Page 20 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 20

P20  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                    COMMENTARY
           n By Mohammad Ashraf Chaudhry              Muslim American Parents: New                                       habit. Scholars like Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd and
                    Pittsburgh , CA                                                                                      Ibn Khuld understood that knowledge alone
                                                                                                                         could lead one to true Faith. Questioning
            Consider the fi gures about Muslims:              Roles, New Challenges                                      helps us to decipher Allah’s Truth and His
            1.3 billion and growing; every fi ft h or                                                                    Signs. We should not get scared by their
        “sixth person on this planet a Muslim;                                                                           questioning. “An hour’s refl ection is better
        55 states and one of them nuclear; about                                                                         than a year’s worship,” said our Noble Proph-
                   25 million living perma-                                                                              et. “Even better than reading the Qur’an”,
                   nently in the West and mak-                                                                           asked  the  puzzled  followers.  “And,  can  the
                   ing a great impact on social,                                                                         Qur’an be useful without knowledge”, was
                   political and economic life”,                                                                         the Prophet’s answer.
                   says Prof. Akbar Ahmed, and                                                                               Now, we can embroil ourselves and our
                   adds, “Th  e 21st Century will                                                                        children in such questions as: is the birthday
                   be the century of Islam. Mus-                                                                         celebration a bidah? Can we pray in an aero-
        lim  civilization  will  be  central  to  under-                                                                 plane or a moving car? Is it all right to read
        standing where we will be moving in the                                                                          the Qur’an in English? Is it permissible for
        future. Anyone wanting to make sense of                                                                          a boy or girl to socialize in the center? Is it
        living in the twenty-fi rst century, will need                                                                   OK to donate money earned by selling alco-
        to understand Islam”. Th  ese are pleasant                                                                       hol? Is Hijab a part of Islam or culture? Can
        words, but bold assertions. Do they really                                                                       a woman pray in the main hall where men
        refl ect the ground realities that Muslims                                                                       pray? Are doritos and chips haram because
        are confronting Muslims? Th  is is some-                                                                         they contain enzymes? Th  ese may be valid
        what debatable.                                                                                                  questions, but do they rank higher to another
            And I fear they do not. In the words of                                                                      kind of questions that are being posed to us
        one  American  columnist,  “No  part  of  the                                                                    and our youth every day?
        world is more hopelessly and systematically                                                                          Does Islam promote extremism? Are
        and stubbornly misunderstood by us (the                                                                          Muslims envious of the wealth of the West?
        West) than that complex of religion, culture                                                                     Do Muslims hate the West because it stands
        and geography known as Islam”. And this                                                                          for freedom and strength? Does the Qur’an
        is true for no fault of the West; it is so be-                                                                   sanctify violence? Are Islamic values incom-
        cause of our own failure to explain the true                                                                     patible with Western values? Does Islam
        teachings and spirit of Islam. In the words of                                                                   suppress freedom of speech? Muslims are
        Dr Muzammil Siddiqui, “People learn from                                                                         hypocritical because they talk of peace and
        what they see, and people will know the truth                                                                    indulge in terrorism? Does Islam glorify
        about Islam not from principles, but from   sions of Islam freely, and yet they are not as   have been one of them, or even one of those   suicidal acts? Do Muslims have four wives?
        practices of the Muslims”.            much divided as they are in the countries of   extremists who in the name of religion, be-  Does Islam allow the beating of wives? Why
            Muslims are a monologous community   their origin. Th  ere is nothing that may breed   come  tools  in  the  hands  of  terrorists  and   Islam is against dating? Do young Muslims
        that talks only to its own people and keeps   in them a sense of disaff ection, or any feel-  extremists. All parents of the young people   in Islam have a choice in the selection of
        believing that others will know about their   ings of extremism. Th  ey love America like   involved in the London blasts, or those held   their spouses? Does Islam support gender
        religion by observing them talking. Once   anybody else. Th  eir community is poverty-  in the recently discovered plan to blow off    inequality?  And  many  more.  Th  e  choice  is
        a follower asked the Prophet, “What is re-  free; is crime-free and being educated and   planes, asserted that their children were the   yours.
