Page 25 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 25

RELIGION                                                                                                          APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P25
                         Muraqabat Allah – Observing Allah                                                                         Gems from the

                                                                                                                                     Holy Qur’an

         n By Dr Muzammil H. Siddiqi

           n  whatever  situation  you
           may be and whatever part
        Iof the Qur’an you are recit-
        ing, whatever work you are
        doing, We witness you when
        you  are  engaged  in  it.  Not
        even the weight of a speck of
        dust in the earth or sky escapes
        your Lord, nor anything lesser
        or greater: it is all written in                                                                                             From the translation by
                    a  clear  record.                                                                                            Muhammad  Asad (Leopold
                    (Yunus 10:61)                                                                                                Weiss)
                        Luqman said,
                    “My son, if even                                                                                                 About the translator:
                    something of the                                                                                                 Muhammad Asad, Leop-
                    weight of a mus-                                                                                             old Weiss, was born of Jewish
                    tard seed were                                                                                               parents in Livow, Austria (later
                    hidden in a rock                                                                                             Poland) in 1900, and at the age
        or anywhere in the heavens or                                                                                            of 22 made his fi rst visit to the
        earth, Allah will bring it (to                                                                                           Middle East. He later became
        light), for He is all subtle and all                                                                                     an outstanding foreign cor-
        aware. (Luqman 31:16)                                                                                                    respondent for the Franfurter
            Abdullah ibn Dinar said                                                                                              Zeitung, and aft er years of de-
        that he went for a journey to                                                                                            voted study became one of the
        Makkah with ‘Umar – may                                                                                                  leading Muslim scholars of our
        Allah be pleased with both of                                                                                            age. His translation of the Holy
        them. Th  ey stopped at some                                                                                             Qur’an is one of the most lucid
        place. Th  ey saw a young shep-                                                                                          and well-referenced works in
        herd with a fl ock of sheep. He                                                                                          this category, dedicated to  li-
        came down from a hill. ‘Umar                                                                                             qawmin yatafakkaroo  (people
        wanted to test the honesty of                                                                                            who think).
        this shepherd. He said to him,
        “Sell me one of your sheep.”                                                                                                 Chapter 7, Verses 155 – 157
        Th  e  shepherd  said,  “I  am  a
        slave  working  for  someone.                                                                                                And Moses chose out of his
        Th  ese sheep are not mine, they                                                                                         people seventy men to come [and
        belong to my master.” ‘Umar                                                                                              pray for forgiveness] at a time set
        said, “Tell your master that a   the more we shall do the right   but He catches the eyes. (Al-  Judgment Allah will say,  by Us. Th  en, when violent trem-
        wolf  attacked  and  ate  one  of   things  and  the  more  we  shall   An’am 6:103).  Muraqabtullah   ….You thought that Al-  bling seized them, he prayed:
        the sheep.”  Th  e shepherd re-  be at peace with us and with   is basically the same as ‘Ihsan.’   lah did not know about much   “O my Sustainer! Hadst thou
        plied, “Fa’ayn Allah? So where   others.                    It is the excellence of faith. In a   of what you were doing, so it   so willed, Th  ou wouldst have
        is Allah or what about Allah?”    Th  e ‘Ulama’ call this “mu-  long Hadith known as Hadith   was your thought that you held   destroyed them ere this, and me
        ‘Umar could not hold his tears   raqabatullah.”   Th  is   means   Jibril,  the  Prophet  explained   about your Lord that led to your   [with them]. Wilt thou destroy us
        when he heard this answer     keeping Allah always in mind,   about Ihsan:                ruin and you became the losers.   for what the weak-minded among
        from the shepherd. He kept re-  actually  it  means  ‘observing   He was asked “What is Ih-   (Fussilat 41:22-23)        us have done. [All] this is but a
        peating,  “Fa’ayn Allah?” When                                                                                           trial from Th  ee, whereby Th  ou
        he came back to Madinah, he       A believer must always keep in mind this question, “Where is                           allowest to go astray whom Th  ou
        sent someone to fi nd out who                                                                                            willest, and guidest aright whom
