Page 11 - Pakistan Link - April 26, 2019
P. 11

PAKISTAN                                                                                                          APRIL 26, 2019  –  PAKISTAN LINK  –  P11
                      Government to Go ahead with                                                       Asad Umar Responds to PPP’s

                               Tax Amnesty Scheme                                                   Criticism with Party’s Own Record

                                                                               Th  e amnesty scheme                                 “But this government feels for the
                                                                            2018 announced by then                               people, and we say that it [infl ation]
                                                                            prime minister Shahid                                should be lower even than this, and are
                                                                            Khaqan Abbasi fetched                                taking steps for it,” he said.
                                                                            Rs124 billion in taxes                                  Umar next addressed criticism on
                                                                            from  a total  of 82,889                             the budget defi cit.
                                                                            people who declared as-                                 “It [the defi cit] is defi nitely quite
                                                                            sets  worth  Rs2.5  trillion                         large and at a level that it shouldn’t be.
                                                                            despite legal challenges                             Th  ere’s no doubt about that, and it may
                                                                            and sunset period of the                             even cross 6.5pc this year. But let’s take
                                                                            Pakistan Muslim League-                              a look at the past,” he said.
                                                                            Nawaz government and                                    “Th  e  budget  defi cit  averaged  7pc
                                                                            threats  by  the  PTI  to  re-                       over the PPP’s fi ve years in power,”
                                                                            verse the scheme and take                            Umar reminded the Lower House.
                                                                            action against benefi cia-                           “Th  ere were some years when it was
                                                                            ries.                                                8.5pc, 8.8pc.”
                                                                               A total of 76,960                                    “Th  e revenue targets that are not
                                                                            domestic assets were de-                             being  met should  also  be  a  matter  of
                                                                            clared last year, involving                          concern,” Umar conceded. “It’s possible
                                                                            a total value of Rs1.460tr                           that they may fall short by 7-8pc this
                                                                            and tax  amount of about                             time. But the diff erence between the
                                                                            Rs77bn. Likewise, 5,929                              Federal Board of Revenue’s targets and
          n By Khaleeq Kiani                                                foreign  assets  worth  Islamabad:  Former fi nance minister   the actual revenue collected was on av-
                               into the tax net instead of   Some of the distin-  Rs1.04tr came to the   Asad Umar - only days aft er stepping   erage 8pc over the 2008-13 period,” he
                               just generating funds. He   guishing features of the   government record, con-  down from Prime Minister Imran   recalled.
        Islamabad:  Despite a   directed the FBR to fi ne-  amnesty scheme include   tributing Rs47bn ($436   Khan’s cabinet amid a reshuffl  e - on   Umar also addressed concern over
        change of command and   tune the scheme to make   permission for revision   million) revenue to the   Wednesday took the fl oor to respond to   foreign debt.
        internal opposition, the   it  simple  to  understand   in  balance  sheets,  decla-  national kitty. - Dawn  PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s   “Yes, it is increasing and it
        government’s  proposed  and easy to implement,   ration  of  Benami  assets,              remarks in the Lower House regarding   shouldn’t. Th  ere is only one govern-
        amnesty scheme for asset   an offi  cial statement said,   sales tax and federal excise  Budget to Be   the country’s economic policy.  ment in Pakistan’s history that doubled
        declaration  will  go  ahead   adding that the objec-  duty as well as settlement             “Bilawal said that the government   debt over its tenure,” he said, pointing at
        without any major change   tive of the scheme should   of court cases. It requires  Announced   had admitted to its failures [on the eco-  the PPP. “Th  ere was a 135pc increase in
        and will come to an end   be to make the economy   mandatory fi ling of tax               nomic policy front] by changing the fi -  debt [during the PPP era],” he recalled.
        before the International   more tax-compliant and   returns and cash needs to   Not Earlier   nance minister,” Umar recalled.  “Th  e truth is that this [criticism]
        Monetary Fund’s bailout   documented.        be put in bank accounts                          “Bilawal:  there  were  four  fi nance   has nothing to do with the economy.
        program kicks in on July   Offi  cials said the am-  and there will be a limit   Th  an May 24   ministers in the PPP’s government   Citizens are being dragged into it, but
        1.                     nesty scheme would come   of gold declarations to  a               [from 2008-2013],” the erstwhile fi -  it has nothing to do with the people. All
            Th  is was the crux of   into force immediately to   maximum of Rs5 million.   Islamabad:  In his fi rst   nance minister reminded the PPP   these things that we are having to hear
        a special meeting on the   enable people to declare   Th  e  scheme  will  be   interaction  with  the  me-  chairman. “Each tried to sell their own   now, it is only because [...] the noose
        subject presided over by   assets and pay taxes on   available to all companies   dia since being appointed   snake oil; each would fail and go home.   is now tightening around that stolen
        new Adviser to the Prime   them by June 30. Th  ey   and individuals, except   the prime minister’s ad-  If we are ‘not qualifi ed’ and ‘failures’,   wealth,” he said.
