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P26  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  APRIL 26, 2019                                                                                            PAKISTAN


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        MARRIAGE FROM P24             the capital’s police chief removed. Th  e  ity. Tragically, that project seems not  constitute war  crimes  in  international  and identity of the Kashmiri people, and
        Azam. “It was my dream for my son  minister was reportedly angry as the  to have delivered so far. What if things  armed confl icts.   Pakistan must actively raise India’s viola-
        to start his professional and personal  IGP did not take his calls when he  remain the same going forward?  Th  at the Kashmir dispute could  tion at all international levels, legally and
        life from this honorable society of  wanted a poor neighbor living next to   (Th  e writer is a former editor of  trigger an international armed confl ict  diplomatically, including with the Inter-
        Lincoln’s Inn and today I have ac-  his palatial farm house ‘sorted out’.   Dawn)         has been indubitably confi rmed via the  national Committee of the Red Cross
        complished it. We must keep our   However, the most controversial                         recent military confl agration between  and the ICERD treaty body and at the
        connections with this historic place.  decision was the elevation as full min-  STRATEGY FROM P10  India and Pakistan, when Indian war- UN Security Council, the General As-
        I have become the fi rst drop of rain.”  ister of retired Brig Ijaz Shah who was  quo over Kashmir eff ected by either  planes crossed over Azad Kashmir and  sembly and the Human Rights Council.
            Bride Kiran Younis, a medical  given charge of the powerful interior  nation  without  mutual  resolution.  unsuccessfully conducted air strikes   Th  e BJP is, in the run-up to the
        professional, beamed with joy on her  ministry. Mr Shah was one of the key  Th  e  treaty  states  that  “pending  the  around Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkh- elections, going to extreme measures in
        big day and why it became unusual  lieutenants of the former military ruler  fi nal settlement of any of the prob-  wa.   order  to  stir  up  nationalist  and  racial
        and special in a surreal way. She told  Pervez Musharraf and is said to have  lems between the two countries, nei-  Altering demographics through  tensions within the country in an at-
        Geo News: “Our wedding is the fi rst  had a hand in the formation of the  ther side shall unilaterally alter the  state policy and repression can result  tempt to mobilize its right-wing power
        Muslim Pakistani wedding to be cel-  PML-Q  and  the  PPP  Patriots  before  situation and both shall prevent the  in forcible transfers  of the indigenous  base.  Tinkering  with  the  Indian  con-
        ebrated with the full services of Lin-  and  aft er  the  2002  elections  respec- organization, assistance or encour-  population, qualifying as crimes against  stitution in this way, however, not only
        coln’s Inn but we are hoping it not to  tively.             agement of any acts detrimental to  humanity when they are part of a wide- dilutes the sanctity of the constitutional
        be the last. I couldn’t hide my excite-  Th  e former intelligence offi  cial  the maintenance of peaceful and har-  spread or systematic attack (which need  document itself but would have grave
        ment when Burhan’s mother told me  will now lead the PTI’s ‘accountability  monious relations”. By repealing Ar-  not be armed) directed against any ci- consequences for the people of Kashmir.
        that she had decided to make it extra  drive’ and will be one of the main ar- ticles 35-A and 370, India would be  vilian  population,  as  determined  by  With the two articles omitted from the
        special for us.               biters regarding who gets to be put on  violating the Shimla Agreement both  the International Criminal Tribunal for  constitution, there would be little to stop
            “Th  e venue is a magnifi cent  the infamous and much-abused Exit  in spirit and practice.   Rwanda. Th  e government of India, by  an  Israeli-style  settlement  program  be-
        choice and a  refl ection of Burhan’s  Control List.            Furthermore, India’s attempt to  attempting to repeal Articles 35-A and  ing instituted in the valley of Kashmir,
        mum’s taste, “ remarked Barrister   If a new steward of the economy  change the demographics of India-  370, is signaling its intentions to realize  leaving the Kashmiri — much like the
        Nazar Mohammad, Head of Legis  was seen as a must for better handling  occupied Kashmir is a grave viola-  this repression.  Palestinians — foreigners in their ances-
        Chambers.                     of the nation’s fi nances and economic  tion of international humanitarian   Permanently altering the ethnic- tral lands.