        ligion?”. And his answer is the solution to   well-placed is highly instrumental in the   nicest human beings. Th  e question asked   A good Islamic center will educate its
        Muslim problems, “One’s regard and con-  economic and social growth of this coun-  now in case of such a tragedy would be:   members on these topics in the light of the
        duct towards others”.                 try. Th  ey are not marginalized, like they are   “Where were the parents?” Parents in Islam   Qur’an and Sunnah, proving that Islam is as
            Even in the performance of rituals, the   in Europe; here they do not have to fi ght   are held religiously responsible for raising   progressive, dynamic and pragmatic as any
        fi gures paint not so rosy a picture. According   for their daughters’ right to wear a Hijab. In   their kids as good human beings, as men of   religion, and even more because it came last
        to Zogby International Polls, just 49% visit an   the words of Dr Muzammil Siddiqui, “De-  character and conscience.   of all. Th  is Islamic center has the distinction
        Islamic center once a week; only 19% make   spite the rising Islomophobia, this is still   Th  e fact of the matter is that most of our   of talking to the youth on such important is-
        some of the fi ve daily prayers; a paltry 5%   the best country to do work and research in   teens exist in a state of near isolation. First we   sues every week of the month.
        admit going only for Eid prayers. 10% boldly   any fi eld, including Islamic Studies”, and he   ignore them, and then they ignore us. If we   We  live in  a pluralistic  society,  so  we
        admit that they have never prayed in their   is right. Th  e negative perceptions about Is-  love them, we got to love them a little louder.   must build friendly and healthy relations
        life. To a question like how deeply have you   lam can only be corrected through dialogue   Th  e relationship now demands total trans-  with people of other faiths. We must build
        been involved in the activities of an Islamic   and through interfaith meetings. Th  e best   parency. We got to fi nd time to read their   bridges. We must make a schedule to visit
        center, just 19% said they were involved, and   thing that Muslims can do is to make sure   school papers; we got to know the kind of   churches, synagogues and other civic orga-
        28% admitted they have never been involved   that people are portraying an accurate image   music they listen, and the movies they watch;   nizations with a view to improving our un-
        at all. Figures speak for themselves. Michael   of Islam, and not a distorted one. An eff ec-  the friends they move with. When we buy   derstanding of other religions. What really
        Wolfe who made the fi lm   e Legacy of the                                                                      can put Islam in danger is not the presence of
        Prophet is right when he says, “Audience is   In the words of Dr Timothy Savage of MIT, “Th  e fi rst time the West and   enzymes in doritos, and our arguing endless-
        the name of the game… the more people see   Islam came in direct contact, what resulted in the West was the First   ly on it; but the wrong propagation of its true
        you, the more they will realize that we are                                                                      teachings, and the ignorance of our children
        caring people. We need to be seen and heard”   Renaissance. Th  e 2nd direct contact of Islam with the West is taking   about Islam and its true face. Self-criticism
        everywhere. In the words of Prof. Ali Minai   place now, and we hope it brings about the second Renaissance”, and   should not remain a taboo with us. We must
        of Cincinnati, “If we believe that our faith is                                                                  be bold enough to recognize our failures. We
        compatible with progressive humanist ideals,  renaissance means the revival of learning; of reason; of broad-mindedness;   are good at making money and performing
        then we must express ourselves, not as apolo-  of tolerance; and revival of an era of co-existence in peace and love. It is   well at schools; are we good at living Islam
        gists of Islam to the West, but as proponents                                                                    too?
