no of-  and distasteful. Was it another slip
        time-consuming task of managing   In this increasingly volatile and vio- tention to the remarks of the Indian  ficial word from Sri Lanka, or seen  of tongue? Or does Khan really be-
        the properties in such a way that it  lent situation, it is easier to point fingers  prime minister, sensationally referring  any intelligence reports, to back that  lieve being a woman is an insult?
        is maintained not only to receive a  at others and blame them and religion for  to the night of February 27, 2019 and  up. However, she added that Sri Lan-  Either way, Twitter isn’t here for this
        healthy return but also to provide  that. The reality is that no sane person and  the missile related threat from India as  ka was in the early stages of its inves-  display of toxic masculinity
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