        Minister  on  Finance,  Dr   said the whole leadership   three major categories —   viser on fi nance, Dr Abdul   what, then, were you?” he asked.  “Th  e government is not doing it,
        Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, here   would be required to mar-  holders of public offi  ce   Hafeez Shaikh revealed   “He  [Bilawal] said  that day  that   but the authorities are closing in. Th  e
        on Sunday. It was attended   ket the scheme for com-  since Jan 1, 2000, their   that he had already spo-  Pakistan’s ‘economic murder’ had taken   National Accountability Bureau is do-
        by Finance Secretary Mo-  plete ‘political ownership’   spouses, children, broth-  ken to fi nance ministry of-  place,” Umar said, referring to the PPP   ing it. Th  e courts are doing it. Fake
        hammad Younas Dagha,   of the coalition partners   ers and sisters or lineal   fi cials  regarding  the  bud-  leader’s earlier statement. “So I decided   accounts keep surfacing. Under these
        Minister of State for Rev-  with maximum emphasis   ascendant of descendants;   get for the next fi scal year.   to examine [Pakistan’s] history to get an   circumstances, of course they [the PPP]
        enue Hammad Azhar, and   on pushing it as a “last   proceeds derived from   Speaking outside the   idea of whether [the statement was right   will be worried, and expressing that
        Federal Board of Revenue   chance to be followed by   commission of a criminal   fi nance ministry on Sat-  or wrong]; whether we have seen such   worry is their right,” Umar added.
        chairman Dr Jehanzeb   full-scale prosecution”.   off ence; and cases pend-  urday, shortly before he   [an economic] situation or even worse   “When your Swiss accounts are in
        Khan and others.          Th  e enforcement of   ing before a court of law   left  for a meeting with the   in the past.”  danger, when your palaces in Surrey,
            “Th  e tenure of the   this slogan will be en-  with the exception of old-  prime minister, Shaikh   “People  are  worried  that  GDP   your towers in Dubai, your Park Lane
        amnesty scheme cannot   sured through assistance   er pending litigation.   said he had directed the   growth has slowed down,” Umar noted,   fl ats are in danger [you are bound to
        be allowed to go beyond   of banks and the National   It  will  allow  fi ling   ministry to start draft ing   acknowledging that growth rate esti-  worry]. Alongside all this, there must be
        June 30,” a senior offi  cial   Database and Registration   and revision of sales tax   a medium-term strategy   mates given by various observer bodies   a government that can stand up to Paki-
        told Dawn aft er the meet-  Authority (Nadra) and   returns for last completed   paper for the economy.   range from 3-3.9 per cent.  stan’s biggest economic mafi a,” he said.
        ing when asked whether   synchronization of their   tax period and declaring   “We will be able to   While he conceded that Pakistan   “Th  is mafi a is accustomed to us-
        the business community’s   database to cover the pe-  last fi ve years’ undisclosed   furnish a medium-term   defi nitely needs a stronger growth rate,   ing  the  money  of  Pakistan’s  taxpayers
        demand for a longer pe-  riod of undeclared assets.   sales and payment of 3pc   strategy  paper  by  the   “certain steps needed to be taken when   on themselves, and when they have
        riod would be accepted    Th  e amnesty scheme   sales tax or federal excise.   30th,” he said. Shaikh later   there is a balance of payments defi cit   seen those doors closing, their teaming
        or it would be made more   has four major objectives.   Another condition will be   stated that the budget can   [to correct course], and this [the slow-  up together is a very powerful combi-
        liberal, a demand made by   It will help in declaration   depositing the cash de-  be presented no earlier   down] is their natural outcome.”  nation. Th  is is the [reason for the] hue
        some leaders of the Paki-  and  reporting  of  undis-  clared  in a bank account   than May 24.   He  then  compared  the  GDP   and cry you are hearing today,” Umar
        stan Tehreek-i-Insaf.   closed assets, sales and in-  and retaining the balance   Referring to discus-  growth rate in PTI’s tenure to the   continued.