        was the master of this shep-    Allah?”  Allah is not far away; Allah is not at a distance. Allah is                     Th  ou willest. Th  ou art near unto
        herd. He purchased the shep-                                                                                             us: grant us, then, forgiveness
        herd and freed him. He said     not unaware of what we do. Allah knows everything and He sees                            and have mercy on us – for Th  ou
        to him, “Th  is word freed you   everything. Th  e more we have this faith in our hearts and minds,                      art the best of all forgivers! And
        in  this  life  and  I  hope  it  will                                                                                   ordain thou for us what is good
        free you in the Hereaft er.” (Al-  the more we shall do the right things and the more we shall be at                     in this world as well as in the life
        Ghazali, Ihya’ vol. 4, p. 396)                                                                                           to come: behold, unto thee have
            A believer must always                             peace with us and with others                                     we come in repentance!”
        keep in mind this question,                                                                                                  [God] answered: “With My
        “Where is Allah?”  Allah is                                                                                              chastisement do I affl  ict whom I
        not far away; Allah is not at a   Allah.’ To observe Allah does   san? He said, ‘  at you worship   Muraqabatullah is a beau-  will – but my grace overspreads
        distance. Allah is not unaware   not mean that you see Him   Allah as though you are seeing   tiful experience. It fi lls a per-  everything: and so I shall confer
        of  what  we  do.  Allah  knows   physically or Allah appears to   Him,  though  you  see  Him  not   son with peace and tranquil-  it on those who are conscious
        everything and He sees every-  you in person. Our belief is that   yet He sees you.” (al-Bukhari,   ity; it gives comfort at the time   of Me and spend in charity, and
        thing. Th  e more we have this   Allah is Infi nite, Transcendent.   Hadith no. 48)       of pain and diffi  culties. It gives   who believe in our messages –
        faith in our hearts and minds,   Our eyes cannot catch Him,     Muraqabatullah or keep-   strength and assurance and it   those who shall follow the [last]
                                                                                   ing Allah al-  makes life beautiful. It keeps   apostle, the unlettered Prophet
                                                                                   ways in mind   on the right path and saves    whom  they shall fi nd  described
                                                                                   saves us from   from a lot of troubles.       in the Torah that is with them,
                                                                                   lies, hypoc-       Ibn ‘Abbas – may Allah be   and [later on] in the Gospel: [the
                                                                                   risy and sins.   pleased  with  him-  said  that  I   Prophet] who will enjoin upon
                                                                                   It keeps us    was riding behind the Prophet   them the doing of what is right
                                                                                   aware    that  –peace be upon him - one day.   and forbid them the doing of
                                                                                   whatever we    He said to me, “Young man, I   what is wrong, and make lawful
                                                                                   do, whether    am teaching you some impor-    to them the good things of life
                                                                                   in public or   tant words, ‘Keep Allah in your   and forbid them the bad things,
                                                                                   private,   is  mind, He shall protect you.    and lift  from them their burdens
                                                                                   known to Al-   Keep Allah in your mind, you   and the shackles that were upon
                                                                                   lah and Al-    will  nd Him in front of you.   them [aforetime]. Th  ose, there-
                                                                                   lah sees it.   When you need something, ask   fore, who shall believe in him,
                                                                                   When people    Allah. When you need help,     and honor him, and succour him,
                                                                                   lose this con-  seek help from Allah. Know this   and follow the light that has been
                                                                                   s c i o u s n e s s   that if all the people gather to-  bestowed from on high through
                                                                                   then     they  gether to bene t you with any-  him – it is they that shall attain a
                                                                                   do not care    thing they cannot do that except   happy state”.
                                                                                   about   what   with what Allah has written for
                                                                                   they say and   you; and if they gather together   Chapter 7, Verses 175 – 177
                                                                                   what they do   to harm you they cannot do
                                                                                   and this leads   that except with what Allah has   And tell them what happens
                                                                                   them to cor-   written for you.   e pens are   to him to whom We vouchsafe
                                                                                   ruption. On    li ed and books are dried.    Our messages and who then dis-
                                                                                   the Day of         (Al-Tirmidhi)              GEMS, P28
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