            Around 150 guests were in at-  growth, an equally important prereq- law and can amount to serious war  makeup of India-occupied Kashmir,   (Th  e writer is former legal adviser
        tendance at the wedding. Th  ey were  uisite, political stability, seems to have  crimes, crimes against humanity and  which could eventually result in eth- to Pakistan’s foreign ministry, and fac-
        served with zam zam water and  been ignored in Shah’s appointment.  ethnic cleansing. Under Article 49 of  nic cleansing, would also be a serious  ulty, LUMS Law School. – Dawn)
        dates as wedding favors.      Earlier last week, he threatened op- the Geneva Convention IV (1949),  violation of international law and the
            Th  e Great Hall resonated with  position activists with ‘beatings’ and  “the occupying power shall not de-  International Convention on the Elimi-  TERROR FROM P9
        the live recitation of the Holy Qur’an  other harsh measures if they gathered  port or transfer parts of its own ci-  nation of All Forms of Racial Discrimi-  of Egypt’s ancient Coptic Orthodox
        to start the proceedings. Th  e bride  for any public protest.  vilian population into the territory it  nation, a UN treaty which India ratifi ed  Church killing at least 25 people.
        wore traditional Pakistani long wed-  Th  e events  triggered by the so- occupies.”       in 1968 without any reservations. Such   Jan. 29, 2017: At the Islamic
        ding dress. Burhan Faisal practices  called Dawn leaks (some 30 months   Th  e same principle is reaffi  rmed  violations were confi rmed by the ICERD  Cultural Centre of Quebec City, a
        law at a central London law fi rm.   ago) began to spell the end of the  in the more recent 1977 Additional  Committee in its 1995 decision on Bos-  mosque in the Sainte-Foy neighbor-
                                      Nawaz Sharif government. When the  Protocol I to the Geneva Conven-  nia-Herzegovina.     hood of Quebec City, Canada came
        PROJECT FROM P10              military’s apparent disposition to- tions, which largely refl ects custom-  In the last few years, the BJP gov-  under  attack.  Six  worshippers  were
        spite being a major shareholder in a  wards the PML-N seemed unchanged  ary international law, and which  ernment has attempted to change the  killed  and  nineteen  others  injured
        power company which is a huge de- aft er the baton of command passed  terms such acts a grave breach of the  demographics of the occupied terri-  when a man opened fi re.
        faulter of SNGPL. Even earlier cries  from Raheel Sharif to Qamar Bajwa, it  protocol. Moreover, under Article  tory using targeting measures such as   Feb. 16, 2017: Suicide bomber
        of confl ict of interest were ignored  was clear the Sharifs had to go, given  20(c)(i) of the 1996 International  through the setting up of Israeli-style  detonated his explosives vest among
        when he was named to head the en- the country’s power equation.  Law Commission Draft  Code of  settlements or townships for Kashmiri  the devotees at the shrine of Lal
        ergy task force.                  What was then visualized, and  Crimes against the Peace and Secu-  Pandits or via the establishment of  Shahbaz Qalandar in Pakistan’s Sindh
            Azam Swati was made minister.  it  is  apparent  that  no  stone  was  left   rity of Mankind, such transfers are  Sainik colonies to permanently settle  province, killing 98.
        He resigned from the cabinet late last  unturned to attain that, was an ad- considered war crimes; while under  Indian soldiers displacing local Kash-  April 9, 2017: Twin suicide
        year aft er an angry Supreme Court  ministration ‘chosen by the people of  Article  8(2)(b)(viii) of the Interna-  miri residents. Repealing Articles 35-A  bombings rocked churches in the
        chief justice took a dim view of the  clean and competent’ people to steer  tional Criminal Court statute (1998)  and 370 is, however, a more serious and  Egyptian coastal city of Alexandria
        minister using his infl uence to have  the country to stability and prosper- such transfers, directly or indirectly,  insidious attempt to destroy the culture   TERROR, P28
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