            “Th  e scheme has to   comes “for fresh start of a   till June 30, besides with-  sions with the Interna-  growth rate during the PPP govern-  “We will need to stand up to the
        be  concluded  before  the   tax-compliant economy”.   drawal of appeals and   tional Monetary Fund   ment’s fi rst year, which had averaged   mafi a  and  bare  their  conspiracies,”  he
        start of the IMF program,”   It will provide economic   writs in courts.   (IMF) for a bailout pack-  at just 0.4pc. He conceded that the PPP   asserted as he concluded his speech.
        the offi  cial said, adding   stimulus through move-  Benami assets need   age, Shaikh assured that,   government had inherited a fi nancial   Bushra Bibi’s
        that Mr Shaikh did not   ment of funds, reduce liti-  to be declared by paying   “We will be taking our   crisis, “but in their fi ve years, what did
        suggest any change in tax   gation and enhance reve-  10pc tax, while foreign   negotiations with the IMF   they do [in bettering the situation]?” he   Ex-Husband Remarries
        rates on declaration of   nues without much eff ort.   liquid assets to be repatri-  forward.”   asked.
        hidden assets.            Th  e scheme will cover   ated into Pakistan attract   “Both parties want   “Maybe no one ever placed this   Lahore:  Kha-
            Th  e amnesty scheme   declaration of undisclosed   5pc tax. Th  ere will be 1pc   progress  on  the  matter,   data in front of Bilawal, but at the end   war  Fareed
        could not be approved in   assets, Benami assets,   tax on total credit entries   and they have a commit-  of their [the PPP’s] fi ve years, the GDP   Maneka, the
        two meetings of the feder-  sales and incomes  on or   from July 1, 2013 to June   ment to us. I will be con-  growth rate was 2.8pc. Th  ere has never   former  hus-
        al cabinet last week, before   before June 30, 2018, with   30, 2018 or 10pc tax on   tacting the IMF mission   been a government in Pakistan with a   band of Bush-
        the exit of then fi nance   tax rates ranging between   peak credit entries during   head today evening,” he   lower GDP growth rate,” Umar claimed.  ra Bibi, has
        minister Asad Umar.    fi ve and 10pc with certain   the same period — which-  stated.        Th  e ex-minister agreed that law-  tied the knot
            “Basically, there is no   exceptions, but assets will   ever is higher.   He held a telephonic   makers “should worry about infl ation   for the sec-
        change in the scheme ex-  be valued at prescribed   Likewise, there will   discussion with IMF Di-  because there is a lot of poverty in this   ond time, Geo
        cept that Mr Shaikh wants   rates. Foreign assets will   be a 2pc tax on total credit   rector  Jihad  Azour  and   country - even the middle-class, white   News, citing
        it to be simplifi ed and pre-  be converted into money   entries in Benami bank   IMF’s mission chief for   collar worker has a hard time.”  sources and a close friend of the
        sented to a larger group   and remitted to rupee ac-  accounts from Jan 1, 2017   Pakistan, Ernesto Ramirez   “Right now, the infl ation rate in   groom, reported on Friday night.
        for consultations on Tues-  counts in Pakistani banks   till the date of issuance of   Rigo, according to a state-  approximately eight months [has av-  Th  e wedding ceremony took
        day,” said another offi  cial.   or deposited into declar-  ordinance or 10pc tax on   ment released by the min-  eraged] 6.8pc. It may even go up to 7   place  in Lahore and  was attended
            Th  e  adviser  on  fi -  ants’ own foreign curren-  peak credit entries during   istry of fi nance.  or 8pc. [Compared to that], the PPP   by members of the Maneka family,
        nance desired that it   cy bank accounts in the   the same period — which-  “Th  ey discussed the   government  averaged  an  approximate   the groom’s sons and daughters, and
        should be a people-friend-  country. In the previous   ever is higher. Any other   progress of negotiations   infl ation rate of 12.3pc in its fi ve years   some close friends.
        ly scheme, helped docu-  such schemes, the foreign   asset declaration will be   for an IMF-supported   in government. At that time, we never   Khawar Fareed Maneka has
        ment the economy and   assets were not required to   subject to 7.5pc tax on the   program for Pakistan,” the   heard anyone raise their voice in con-  married  Sameera  Agha,  who  be-
        brought more non-fi lers   be transferred to Pakistan.   prescribed value.   BUDGET, P28  cern over rising prices,” he criticized.  comes his second wife, said report.
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