        of new possibilities for Islam. Th  e time has   my faith that the true face of Islam aft er a very long period will emerge,   In the words of Dr Timothy Savage
        come for us to do so now.”               not from an Islamic country, but from the United States of America      of MIT, “Th  e fi rst time the West and Islam
            Islam is our best moral guide and its ed-                                                                    came in direct contact, what resulted in the
        ucation is our spiritual health insurance. Th  is   tive Islamic center, and an educated, broad-  them their fi rst bike, we know the law that   West was the First Renaissance. Th  e 2nd di-
        can happen only if we truly understand our   minded and visionary leadership can play   we got to get them the helmet too. Likewise,   rect contact of Islam with the West is taking
        religion and practice it in our lives. Cherry   this role very well.       as parents we got to know the world our chil-  place now, and we hope it brings about the
        picking in Islam, i.e. choosing the easy parts   If spring brings fl owers and fragrance, it   dren live in. Mostly it is we who make the   second Renaissance”, and renaissance means
        and neglecting those that demand sacrifi ce   also brings Pauline which makes noses itchy   world they live in. Life is not a video game   the revival of learning; of reason; of broad-
        and eff ort is not going to take us anywhere.   and eyes watery. America too like spring has   that you may fry eggs or cook the meals in   mindedness; of tolerance; and revival of
            Alhamd-o-Lillah,  there  are  more  than   its share of cultural allergy. It has its own pa-  the kitchen while your kid watches ‘Th  e born   an era of co-existence in peace and love. It
        1209 Islamic centers and over 250 full-time   rameters of culture and freedom. Th  e good   killers’. It is our duty to know if he/she was in   is my faith that the true face of Islam aft er
        Muslim schools in America, though Mus-  thing is that it does not impose them on oth-  the library, or what research paper he/she has   a very long period will emerge, not from an
        lims are less than 1% of the total American   ers. We should not assume that our kids will   been working on; if he/she has been lately in   Islamic country, but from the United States
        population. In France though being 8% to   never be aff ected by its cultural allergy be-  great anger, depression, or somewhat with-  of America.
        9% of the population, they just have three   cause they have the vaccination of Islam. Is-  drawn, all this must be in our knowledge.   An eff ective Islamic center is thus pivotal
        Muslim schools. Muslims are ideally placed   lam is a religion of logic and common sense.   By the time your child is through the el-  in promoting the much needed understand-
        here in America, and they are high achievers   It tells us that the youth is vulnerable.   ementary school he/she has already watched   ing about Islam. And in the interest of justice
        too. 67% of them hold a four-year college de-  Our children move in the company of   8,000 murders, according to a study conduct-  and positive change, the West also needs to
        gree, and 66% make over 60K per year. One   kids like Luke Woodham who some years   ed in 1999. Th  ere has been 300% increase in   understand Islam with an open mind. Is-
        in every ten Muslim households has a doctor   ago fi rst killed his mother and then in school   the teen suicides since 60’s; and 1,000% in-  lamophobic statements and actions punish
        and 22% of them are professional engineers.   killed three more; our kids may be befriend-  crease in depression. Your child stays alone   and victimize the entire global community of
        Unlike the Muslims in Europe , they are not   ing a Mitchel Johnson or an Andrew Golden   over 3.5 hours a day and watches TV 28   Muslims for the actions of a few, and hinder
        concentrated in highly visible enclaves of   who in Jonesboro set off  a fi re alarm just to   hours a week, which is 4 hours a day. 31%   eff orts of people like us to provide a true and
        poverty. Be it Jackson Heights, or Dearborn,   draw the school mates outside only to shoot   children, including yours and mine, know   moderate voice, and promote mutual under-
        not even one is found begging on the streets   them.  Our  children  may  be  moving  in  the   someone who carries a gun. So tragic things   standing and peace in the world, says ISNA.
        or in the subways as they are found in Brus-  company of students like Eric Harris and   do not happen like a tsunami. Th  ey leave a   In this mixed-up and messed-up world of
        sels .                                Dylan Klebold who in 1999 killed 14 fellow   trace behind them.            ours, the urgent need is for dialogue, not to
            Th  ey are extremely diverse as they hail   students and one teacher because over time   Children love to reason and argue be-  win an argument, but to win the hearts. Is-
        from many parts of the globe; they speak nu-  “they had become angry at the world”. Our   fore they accept a point of view. Muslims   lamic centers are destined to play this role,
        merous languages and practice several ver-  children are not very special. Th  ey could   progressed 800 years ago because of this   and so they must without any further delay.
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